NEET Free Mock Test 1

  • Physics
  • Botany
  • Zoology
  • Chemistry


1. Diamagnetic materials are substances that...

Question 1 of 180

2. For the angle of minimum deviation of a prism to be equal to its refracting angle, the prism must be made of a material whose refractive index


Question 2 of 180

3. A thin ring has mass M and radius R. Its moment of inertia about the axis passing through its center and perpendicular to its plane is...

Question 3 of 180

4. Two parallel wires carry current in the same direction,...

Question 4 of 180

5. A source and Listner both moving towards each other each with speed .frequency of the note emitted by the source is ‘600Hz’ Apparent wave length of sound wave received by the observer is  ( V = 330 m/ sec)

Question 5 of 180

6. Two coherent sources of intensity ratio 1:4 produce an interference pattern the fringe visibility will be


Question 6 of 180

7. Two bodies ‘A and B’ of masses 5 kg and 10 kg in contact with each other rest on a table against a rigid partition. Coefficient of friction between the bodies and the table is 0.2. A force of 200N is applied horizontally at ‘A’ action reaction force between A and B is (g = 10 m/sec2)

Question 7 of 180

8. In a large building there are 15 bulbs of ‘40w’ 5 bulbs of ‘100w’. 5 fans of ‘80w’ and 1 heater of ‘1kw’ . The voltage of electric mains is ‘220 volts’.The minimum capacity of the main fuse of the building will be


Question 8 of 180

9. A balloon of mass ‘m’ is found to accelerate up at the rate of g/6. The amount of water should be put inside the balloon so that it accelerates down at rate of g/6. (Assume buoyancy force remains the same)

Question 9 of 180

10. Which logic gate is represented by the following combination of logic gates

Question 10 of 180

11. Two equal masses ‘A and B’ moving along the same straight line with velocities 3i m/sec  and '-5i m/sec respectively collide elastically. Their velocities after the collision will be respectively

Question 11 of 180

12. If for the planets in solar system, r is the radius of the orbit and T is the periodic time, then the ratio r³ /T² is...

Question 12 of 180

13. For a projectile, its horizontal range and maximum vertical heights are equal, maximum height reached by it is (‘u’ is initial velocity of the projectile)

Question 13 of 180

14. A light ray passes through a prism with an angle of incidence θ, an angle of deviation δ and an angle of emergence ε. Minimum deviation occurs when...

Question 14 of 180

15. One mole of an ideal gas at temperature ‘'T1' expands according to the law (P/V) = constant expression for the workdone when its final temperature becomes 'T2'  is

Question 15 of 180

16. The distance between a node and the immediate next antinode is...

Question 16 of 180

17. A radiation of energy ‘E’ falls normally on a perfectly reflecting surface. The momentum  transferred to the surface is (C is the Velocity of light )

Question 17 of 180

18. Two metal spheres are falling through a liquid of density  2 × 103 kg/m3  with the same uniform speed. The material density of sphere ‘1 and 2’ are  8 × 103 kg/m3  and 11 × 103 kg/m3   The ratio of their radii is

Question 18 of 180

19. A uniform magnetic field B is directed out of the page. A metallic wire has the shape of a square frame and is placed in the field as shown. While the shape of the wire is steadily transformed into a circle in the same plane, the current in the frame

Question 19 of 180

20. When the velocity of a moving object is doubled...

Question 20 of 180

21. A cart of mass ‘M’ is tied by one end of a massless rope of length ‘10m’. The other end of the rope is in the hands of a man of mass ‘M’. The entire system is on a smooth horizontal surface. The man is at ‘x=o’ and the cart at ‘x=10m’ of the man pulls the cart by the rope , the man and the cart will meet at the point

Question 21 of 180

22. An electric cell of e.m.f ‘E’ is connected across a copper wire of diameter ‘d’ and length 'l' the drift velocity of electron in the wire is 'vd' If the length and diameter of the wire are doubled the new drift velocity of electron is

Question 22 of 180

23. The acceleration due to gravity on Mars is 3.7 m/s² . Compared with her mass and weight on the earth, an astronaut on Mars has...

