10th Class Biology – Important Questions and Answers for 2 Marks – AP and TS Boards

Biology is an important and good scoring subject for students of 10th Class. Following are important questions along with answers from Biology for SSC / 10th Class students of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana Boards. These are 2 marks questions. The questions also useful for other boards with similar lessons in the syllabus.

Q: Which malnutrition disease effects if proteins are absent in your diet? State the characters of that disease.
A: If proteins are absent in our diet it causes a disease known as Kwashiorkor.
Body parts become swollen due to accumulation of water in the intercellular spaces.
Very poor muscle development is seen.
Swollen legs, fluffy face, difficult to eat, diarrhoea, dry skin are the symptoms of this disease.

Also Read:  10th Biology – Important 1 Mark Questions

Q: What difference will you find between autotrophic nutrition and heterotrophic nutrition?

A: Autotrophic nutrition:
1. It means that the organism prepares its own food and it does not depend on any other organism.
2. Food is prepared from CO2, water and sunlight.
3. Green plants and certain bacteria have autotrophic mode of nutrition.

Heterotrophic nutrition:
It means that the organism does not prepare its own food and it depends on other organisms for food.
Food cannot be prepared from CO2, water and sunlight.
All the animals and fungi, most bacteria have heterotrophic mode of nutrition.

10th Exams in AP

Q: Small intestine is designed to absorb digested food. How do you justify this statement?
A:  The inner surface of small intestine has millions of tiny finger like projections
called villi.
Due to these villi the absorbing surface of small intestine increases.
This large surface area of small intestine helps in the rapid absorption of digested food.
The digested food which is absorbed through the walls of the small intestine goes in to our blood.

Q: Do you think that fibres in food are useful? How?
A: i) Fibres are undigested material in our digestive system but they play an important role in digestion.
ii) Fibres give weight to the food material. So food can move very easily in the alimentary canal.
iii) Fibres clean the digestive system.
iv) Constipation problem is avoided by fibres.

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Q: Plants photosynthesize during day time and respire during the night. Do you agree with this statement? Why?
A: No, I do not agree with this statement.
Plants photosynthesize during day time only.
Plants respire during the day time as well as night time also.
The oxygen produced during photosynthesis is utilized for respiration.
During the night, plants get oxygen from the atmosphere.

Q: Imagine what happens if diaphragm is not there in the body.
A: During inhalation the diaphragm contracts and flattens increasing the volume of chest cavity.
During exhalation it relaxes decreasing the volume of chest cavity.
If diaphragm is not there in the body there will be no breathing movements.
So breathing stops.

Q: Why does the rate of breathing increase while uphill at a normal pace in the mountains? Give reasons.
A: While uphill more energy is required.
To compensate the required energy, the rate of respiration increases.
At higher levels the percentage of oxygen decreases. So to get more oxygen the rate of respiration increases.
Due to this, the rate of breathing increases while uphill at a normal pace in the mountains.

Q:  What is root pressure? How can you say that it is useful to the plants?
A: The pressure exerted by the roots while absorbing water is called root pressure.
It helps the plant to rise water through stem to the leaves.
It pushes the water upwards by few meters and is enough to supply water to leaves in small plants and small trees.

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Q: To keep your kidneys healthy for long period, what questions will you ask a Nephrologist / Urologist?
A: I will ask him the following questions to keep my kidneys healthy.
What are the precautions to be taken to keep the kidneys healthy?
Is there any relation between food habits and functioning of kidneys?
How are stones formed in kidneys? How can I prevent them?
How much water is required daily to keep the kidneys healthy?

Q: ‘Nephrons are functional units of Kidneys’. How will you support this statement.
A: I support this statement.
Each Kidney is formed with approximately 1.3 to 1.8 million Nephrons. Hence Nephrons are called functional units of kidney.
Nephron’s chief function is to regulate the concentration of water and soluble substances by filtering the blood. Hence nephrons are called functional units of kidneys.

