NEET Free Mock Test 2

NEET examination is one of the toughest exams in the country. NEET is aimed at selecting candidates for medical courses across the country. The exam consists of 180 questions for 720 marks. Each question carries 4 marks. Each wrong answer carries -1 mark. Duration of the exam is 180 minutes.

  • Physics
  • Botany
  • Zoology
  • Chemistry


1. A voltage of peak value 283 volt and varying frequency is applied to a series L-C-R combination in which R =3 ohm, ‘L=25 mH and C = 40μF . The frequency of the source at which maximum power is dissipated in the circuit is

Question 1 of 180

2. A solid sphere of mass ’M’ ; radius ‘R’ and having moment of inertia about an axis passing through the centre of mass is ‘I’. It recast into a disc of thickness ‘t’. Whose moment of inertia about an axis passing through its edge and perpendicular to its plane remains ‘I’ then radius of the disc will be

Question 2 of 180

3. A nucleus of mass 'M + ∆m'  is at rest and decays into two daughter nuclei of equal mass '(M/2)' each speed of light is ‘C’. The speed of daughter nuclei is

Question 3 of 180

4. A radiation of energy ‘E’ falls normally on a perfectly reflecting surface. The momentum  transferred to the surface is (C is the Velocity of light )

Question 4 of 180

5. A thin circular loop of radius ‘R’ rotates about its vertical diameter with an angular frequency ‘ ’. A small bead on the wire loop remains at its lowermost point for ω ≤ √(g/R) . What is the angle made by the radius vector joining the centre to the bead with the vertical downward direction for ω = √(2g/R) (Neglect the friction)

Question 5 of 180

6. In natural α -decay process occurring in different types of nuclei at rest. Which of the following
is correct?

Question 6 of 180

7. For a projectile, its horizontal range and maximum vertical heights are equal, maximum height reached by it is (‘u’ is initial velocity of the projectile)

Question 7 of 180

8. The energy stored in the electric field produced by a metal sphere is ‘4.5 joule’. The charge on the sphere is  '4μc' its radius will be  [(1/4πε0)=9×109    N - m2c-2]

Question 8 of 180

9. A variable frequency A.C. source is connected to a capacitor. How will the displacement current change with decrease in frequency?

Question 9 of 180

10. A Carnot engine operates between 800K and 200K. If it absorbs 8 kJ of heat in each cycle, the work done by it per cycle is...

Question 10 of 180

11. Two metal spheres are falling through a liquid of density  2 × 103 kg/m3  with the same uniform speed. The material density of sphere ‘1 and 2’ are  8 × 103 kg/m3  and 11 × 103 kg/m3   The ratio of their radii is

Question 11 of 180

12. Gas at a pressure ‘P0’ is contained in a vessel. If the masses of all the molecules are halved and their r.m.s speeds are doubled, the resulting pressure will be equal to

Question 12 of 180

13. A uniform magnetic field B is directed out of the page. A metallic wire has the shape of a square frame and is placed in the field as shown. While the shape of the wire is steadily transformed into a circle in the same plane, the current in the frame

Question 13 of 180

14. A cart of mass ‘M’ is tied by one end of a massless rope of length ‘10m’. The other end of the rope is in the hands of a man of mass ‘M’. The entire system is on a smooth horizontal surface. The man is at ‘x=o’ and the cart at ‘x=10m’ of the man pulls the cart by the rope , the man and the cart will meet at the point

Question 14 of 180

15. For monatomic gases, Cp/Cv is equal to...

Question 15 of 180

16. Four identical hollow cylindrical columns of mild steel support a big structure of mass 88000 kg. The inner and outer radii of each column are 30cm and 40cm respectively. Assuming load distribution is uniform. The compressional strain of each column is (Y = 2×1011  N/m2 )

Question 16 of 180

17. An object moving with a speed of 6.25 m/sec, is decelerated at a rate given by (dy/dt) = -2.5√v . Where ‘v’ is the instantaneous speed. The time taken by the object to come to rest, would be


Question 17 of 180

18. Two infinitely long parallel wires having linear charge densities 'λ1'and 'λ2' respectively are placed at a distance ‘R’. The force per unit length on either wire will be (k = (1/4πε0))

Question 18 of 180

19. The length of a potentiometer wire is l. A cell of emf ‘e’ is balanced at a length l/5 from the positive end of the wire. Assuming there is no contribution in resistance from any part of the circuit except the potentiometer wire, the balancing length for the same cell if length of the wire is increased by l/2 is

