Tenth Social Studies (History) Model Questions and Answers

4 Marks Questions
1. How far was Charles-X responsible for the Revolution of 1830 in France?
A: Responsibility of Charles-X for 1830 Revolution:
1. In France Charles -X ascended the throne succeeding Louis-XVIII.
2. Charles-X was highly conservative and reactionery.
3. He took out the freedom of press and speech into his hands.
4. He restored the properties of land lords and nobles after his return to France.
5. The tyrannic rule of Charles-X reached its climax with the appointment of Poligna C as his Prime Minister.
6. The new Prime Minister issued four decrees, reducing the span of elected legislature and aimed at suppressing the liberals.
7. The people were provoked to revolt with all these steps.
8. The Liberals and Moderates gave full support to the common man of France.
9. The Royal forces could not suppress the revolt.
10. In this situation finding his place insecure, Charles-X abdicated the throne on 30 July 1830 and fled to England.

2. Give out the causes of Second World War.
A: Causes of Second World War:
Versailles Treaty : The Second World War was an important consequence of Versailles Treaty. Germany was humiliated by the terms of this treaty. Germany was crippled economically and strategically.
Aggressive Nationalism : The harshy terms of Versailles Treaty led to the growth of Aggressive Nationalism. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin,
Franco etc., were yielded to this. They were aimed at attaining supremacy in the World.
Ideological Conflicts : Conflicts started between the democratic and
dictatorial ideologies. All the states clashed each other.
Rising Imperialism : The central (Axis) powers like Italy and Germany
entered into race of imperialism in order to enhance the prestige of their national spirit and the racial superiority.
Military Preparations : Germany, followed by many other nations started to improve the military strength which resulted in a race of piling of war material in the European States.
Failure of ‘League of Nations’: The League of Nations could not check the aggressive attitude of imperial Nations and remained as a mere spectator.
Immediate reason : The immediate cause of the Second World War was, the attack of Hitler on Poland on the issue of Danzing and Polish
Corridor. Hitler attacked Poland on 1st September 1939. The Second World War thus broke out and lasted for nearly 6 years.

2 Marks Questions
1. What were the resources of Indonesian islands that attracted
A: Resources of Indonesian islands  Indonesia was one of the richest region of the World.
1. Sugar cane, coffee, Quinine, Palm oil, Rubber, Rope, Fibre etc., were plentily available here.
2. Oil, Tin, Bauxite were available in larger volumes.
3. The Europeans were attracted by the lure of lucrative spice trade of Indonesia.
4. The Europeans like English, Dutch and French vied each other to catch hold of the Indonesian market
5. Finally the Dutch people (Holland) were successful on gaining control over Indonesia.

2. Write a short note on south Indian temples.
A: South Indian Temples:
1. South India is rich in ancient Temples.
2. Pallavas, Chalukyas, Cholas, Hoyasalas and Vijayanagara rulers built numerous temples and high gopuras in South India.
3. Pallavas built rock cut and structural temples at Mahabalipuram.
4. Pancha Pandava rathas and Shore temple were built by pallavas.
5. The great Brihadeeswara temple at Tanjore was built by Raja Raja Chola.
6. Rejendra Chola built temples at Gangai konda, Cholapuram.
7. Hoyasaleswara temple at Halebid was the contribution of Hoyasalas.
8. The Hazara Ramaswamy, Vittala swamy, Virupaksha and Krishna swamy temples were the contributions of the Vijayanagara rulers.

1 Mark Questions
1. What is ‘White Man’s Burden’?
A: It was a form of imperialism followed by Europeans. It was an ideological hit over the colonised Nations. Imperialists propagated
an ideology, that it was their responsibility i.e White Man’s Burden to civilise and modernise the backward Afro Asian people.

2. Explain about ‘Red shirts’.
A: In the 3rd stage of unification of Italy, Garibaldi organise an army naming ‘Red Shirts’ (a band of patriots). He captured Sicily, Naples and handed over them to Victor Emmanuel-II, the king of Sardinia.

3. What is ‘Maltov plan’?
A: Maltov Plan was a counter move to Marshall Plan of USA. It was introduced by Russia to assist the poor European Nations. Maltov
was the foreign Minister of U.S.S.R. All the Communist Nations were members in it.

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