Question 23 of 180

24. The plane faces of two identical plano-convex lenses each having focal length of 40cm  are pressed against each other to form a usual convex lens. The distance from lens, at which an object must be placed to obtain a real, inverted image with magnification one is


Question 24 of 180

25. Magnetic moment and angular moment of revolving electron in a hydrogen atom ‘M’ and ‘L’ respectively then

Question 25 of 180

26. A block of mass 10kg moving in X-direction with a constant speed of  10 msec-1, is subjected to a retarding force F = (x/10) (Joule/meter) during its travel from x=10m to x=20m its final kenetic energy will be (in Joule)


Question 26 of 180

27. An object moving with a speed of 6.25 m/sec, is decelerated at a rate given by (dy/dt) = -2.5√v . Where ‘v’ is the instantaneous speed. The time taken by the object to come to rest, would be


Question 27 of 180

28. The aperture of the objective lens of a telescope is made large so as to


Question 28 of 180

29. A square coil of side ‘25cm’ having 1000 turns is rotated with a uniform speed in a magnetic field about an axis perpendicular to the direction of the field. At an instant ‘t’ the ‘e.m.f’ induced in the coil is E= 200 sin100πt. The strength of the magnetic field is (in Tesla)

Question 29 of 180

30. If the maximum value of the induced e.m.f. is Vm and maximum r.m.s. current is √ 2 ampere for an a.c. circuit with resistance R, then the value of Vm in volt is equal to...

Question 30 of 180

31. A ‘2Mev’ proton is moving perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of ‘2.5 Tesla’. The force on the proton is (mass of proton = 1.6 × 10-27 kg)

Question 31 of 180

32. A cable stretches by amount 'a' under a certain load. If it is replaced by a cable of the same material but half as long and half the diameter, the same load will stretch it by...

Question 32 of 180

33. A Student measured the length of a rod and wrote it as 3.50cm. Which instrument did he use to measure it


Question 33 of 180

34. In natural α -decay process occurring in different types of nuclei at rest. Which of the following
is correct?

Question 34 of 180

35. P-V diagram of a diatomic gas is a straight line passing through origin. The molar heat capacity of the gas in the process will be

Question 35 of 180

36. Two infinitely long parallel wires having linear charge densities 'λ1'and 'λ2' respectively are placed at a distance ‘R’. The force per unit length on either wire will be (k = (1/4πε0))

Question 36 of 180

37. The intermolecular potential is dependent on...

Question 37 of 180

38. When a ferromagnet is inserted in a current-carrying loop, the magnetic field...

Question 38 of 180

39. Fermi is a unit of...

Question 39 of 180

40. The given graph represents V – I characteristic for a semiconductor device

Which of the following statement is correct

Question 40 of 180

41. The amount of radiation emitted by a perfectly black body is proportional to


Question 41 of 180

42. The energy stored in the electric field produced by a metal sphere is ‘4.5 joule’. The charge on the sphere is  '4μc' its radius will be  [(1/4πε0)=9×109    N - m2c-2]

Question 42 of 180

43. Gas at a pressure ‘P0’ is contained in a vessel. If the masses of all the molecules are halved and their r.m.s speeds are doubled, the resulting pressure will be equal to

Question 43 of 180

44. The length of a potentiometer wire is l. A cell of emf ‘e’ is balanced at a length l/5 from the positive end of the wire. Assuming there is no contribution in resistance from any part of the circuit except the potentiometer wire, the balancing length for the same cell if length of the wire is increased by l/2 is

Question 44 of 180

45. Calorie is defined as the amount of heat required to raise temperature of 1g of water by 10C and it is defined under which of the following conditions



Question 45 of 180


46. Match the items of Column-I with those in Column-II


Question 46 of 180

47. Feature unrelated to slime moulds

Question 47 of 180

48. Select the incorrect statements

(i) Cell organelle within cell organelle is plasmosome

(ii) Factory of protein factories is ergosome

(iii) Membraneless non-cell organelle is centrosome

(iv) nucleosomes are ribonucleoprotein bodies

(v) A eukaryotic cell in a eukaryotic cell is vegetative cell

Question 48 of 180

49. The fruit of Annona squamosa (custard apple) develops from

Question 49 of 180

50. Number of amembraneous structures from the following is/areRibosome, Centriole, Cytoskeleton, Peroxisome, Nucleolus, Inclusion bodies, Power house of the cell

Question 50 of 180


Select the correct match
Column – I                      Column – II

A. Terminalisation                 I. Pachytene

B. Synapsis                             II. Anaphase II

C. Disjunction                        III. Zygotene

D. Recombinations               IV. Anaphase I

V. Diakinesis

Question 51 of 180

52. What is common in all the three, Funaria, Dryopteris and Ginkgo

Question 52 of 180

53. A pure pea plant having yellow pods and yellow cotyledons is crossed with another pure pea plant having green pods and green cotyledons. What will be the ratio of recombinants and non-recombinants in F2 generation?