Question 19 of 180

20. A diatomic ideal gas is used in carnot engine as the working substance if during the adiabatic part of the cycle the volume of the gas increases from ‘V’ to ‘32V’. The efficiency of the engine is


Question 20 of 180

21. In the figure shown a source of sound of frequency 510 Hz move with constant velocity Vs=20 m/ s in the direction shown. The wind is blowing at a constant velocity Vw=20 m/S towards an observer who is at rest at point B. Corresponding to the sound emitted by the source in initial position A, the frequency detected by the observer is equal to (speed of sound relative to air = 330 m/s)

Question 21 of 180

22. Out of the following functions representing motion of a particle which represents ‘SHM’

a) Y = sinωt - cosωt

b) Y = Sin3 ωt

c) Y = 5 cos[(3π/4) - 3ωt]

d) Y = 1 + ωt + ω2t2

Question 22 of 180

23. A particle moves along X –axis in such a way that coordinate X varies with time t according to the equation . x = ( 2-5t+6t2)m The initial velocity of the particle is

Question 23 of 180

24. If the maximum value of the induced e.m.f. is Vm and maximum r.m.s. current is √ 2 ampere for an a.c. circuit with resistance R, then the value of Vm in volt is equal to...

Question 24 of 180

25. If for the planets in solar system, r is the radius of the orbit and T is the periodic time, then the ratio r³ /T² is...

Question 25 of 180

26. A Student measured the length of a rod and wrote it as 3.50cm. Which instrument did he use to measure it


Question 26 of 180

27. A square coil of side ‘25cm’ having 1000 turns is rotated with a uniform speed in a magnetic field about an axis perpendicular to the direction of the field. At an instant ‘t’ the ‘e.m.f’ induced in the coil is E= 200 sin100πt. The strength of the magnetic field is (in Tesla)

Question 27 of 180

28. Magnetic moment and angular moment of revolving electron in a hydrogen atom ‘M’ and ‘L’ respectively then

Question 28 of 180

29. The image a camera forms on the film is...

Question 29 of 180

30. The aperture of the objective lens of a telescope is made large so as to


Question 30 of 180

31. A rocket of initial mass  'm0' moving with velocity ‘v’ discharges a jet of gases of mean density ‘ρ’ and effective area ‘A’ the minimum value of ‘v’ of fuel gas, which enables the rocket to rise vertically above is nearly

Question 31 of 180

32. A paramagnetic sample shows a net magnetization of 8 A/m when placed in an external magnetic field of 0.6 T at a temperature of 4 K. When the same sample is placed in an external magnetic field of 0.2 T at a temperature of 16 K, the magnetization will be

Question 32 of 180

33. The wavelength of light plays no role in...

Question 33 of 180

34. If the velocity v of a particle moving along a straight line decreases linearly with its displacement ‘S’ from 20ms-1 to a value approaching zero at S=30m. Then acceleration of the particle at S=15m is

Question 34 of 180

35. The velocity at the maximum height of a projectile is half of its initial velocity ‘u’. Its range on the horizontal plane is

Question 35 of 180

36. Which of the following combinations should be selected for better tuning of an L.C.R series circuit used for communication


Question 36 of 180

37. For the angle of minimum deviation of a prism to be equal to its refracting angle, the prism must be made of a material whose refractive index


Question 37 of 180

38. The only atom which has no neutron in the nucleus is...

Question 38 of 180

39. A light ray passes through a prism with an angle of incidence θ, an angle of deviation δ and an angle of emergence ε. Minimum deviation occurs when...

Question 39 of 180

40. Two satellites have periods P1 and P2, respectively. Their heights above the surface of the earth are h1 and h2,respectively. If h1 > h2, then...


Question 40 of 180

41. An electric cell of e.m.f ‘E’ is connected across a copper wire of diameter ‘d’ and length 'l' the drift velocity of electron in the wire is 'vd' If the length and diameter of the wire are doubled the new drift velocity of electron is

Question 41 of 180

42. Two equal masses ‘A and B’ moving along the same straight line with velocities 3i m/sec  and '-5i m/sec respectively collide elastically. Their velocities after the collision will be respectively

Question 42 of 180

43. A wave represented by the given equation y = a cos(kx - ωt) is superposed with another wave to form a stationary wave such that the point x=0 is a node. The equation for the other wave is

