Tenth Biology Important Questions

Multiple Choice Questions :
1. Which lamp lasts 10,000 hours? ( )
A. ordinary bulb B. kerosene bulb C. compact fluorescent bulb D. tube light
2. The year of national policy for protection of forests ( )
A. 1985 B. 1987 C. 1995 D. 1997
3. A new environment policy was drafted in ( )
A. 2000 B. 2004 C. 2006 D. 2007
4. Environment- friendly fuel ( )
A. Kerosene B. petrol C. compressed natural gas D. diesel
5. This is renewable energy ( )
A. Moon B. Sun C. Petrol D. Uranium
ANSWERS: 1)C 2)A 3)B 4)C 5)B

Fill in the Blanks :
1. C.N.G ——-
2. ——- is colourless, odourless and lighter than air.
3. In India ——- is the only city where vehicles are using CNG.
4. A policy declaration was made for the abatement of pollution in the year ——-
5. ——- movement was started against the selfish businessman who resorted to deforestation.
6. ——- means having a variety of plants or animals in a particular place.
7. Optimum use of resources for our needs is called ——-
8. ——- said that , “Nature gives us resources to meet our needs, but not our greed.”
ANSWERS: 1. Compressed natural gas 2. Compressed natural gas 3. Delhi
4. 1992 5. Chipko 6. Biodiversity 7. resource management 8. Gandhi

Match the Following :
Group-A Group-B
1. Green house gases( ) A.Uttaranchal
2. Soil pollution ( ) B. CO2 , methane etc
3. Air pollution ( ) C. Loss of fertility
4. CFC’S ( ) D. Burning of wood, plastic
5. Chipko movement ( ) E. Jet planes F. Water
ANSWERS: 1)B 2)C 3)D 4)E 5)A

Group-A Group-B
1. Eco-friendly fuel ( ) A. Earthquake
2. Tsunami ( ) B. Decibels
3. Noise pollution ( ) C. CNG
4. Ozone ( ) D. Acid rains
5. Natural calamity ( ) E. O3 F. Giant tidal waves
ANSWERS: 1)C 2)F 3)B 4)E 5)A

Multiple Choice Questions :
1. ——- of the earth is covered by water. ( )
A. 1/4 B. 3/4 C. 1/2 D. none
2. Excess fluorine in drinking water causes ( )
A. Anaemia B. Sterility C. Rickets D. Skeletal degradation
3. The % of salt content in sea water ( )
A. 1.8% B. 2.7% C. 3.5% D. 4.5%
4. ——- is the Nitrogen fixing bacteria ( )
A. Typhi bacteria B. Bordetella C. Azospirilum D. None
5. The term Biotechnology was used by ( )
A. Aristotle B. Linnaeus C. Hekel D. Karl Ericke
6. Forests that are growing near the sea water are called ( )
A. Mangroves B. Grasslands C. Social forests D. All
7. Corals are found in ——— ( )
A. ponds B. seas C. lakes D. rivers
8. ——- is a completely vanished bird ( )
A. Blue-jay B. Dodo C. Parrot D. Sparrow
9. The instrument used for measuring rainfall is ( )
A. Rain-gauge B. Seismograph C. Hydrometer D. None
10. ——- act as carbon sinks. ( )
A. Rivers B. Houses C. Seas D. Grasslands
11. The most ancient among the plants and animals is ( )
A. Crocodile B. Coral reefs C. Snails D. Tortoise
12. These are called the lungs of our urban areas ( )
A. dams B. temples C. buildings D. parks
ANSWERS: 1)B 2)D 3)C 4)C 5)D 6)A 7)B 8)B 9)A 10)D 11)B 12)D

Fill in the Blanks :
1. Ground water, rainfall, moisture and snow form our ——- environment.
2. ——- are the huge and ancient water systems.
3. Andhra Pradesh is called ——-
4. ——- stands first in the forefront in the production of food products.
5. The ——- worship the forests as their mother.
6. Zoos and botanical gardens are ——- protection areas.
7. The groups which are formed for protection of the forests are
called ——-
8. ——- is the instrument by which rainfall is measured.
9. The ground water level can be increased by allowing the rainwater falling off the roofs can be diverted to seep into ——-
10. National parks and sanctuaries are ——- protection areas.
11. Wild life act was passed in the year ——-
12. ——- scientist used the term Bio-technology for the first time in 1919.
13. The process by which compost is produced with the help of Earthworms is called ——-
14. Antibiotics are produced from ——-
15. Growing trees along with agriculture in the farm is called ——-
ANSWERS: 1.Water 2.oceans 3.granary of the south 4.cuba 5.tribals 6.Ex-situ 7.vana samrakshana samithis 8.Rain gauge 9.recharge
structure 10.in situ 11.1972 12.Karl Ericke 13.vermi compost 14.Actinomycetes bacteria and fungus 15.Agro forestry

Match the Following :
Group-A Group-B
1. Carbon sinks ( ) A. Watershed
2. Fertile soil ( ) B. Grasslands
3. Sea shore forests( ) C. Mangroves
4. Reduce air and noise pollution ( ) D. Water from terrace
5. Recharge pit ( ) E. Parks F. Humus and sand
ANSWERS: 1)B 2)F 3)C 4)E 5)D

Match the following :
Group-A Group-B
1. Bacillus thruingiensis ( ) A. Cuba
2. Corals ( ) B. Alkaline soil
3. Oil and Natural gas ( ) C. fish meat
4. Proteins ( ) D. Calcium carbonate
5. Litmus paper turns blue ( ) E. Rocky layers of the bottom of The sea F. Acidic soil
ANSWERS: 1)A 2)D 3)E 4)C 5)B

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