Question 53 of 180

54. Stirred tank bioreactors have been designed for

Question 54 of 180

55. Colchicine is an alkaloid used to double the number of chromosomes (Polyplody). It is obtained from

Question 55 of 180

56. Which one of the following statements regarding enzymes is wrong

Question 56 of 180

57. A cell is kept in hypotonic solution, after sometime is

Question 57 of 180

58. Consider the following statements and select the wrong one

Question 58 of 180

59. Which of the following kinds of plants fix carbon dioxide by Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) pathway

Question 59 of 180

60. In garden pea, round shape of seeds is dominant over wrinkled shape. A pea plant heterozygous for round shape of seed is selfed and 1600 seeds produced during the cross are subsequently germinatied. How many seedlings will have the parental  phenotype?

Question 60 of 180

61. How many of the following statements are true

i) Volvox and Fucus show oogamy

ii) Agar is commercially obtained from Gelidium and Gracillaria

iii) Gametophyte is parasite on sporophyte in Sphagnum

iv) Funaria is monoecious and Marchantia is dioecious

v) Source of SCP are Spirullina and Chlorella

Question 61 of 180

62. Photorespiration is performed by

Question 62 of 180

63. An abnormality in humans called ‘Sickle cell anemia’ is resulted due to point mutation leading to the change of

Question 63 of 180

64. Ψw and Ψpare zero respectively for

Question 64 of 180

65. Eight bacteria kept in cup divide repeatedly and produce 64 bacteria in 2 hours. Find the time consumed in binary fission.

Question 65 of 180

66. Number of genotypes present in yellow round, yellow wrinkled, green round and green wrinkled phenotypes of 2F generation progeny of Mendel’s dihybrid cross respectively is

Question 66 of 180

67. Select the correct statement

Question 67 of 180

68. Ability of sigma to recognise the pollen whether it is of right type or the wrong type

Question 68 of 180

69. The assemblage of all the population of different species that function as an integrated unit through coevolved metabolic transformation in a specific area is called

Question 69 of 180

70. Identify the correct matched related to plant movements

Question 70 of 180

71. In dicotyledonous stem, which of the following is the sequence of tissues from inside to outside?

Question 71 of 180

72. In the given diagrams the correct labelling of A, B, C, D, respectively, is

Question 72 of 180

73. Which is incorrect about coenzyme

Question 73 of 180

74. Regarding ATP synthesis in aerobic respiration select the correct match 



Question 74 of 180

75. Find out the correctly matched one

Question 75 of 180

76. How many plants among the following have opposite phyllotaxy. China rose, Sun flower, Mustard, Alstonia, Guava, Calotropis and Nerium?

Question 76 of 180

77. Anticodon is a base triplet present on

Question 77 of 180

78. Which of the following is true w.r.t. grafting

Question 78 of 180

79. Krebs cycle starts with the formation of six carbon compound by a reaction between

Question 79 of 180

80. If the content of DNA in a chromosome is 2C after M-phase, what will be the content of DNA at G1 phase chromosome and S - phase chromosome of mitosis?

Question 80 of 180

81. Study the following diagrams and identify the option containing correct set answers

Question 81 of 180

82. S-I : Linked genes get separated due to crossing over

S-II : The closer the genes on a chromosome the more is the probability of recombinations

Question 82 of 180

83. Bicollateral vascularbundles are present in which part of the Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae members

Question 83 of 180

84. The leaves of the juvenile plant are different in shape from those in mature plant in

Question 84 of 180

85. The first clinical gene therapy was given for treating

Question 85 of 180

86. Which of the following taxonomical aids are used in identification of both plants and animals?

Question 86 of 180

87. How many DNA fragments will be obtained on the digestion of a linear DNA and a circular DNA with a type of restriction enzyme having four recognition sites in both the cases?

Question 87 of 180

88. Identify the incorrect statements

I) Trichoderma species are symbiotic fungi

II) Baculoviruses are nothing but bacteriophages

III) Diphtheria is commonly known as kali khansi

IV) Microbes are used to ferment fish, soyabean and bamboo-shoots to make foods


Question 88 of 180

89. Root nodules (tubercles) are found on

Question 89 of 180

90. Which of the following statements about classification is true?

i) Members of a family are less similar than members of an included genus

ii) An order has more members than the number of members in as included genus

iii) Families have more members than  phyla

iv) Members of a family share a common ancestor in the more distance past than members of an included genus

v) The number of species in a taxon depends on their relative degree of similiarity