Q: State whether the following actions are voluntary actions, reflex actions or conditioned reflex.
1. Blinking
2. Cleaning a table
3. Salivation when food is put in the mouth
4. We close our ears when we hear unbearable sound
A: 1. Reflex action 2. Voluntary action
3. Involuntary action 4. Conditioned reflex

Q: If you visit a doctor what doubts would you like to get clarified about pancreas?
A: I would like to ask the following questions:
Where is pancreas located in the body?
Why is it called a mixed gland?
What is the role of pancreas?
What happens if the pancreas is removed from the body?

Q: What precautions will you take to keep away from various sexually transmitted diseases?
A: Adhering to moral values.
Leading an orderly disciplined life.
Practicing abstinence till marriage.
Using disposable syringes or sterilized needles.
Avoiding alcohol and smoking.

Q: Will you encourage child marriage? Why?
A: No, I never encourage child marriage.
This is because the sexual act always has potential to lead to pregnancy.
They are not prepared mentally or physically for mother hood.
If they get pregnancy the health of them and their child will be affected.

Q: What do you mean by hunger pangs?
A: When glucose levels in the blood fall, we get hunger pangs in stomach.
Hunger pangs are the hunger contractions that occur in the stomach due to hunger generating signals that reach brain from stomach due to Ghrelin.
The Hormone Ghrelin secreted in the empty stomach is responsible for hunger generating sensations.
Increase in Ghrelin level motivate to consume food.

Q: Imagine what happens if salivary ducts are closed.
A: If salivary ducts are closed saliva is not released into the mouth.
Food will not get moistened and taste is not identified.
Food will not be masticated properly.
Digestion of starch will not be completed.
Movement of bolus in oesophagus will be difficult.

Q: With the help of the given information write your comments on evidences of evolution.
‘Mammals have fore limbs as do birds, reptiles and amphibians. The basic structure of the limbs is similar, though it has been modified to perform different functions’.
A:  The information gives the evidences of evolution.
The limbs are modified to perform different functions.
These organs are called homologous organs.
It indicates that all the vertebrates have evolved from a common ancestor.
This type of evolution is called divergent evolution.

Q: Mendel selected a pea plant for his experiment. Mention the reasons in your point of view.
A: Pea is an annual plant.
It has well defined characters.
It has bisexual flowers.
Predominantly self-fertilization occurs.
Early hybridization can be done.

Q: Prepare slogans to promote awareness in your classmates about ecofriendly activities.
A: If we protect environment, it protects us.
Keep the environment clean, live happily.
Do not spoil the environment and do not spoil yourself.
Beautiful environment – Beautiful future generation.
Live and let live.

Q: Suggest any three programmes on prevention of soil pollution in view of avoiding pesticides?
A:  Biological pest control: By using predators and parasites some harmful insects can be controlled.
By utilizing biological pest repellents such as neem oil.
By using hormones like pheromones, sterilization of the insect pests they can be controlled.

Q: What is biodiversity? What is its importance?
A: Biodiversity is the variety of living things that populate the earth.
The products and benefits we get from nature relay on biodiversity.
We need a rich mixture of living things to provide foods and building materials, as well as to maintain a clean and healthy landscape.
We need to protect biodiversity to ensure we have plentiful and varied food sources.
Biodiversity is important for more than just food.

Q: Think- why the pyramids in ecosystems are always upright?
A: We can see the changes and biological relations in ecosystem in the form of three pyramids.
These are Pyramid of Number, Pyramid of Biomass and Pyramid of Energy.
Pyramid of Number may be upright, inverted or partly upright since there is decrease in the number from producers to consumers.
Pyramid of Biomass may be upright or inverted since there is decrease in the quantity of living matter.
But the Pyramid of Energy is always upright since there is decrease in the source of energy.

Q: If you have a chance to meet pulmonologist what questions will you ask about pulmonary respiration?
A: I will ask the following questions:
What is the size of human lungs?
How do lungs get infected?
What other functions are carried by the lungs along with respiration?
What are the common diseases that affect lungs?
Is pulmonary tuberculosis treatable?

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