Question 43 of 180

44. The primary effect when the source is moving is a change in...

Question 44 of 180

45. A boy swings from a rope 4.9 m long. His approximate period of oscillation is...

Question 45 of 180


46. Feature unrelated to slime moulds

Question 46 of 180

47. Which of the following statements are correct

A. Guttation is the manifestation of root pressure

B. Natural antitranspirant is PMA

C. Turgor pressure, wall pressure
and pressure potential of a cell, all are numerically equal with same sign

D. High nitrogen to carbon ratio is found in Ureids

Question 47 of 180

48. Select the correct statement

Question 48 of 180

49. Which one of the following statements regarding enzymes is wrong

Question 49 of 180

50. Consider the following statements and select the wrong one

Question 50 of 180

51. Identify the correct matched related to plant movements

Question 51 of 180

52. The biocatalyst ribozyme is synthesized by a process called

Question 52 of 180

53. Stirred tank bioreactors have been designed for

Question 53 of 180

54. Find the correct match w.r.t annual rings

Question 54 of 180

55. If 24 molecules of erythrose-4- phosphate are formed in Calvin cycle. What is the number of CO2 molecules fixed?

Question 55 of 180

56. Among the following the no. of asexual reproductive structures is/are Gemmae of Marchantia, Epiphyllous buds of Bryophyllum, Bulbils of Agave Rhizome of zinger, Tuberous stem of potato, Offsets of Pistia, Zoospores of Chlamydomonas, Hormogonia of Nostoc

Question 56 of 180

57. Number of amembraneous structures from the following is/areRibosome, Centriole, Cytoskeleton, Peroxisome, Nucleolus, Inclusion bodies, Power house of the cell

Question 57 of 180

58. 1/4 TT : 1/2 Tt : 1/4 tt is the binomial expansion of

Question 58 of 180

59. An abnormality in humans called ‘Sickle cell anemia’ is resulted due to point mutation leading to the change of

Question 59 of 180

60. Who of the following scientists is not concerned with O2 release from water in photosynthesis?

Question 60 of 180

61. Read carefully the table and fill up the blanks;

A,B,C and D in the above table refer to

Question 61 of 180

62. Bicollateral vascularbundles are present in which part of the Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae members

Question 62 of 180

63. Number of genotypes present in yellow round, yellow wrinkled, green round and green wrinkled phenotypes of 2F generation progeny of Mendel’s dihybrid cross respectively is

Question 63 of 180

64. Synthesis of human insulin in E.coli cells is the best evidence for

Question 64 of 180

65. The ploidy levels of embryo, perisperm and endosperm in the seeds resulted by crossing 4n female and 6n male plants of piper nigrum, respectively, are

Question 65 of 180

66. The needle like cladodes of Asparagus are metamorphosed stem for

Question 66 of 180

67. After initial growth maize stem elongates by the activity of

Question 67 of 180

68. In dicot roots, the pericycle gives rise to

Question 68 of 180

69. Identify P,Q,R and S in the given diagram

Question 69 of 180

70. Identify the incorrect statements

I) Trichoderma species are symbiotic fungi

II) Baculoviruses are nothing but bacteriophages

III) Diphtheria is commonly known as kali khansi

IV) Microbes are used to ferment fish, soyabean and bamboo-shoots to make foods


Question 70 of 180

71. Consider the following statements and select the number of correct statements

1. Replication of DNA is carried out by semi-conservative method in prokaryotes only

2. Hershey and chase conducted transformation experiments to confirm the genetic nature of DNA

3. Three types of RNA polymerases or formed in the
nucleus of eukaryotes

4. After transcription also gene regulation is possible in eukaryotes

Question 71 of 180

72. Which site of a tRNA molecule forms hydrogen bonds with particular codon of mRNA molecule?

Question 72 of 180

73. The leaves of the juvenile plant are different in shape from those in mature plant in

Question 73 of 180

74. The minerals involved in water-splitting reaction during light phase of photosynthesis is/are

Question 74 of 180

75. Which inflorescences are of similar type?

Question 75 of 180

76. Eight bacteria kept in cup divide repeatedly and produce 64 bacteria in 2 hours. Find the time consumed in binary fission.

Question 76 of 180

77. If the content of DNA in a chromosome is 2C after M-phase, what will be the content of DNA at G1 phase chromosome and S - phase chromosome of mitosis?