Question 90 of 180


91. Which one of the following ecosystem types has the highest annual net primary productivity?

Question 91 of 180

92. Consider the following features:

A. Exclusively marine, radially symmetrical diploblastic organisms with tissue level of organisation.

B. The body bears eight external rows of ciliary comb plates.

C. Digestion is both extracellular and intracellular

D. Exhibit bioluminescence

E. Monoecious, fertilisation external with indirect development The above-mentioned features belong to the animal

Question 92 of 180

93. In which one of the following options the two examples are correctly matched with their particular type of immunity?
Examples                                                                   Type of immunity
1) Polymorphonuclear

leucocytes and monocytes                                      Cellular barriers
2) anti-tetanus and anti-snake

bite injections                                                            Active immunity
3) Saliva in mouth and

tears in eyes                                                              Physical barriers
4) mucous coating of epithelium lining                Physiological barriers
the urinogenital tract and the HCl in stomach

Question 93 of 180

94. Which of the following technique has been shown in the given diagram


Question 94 of 180

95. Alienate the number of  incorrect statement(s)

S1: Laccifer lacks circulatory system.

S2: Neries have nephridia but no nephrons

S3: Silver fish is Non-operculate marine fish

S4: Neophron has both neurons and nephrons


Question 95 of 180

96. Following is a diagrammatic representation of endocrine glands with a labelled part ‘A’. The part ‘A’ serves as the connection between

Question 96 of 180

97. Who was awarded the three prizes widely regarded as the triple crown of biology

Question 97 of 180

98. During the transmission of nerve impulse through a nerve fibre, the potential on the outer side of the plasma membrane has which type of electric charge?

Question 98 of 180

99. Find out the correct labelling of bones A, B, C and D in the given figure

Question 99 of 180

100. A phenomena in which a bee visits a flower at the same time every day is called

Question 100 of 180

101. The three-chambered heart of frog is not as efficient as the human heart with four chambers, because

Question 101 of 180

102. Biodiversity is maximum in tropics because

Question 102 of 180

103. Following is a diagrammatic representation of a nephron showing blood vessels, duct and tubule. These structures have been labelled as A, B, C etc., Answer the questions that follow.

(i) Which parts are located in cortical region of kidney?

(ii) Which structure is highly reduced in cortical nephrons?

(iii) Identify the part F. (iv) Which parts collectively form Malpighian body?

Question 103 of 180

104. Making two varieties of a cattle breed like Red Dane which have no common ancestors on either sides of their pedigree up to 4-6 generations is an example for

Question 104 of 180

105. The population of an insect species shows an explosive increase in numbers during rainy season followed by its disappearance at the end of the season. What does this show?

Question 105 of 180

106. A 26 years old female has 2 offsprings(NOTE:not twins). If menses start at the age of 12 years then  the number of  ova formed are

Question 106 of 180

107. Identical twins are produced when

Question 107 of 180

108. A sensitized Rh --ve woman gives birth dizygotic twins with different Rh phenotypes then

Question 108 of 180

109. Ligament consists of

Question 109 of 180

110. Implantation of the blastocyst occurs

Question 110 of 180

111. Complete the following Analogy

Seminal Vesicle: Cockroach: : --------: human


Question 111 of 180

112. The four structure listed are part of the human excretory system.
I. Bladder II. Kidney III. Ureter IV. Urethra
In which order does a molecule of urea pass through these structures?

Question 112 of 180

113. Two adaptive radiations are shown in the figure below. Animal ‘B’ acquires the same adaptations as the Animal ‘Q’. This type of evolution is called as

Question 113 of 180

114. Bundle of His is a network of:

Question 114 of 180

115. Which one of the following hormone is derived from an Amino acid which the human beings are incapable of synthesizing

Question 115 of 180

116. Consider the following diagrammatic representation of the sectional view of cochlea with certain labeled parts A,B,C and D. Find out the incorrect match w.r.t labeled part and its identification/description.

Question 116 of 180

117. ‘Penicillin rich medium proves detrimental to bacteria but not beneficial to Penicillium which releases it’. This association can be symbolized as

Question 117 of 180

118. How many of the following statements are wrong w.r.t. STDs?

A. AIDs is the most dangerous STD.

B. Hepatitis B, genital herpes and HIV infection are not curable

C. Ectopic pregnancy and cancer are not included under the complications of STDs

D. The incidence of STDs are reported to be very high among persons in the age group of 15-24 yearsx

Question 118 of 180

119. Consider the following statements
I) The fertile top soil is removed by human activities like over – cultivation, unrestricted grazing, deforestation and poor irrigation practices
II) Desertification has become a major problem due to increased urbanization.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

Question 119 of 180

120. Arrange the periods of palaeozoic era in ascending order in a geological time scale

Question 120 of 180

121. Identify the molecules (a) and (B) shown below and select the right option giving their source and use.

Molecule                                     Source                                       Use
1) A - Cocaine                   Erythroxylum coca                Accelerates the                                                                                                                           transport of dopamine
2) B - Heroin                    Cannabis sativa                      Depressant and slows down                                                                                                     body functions
3) B - Cannabinoid              Atropa belladonna            Produces hallucinations
4) A - Morphine               Papaver somniferum            Sedative and pain killer

Question 121 of 180

122. ABO blood group has

Question 122 of 180

123. Which of the following statements are correct related to human

A. The chemical process of digestion is initiated in oral cavity by the hydrolytic action of the carbohydrate splitting enzyme, the salivary amylase.

