Junior Inter Zoology Paper 1 Important Questions

Very Short answer Questions – 2 Marks
1. Name the three primary germ layers of triploblastic animal. Mention the subkingdom and grade to which they belong in the system
of classification.
A. 1. 1) Ectoderm 2) Mesoderm 3) Endoderm
2. a) Eumetazoa b) Bilateria

2. With which symmetry is cophalization associated?
Name the plane of symmetry in tact type of symmetry.
A. 1) Bilateral Symmetry 2) Median Saggital axis

3. What are retroperitional organs?
A. The organs which are covered by peritonesm on only one side are called retroperitoneal organs. e.g: Kidneys.

4. What are polyribosomes?
A. The clusters of ribosomes connected by strands of mRNA are called polyribosomes.

5. Which organelles are called suicidal bags? Why?
A. 1) Hysosomes are called suicidal bags
2) Because they participate in autolysis of injured or diseased cells.

6. What is haematocrit?
A. The percentage of total blood volume occupied by RBCs is called haemotocrit.

7. What is oesinophilia?
A. Increase of the number of oesinophils in blood is called oesinophilia. This leads to allergic reactions

8. Distinguish between tendons and ligaments.
A. Connection between musdo and bone is called tendon.
Connection between bone and bone is called ligament.

9. What is Myelin Sheath? What is its functional significance?
A. The layers of schwann cell membranes unite and form myelin sheathe around the axion.
It acts as a insulator, It restricts the outward movement of ions from the axoplasm of axon.

10. What are microglia? What is their function?
A. Small, mesodermal elongated cells with irregular processes are called microglea.
When activated they become phagocytic in nervous tissue.

Short answer questions
1. Write about Haversian System.
A. 1. Haversian Systems are present in between two circumferential lamellae (outer and inner) of thick bone.
2. Haversian System consists of a Haversian canal, parallel to marrow cavity.
3. Each Haversian canal is surrounded by concentric lamellae.
4. Between the lamellae lacunae are present.
5. Each Lacunae consists of one osteocyte.
6. Canaliculi extend from the osteocyte connects the lacunae with one another and with the Haversian Canal.
7. AHaversian Canal, Lamellae & Lacunae are combindly called as Haversian System.
8. Haversian Canals connect with the marrow cavity and with other Haversian Canals by Volkmann’s Canals.

2. Describe briefly any two kinds of granulocytes in the blood of man.
A. Granulocytes are neutrophils, eosinophils and Basophils.
Neutrophils: 62% of leucocytes are of Neutrophils.
1. Two to five lobed nucleus is present.
2. Cytoplasmic granules are stained by neutral dyes.
3. Dead neutrophils, bacteria and tissue fluid form pus.
4. They are phagocytes.
Eosinophils: About 2.3% of leucocytes are cosinophils.
1. Bilobed nucleus is present.
2. Cytoplasmic granules are stained by eosin.
3. Increase in the number of Eosinophils leed to allergic reaction, which shows helminth infection.

3. Describe the structure of a Multipolar neuron.
A. Multipolar neuron consists of Cell Body and its processes.
The processes are 1) Dentrites and 2) Axon.
Cell body: 1. Contains nucleus and Cytoplasm.
2. The Cytoplasm contains Nissle bodies golgi complex, mitochondria, microfilaments and pigments like lipofusin.
2) Dendrites: 1. Short branched processes that arise from cell body.
2. They conduct impulse to the cell body.
3) Axon: 1. long process that arrise from cell body is called Axon.
2. It is enclosed by axolamma and the cytoplasm of it is called
3. It ends on other neurons as branches called end terminal
4. End swellings of these branches are called terminal bountans.

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