Question 77 of 180

78. What is common in all the three, Funaria, Dryopteris and Ginkgo

Question 78 of 180

79. Fuel of photosynthetic carbon oxidation, is

Question 79 of 180

80. The probabilities of homozygous tall, heterozygous tall, and homozygous dwarf plants in F2 generation of a monohybrid cross respectively, is

Question 80 of 180

81. Which of the following is true statement

Question 81 of 180

82. S-I : Linked genes get separated due to crossing over

S-II : The closer the genes on a chromosome the more is the probability of recombinations

Question 82 of 180

83. Study of arrangement of perianth parts in bud condition, is not possible in

Question 83 of 180

84. Find out the correctly matched one

Question 84 of 180

85. Anticodon is a base triplet present on

Question 85 of 180

86. In the given diagrams the correct labelling of A, B, C, D, respectively, is

Question 86 of 180

87. Select the nutritive tissue in the structure of anther

Question 87 of 180

88. The following is not a fungal plant disease

Question 88 of 180

89. Inner most layer of the extrastelar ground tissue system of roots, is characterised by

Question 89 of 180

90. How many DNA fragments will be obtained on the digestion of a linear DNA and a circular DNA with a type of restriction enzyme having four recognition sites in both the cases?

Question 90 of 180


91. Milk of first transgenic cow Rosie consists

Question 91 of 180

92. Which of the following statements are correct related to human

A. The chemical process of digestion is initiated in oral cavity by the hydrolytic action of the carbohydrate splitting enzyme, the salivary amylase.

B. Lipases are absent in secretion of gastric glands

C. Bile helps in emulsification of fats and also activates lipases.

D. Nucleases in the succus entericus acts on nucleic acids to form nucleotides and nucleosides

Question 92 of 180

93. Consider the following statements
I) The fertile top soil is removed by human activities like over – cultivation, unrestricted grazing, deforestation and poor irrigation practices
II) Desertification has become a major problem due to increased urbanization.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

Question 93 of 180

94. A 26 years old female has 2 offsprings(NOTE:not twins). If menses start at the age of 12 years then  the number of  ova formed are

Question 94 of 180

95. Find out the correct labelling of bones A, B, C and D in the given figure

Question 95 of 180

96. Which of the following statement is true for the structure marked ‘A’ in the given figure

Question 96 of 180

97. According to Darwin

I) Inter specific competition is a potent force in organic evolution

II) Evolution was gradual and variations are small and directional

III) Branching decent and Natural selection are two key concepts of evolution

Which of the following statements are correct

Question 97 of 180

98. Which of the following statements about blood transfusion is correct

Question 98 of 180

99. In which one of the following , erythrocytes are repositories of more  ions as compared to others?

Question 99 of 180

100. Which of the following statements correctly defines the phenomenon of genetic drift?
I. Random change in gene allele frequency
II. Occur by chance
III. It is directional
IV. Causes elimination of certain alleles
V. Causes fixation of alleles
The correct combination is

Question 100 of 180

101. In a population of 60,000 individuals if the frequency of dominant allele is 60%. Then extrapolate the % of Dominant individuals

Question 101 of 180

102. Hormones involved in carbohydrate metabolism are

Question 102 of 180

103. The area where wild populations, traditional life styles and genetic resources are protected is

Question 103 of 180

104. In present times the origin of life is not possible from inorganic compounds due to

Question 104 of 180

105. In which one of the following, the genus name, its two characters and its phylum are not correctly matched, whereas the remaining three are correct?

Question 105 of 180

106. Which of the following is responsible for rejection of graft ?

Question 106 of 180

107. Arrange the periods of palaeozoic era in ascending order in a geological time scale

Question 107 of 180

108. The Epithelium given  below is not found in

Question 108 of 180

109. According to 2001 census report, the population growth rate of India was

Question 109 of 180

110. Amniocentesis is a technique

Question 110 of 180

111. In kidneys, renal papillae are part of

Question 111 of 180

112. Arrange the following habitats related to Bio  diversity conservation in India in descending order

M)Biosphere reserves         N)National Parks

O) Bio diversity hot spots    P) Sanctuaries

Question 112 of 180

113. How many of  the following Animals are non-chordates with water vascular system?

A1) Sea – Cucumber      A2) Sea – Horse

A3) Brittle star                 A4) Sea – Hare

A5) Sea – fan                     A6) Sea – urchin

Question 113 of 180

114. which of the the following statement is false?

Question 114 of 180

115. Match the following columns
Column-I                                          Column-II
A. Dodo                                           I) Rauwolfia
B. Reserpine                                  II) Mauritius
C. Nile perch in lake Victoria       III) Habitat destruction
D. Main cause for biodiversity loss  IV) Alien species

Question 115 of 180

116. The stage of suspended development shown by zooplanktons is called

Question 116 of 180

117. Based on observations made during a sea voyage in a sail ship called H.M.S. Beagle, Charles Darwin concluded that

Question 117 of 180

118. The four structure listed are part of the human excretory system.
I. Bladder II. Kidney III. Ureter IV. Urethra
In which order does a molecule of urea pass through these structures?

Question 118 of 180

119. Which part of ovary in mammals acts as an endocrine gland after ovolution?

Question 119 of 180

120. Ligament consists of

Question 120 of 180

121. How many of the given statements are wrong?

A. The rate of diffusion of gas at the respiratory membrane depends upon its solubility as well as on the thickness of membrane

B. The amount of CO2 that can diffuse through the diffusion membrane per unit difference if partial pressure is much higher when compared to that of O2

C. Oxygen can bind with haemoglobin in an irreversible manner to form oxyhaemoglobin

D. The factors responsible for formation of oxyhaemoglobin include high pO2, low pCO2, high H+ concentration and low temperature.

Question 121 of 180

122. Following is a diagrammatic representation of a nephron showing blood vessels, duct and tubule. These structures have been labelled as A, B, C etc., Answer the questions that follow.

(i) Which parts are located in cortical region of kidney?

(ii) Which structure is highly reduced in cortical nephrons?

(iii) Identify the part F. (iv) Which parts collectively form Malpighian body?

Question 122 of 180

123. What is common to whale, seal and shark?

Question 123 of 180

124. In cockroach the flow of haemolymph is

Question 124 of 180

125. The enzyme which catalysis the following Biochemical reaction is released from which cells

Trypsinogen → Trypsin

Question 125 of 180

126. When Glomerular filtrate  is passing through PCT which of the following Biomolecule’s selective reabsorption is 100% into PTC

B1)Creatinine               B2) Glucose

B3) Amino Acids           B4)  Potassium

Question 126 of 180

127. Human liver fluke depends on two intermediate hosts to complete its life cycle they are

Question 127 of 180

128. The copper ions of IUDs

Question 128 of 180

129. The Neanderthal man with a brain size ___A____ cc lived in near __B____ between ___C____ to ___D____
Years back

Question 129 of 180

130. Hyperdactyly (the possession of more than 12 fingers) is determined by the dominant allele (H) and normal condition by recessive allele (h).

The diagram shown a family tree in which some members of the family are hyperdactylus
Find out the genotype of A, B and C

Question 130 of 180

131. Choose the wrong statement.

Question 131 of 180

132. Due to nondisjunction of chromosomes during spermatogenesis, some sperms carry both sex
chromosomes (22A + XY) and some sperms do not carry any sex chromosome (22A + O). If these sperms fertilise normal eggs (22A + X), what types of genetic disorders appear among the offsprings?

Question 132 of 180

133. Who was awarded the three prizes widely regarded as the triple crown of biology

Question 133 of 180

134. Which of the following technique has been shown in the given diagram


Question 134 of 180

135. Which one of the following is a fat-soluble vitamin and its related deficiency disease?

Question 135 of 180


136. 75% completion of a first order reaction takes 2.38 hours. How much time will it take for 99.9% completion?

Question 136 of 180

137. If mercury is used as cathode in the electrolysis of aqueous NaCl solution, the ions discharged at cathode are

Question 137 of 180

138. Which of the following organ metallic compound is σ and π

Question 138 of 180

139. The correct statement/s about H2 S2 O7 is/are

Question 139 of 180

140. Which artificial sweetner contains chlorine


Question 140 of 180

141. Addition of dilute HCl or FeCl3 solution to freshly precipitated ferric hydroxide, a red coloured colloidal solution is obtained. The phenomenon is known as

Question 141 of 180

142. DNA & RNA are chiral molecules due to the presence of


Question 142 of 180

143. At Boyles temperature, compressibility factor Z for a real gas is

Question 143 of 180

144. Equimolar solutions of the following were prepared in water separately. Which one of the solution will record the highest pH?

Question 144 of 180

145. When H2S is passed through acidified KMnO4  we get

Question 145 of 180

146. An oxide of Nitrogen which form reddish brown fumes in air is

Question 146 of 180

147. In which of the following pairs, both the species are not isostructural?

Question 147 of 180

148. An acid-base indicator has a In Kln of 3 ×10-5. The acid form of indicator is red and the basic form is blue.

Question 148 of 180

149. The conductivity of saturated solution of BaSO4is 3.06×10-6  mho cm-1and its equivalent conductance is 1.53 mho cm-2 eq-1. Then Ksp for BaSO4 will be

Question 149 of 180

150. For the given complex ,[CoCl2(en)(NH3)]+ the number of geometrical isomer’s, the number of optical isomers and the total number of isomers of all type
possible respectively are

Question 150 of 180

151. The pH of a solution of H2O2is 6.0. Some chlorine gas is bubbled into this solution. Which of
the following is correct?

Question 151 of 180

152. When the value of azimuthal quantum number is 3, the maximum and the minimum values of the spin multiplicities are

Question 152 of 180

153. Iron sulphide is heated in air to form ‘A’ . ‘A’ is dissolved in water to give ‘Y’. The basicity of ‘Y’ is

Question 153 of 180

154. Aqueous solutions of two compounds M-O-H and M1-O-H have been prepared in two different
beakers. If the electronegativity of M=3.5, M1=0.9, O=3.5 and H=2.1, then the solutions respectively are

Question 154 of 180

155. In Kjeldahl ‘s method, the nitrogen gas evolved from 1.325 g sample of a fertilizer is passed into 50.0 mL of 0.2030 N H2SO4mL of 0.1980 N NaOH are required for the titration of unused acid. The percentage of nitrogen in fertilizer is

Question 155 of 180

156. A solution ‘X’ contains 30 mole percent of A and is in equilibrium with its vapour that contains 40 mole percent of ‘B’. The ratio of vapor pressure of pure A and B will be:

Question 156 of 180

157. The rate of a first order reaction is 1.5 ×10-2
mol L-1 min-1 at 0.5 M concentration of the reactant. The
half life of the reaction is

Question 157 of 180


Question 158 of 180

159. 100ml of O 2 on partial ozonisation, O2 and O3are obtained in the molar ratio of 1 : 1 what % of O2is converted into ozone

Question 159 of 180

160. Which of the following amines form N-nitroso derivative when treated with NaNO2 and HCl

Question 160 of 180

161. Which of the following compound react faster through SN2mechanism

Question 161 of 180

162. Copper crystallizes in fcc with a unit cell length of 361 pm. What is the radius of copper atom?

Question 162 of 180

163. Which of the substances added to soap make it antiseptic?

Question 163 of 180

164. Which of the following vitamin contains ionone ring and
hydrocarbon chain.

Question 164 of 180

165. The values of electro negativity of atoms A and B are 1.20 and 4.0 respectively. The percentage ionic character of A-B bond is

Question 165 of 180

166. The pair of molecules having same geometry and same bond angles are

Question 166 of 180

167. Method which is based on difference in solubility of impurities in molted metal and solid state
of metal is

Question 167 of 180

168. The impure 7g of NaCl is dissolved in water and then treated with excess of silver nitrate solution. The weight of precipitate of silver chloride is found to be 14g. The % purity of NaCl solution would be (M. Wt of AgCl = 143.5, NaCl = 58.5)

Question 168 of 180

169. A possitive carbylamine test is given by

Question 169 of 180

170. The first ionization potential of Na is 5.1eV The value of electron gain enthalpy of Na+ will be

Question 170 of 180

171. What will be the equivalent weight of H3PO3 in the following reaction. 4H3PO3 → 3H3PO4 +PH3

Question 171 of 180

172. The weight of H2O2present in 80 ml of 10V H2O2 solution is

Question 172 of 180

173. The correct statement among the following is:
i) NaBH4 produce BH6 on reaction with I2

ii) Reaction between B2H6 and NMe3 is an acid base reaction

iii) BH6 is produced on industrial scale by reaction with BF3, NaH

iv) Boranes on hydrolysis produce
B2H6 and H2 gas




Question 173 of 180

174. Xe has max. EN in:-

Question 174 of 180

175. The molecule which is having maximum number of lone pair

Question 175 of 180

176. If lone pair of electron occupy axial position then, incorrect about is :


Question 176 of 180

177. Assertion: Graphite is thermodynamically most stable allotrope of carbon
Reason: ΔHf0 of graphite is taken as zero

Question 177 of 180

178. The hybridisation of Beryllium in Beryllate ion formed when Beryllium hydroxide dissolves in excess of alkali?

Question 178 of 180

179. Number of stereoisomers of the given compound


Question 179 of 180

180. Which of the following is used as “morning after pill”?

Question 180 of 180


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