B. Lipases are absent in secretion of gastric glands

C. Bile helps in emulsification of fats and also activates lipases.

D. Nucleases in the succus entericus acts on nucleic acids to form nucleotides and nucleosides

Question 123 of 180

124. If a female having gene for haemophilia and colour blindness on its one chromosome marries a normal male, then what are the chances in their offspring

Question 124 of 180

125. All of the following are functions of secretions from (b)  except



Question 125 of 180

126. which of the the following statement is false?

Question 126 of 180

127. The concentration of DDT is increased at successive trophic levels in a food chain, through

Question 127 of 180

128. Which of the following structures are found in female cockroach ?

Question 128 of 180

129. Olfactory bulbs are extensions of

Question 129 of 180

130. Amniocentesis is a technique

Question 130 of 180

131. The copper ions of IUDs

Question 131 of 180

132. Which of the following statement is true for the structure marked ‘A’ in the given figure

Question 132 of 180

133. Match the following and select the correct answer.
Column I                          Column II
A. Choanocytes               1. Platyhelminthes
B. Cnidoblasts                 2. Ctenophora
C. Flame cells                  3. Porifera
D. Nephridia                   4. Coelenterata
E. Comb plates               5. Annelid

Question 133 of 180

134. The state of heart when it does not pump blood effectively enough to meet the needs of the body is

Question 134 of 180

135. In which one of the following , erythrocytes are repositories of more  ions as compared to others?

Question 135 of 180



Question 136 of 180

137. Copper crystallizes in fcc with a unit cell length of 361 pm. What is the radius of copper atom?

Question 137 of 180

138. Select species which is planar at nitrogen

Question 138 of 180

139. Which of the following has minimum flocculation value for positively charged sol ?

Question 139 of 180

140. Most basic and acidic oxides are formed by the following 3rd period elements.

Question 140 of 180

141. 100ml of O 2 on partial ozonisation, O2 and O3are obtained in the molar ratio of 1 : 1 what % of O2is converted into ozone

Question 141 of 180

142. The impure 7g of NaCl is dissolved in water and then treated with excess of silver nitrate solution. The weight of precipitate of silver chloride is found to be 14g. The % purity of NaCl solution would be (M. Wt of AgCl = 143.5, NaCl = 58.5)

Question 142 of 180

143. The weight of H2O2present in 80 ml of 10V H2O2 solution is

Question 143 of 180

144. Kjeldahl’s method cannot be used for estimation of nitrogen in
I) C6H5CO NH2  II) Pyridine
III)  C6H5-N=N-C6H5

Question 144 of 180

145. The equivalent weight of HCl in the given reaction is
KCr2O7 +14 HCl -->2KCl + 2CrCl3 +3Cl2 +H2O

Question 145 of 180

146. The pH of a solution of H2O2is 6.0. Some chlorine gas is bubbled into this solution. Which of
the following is correct?

Question 146 of 180

147. When two moles of an ideal gas (Cpm=(5/2)R) heated from 300K to 600K at constant pressure. The change in entropy of gas (∆s ) is

Question 147 of 180

148. Equimolar solutions of the following were prepared in water separately. Which one of the solution will record the highest pH?

Question 148 of 180

149. The correct order of increasing acidic strength of the compounds



Question 149 of 180

150. Iron sulphide is heated in air to form ‘A’ . ‘A’ is dissolved in water to give ‘Y’. The basicity of ‘Y’ is

Question 150 of 180

151. Total number of coordination isomers shown by complex  [Co(NH3)6] [Cr(Cl)6] is:

Question 151 of 180

152. Which of the following compound react faster through SN2mechanism

Question 152 of 180

153. A possitive carbylamine test is given by

Question 153 of 180

154. Beryllium and aluminium exhibit many properties which are similar. But, the two elements differ in

Question 154 of 180

155. A solution ‘X’ contains 30 mole percent of A and is in equilibrium with its vapour that contains 40 mole percent of ‘B’. The ratio of vapor pressure of pure A and B will be:

Question 155 of 180

156. The standard reduction potential for  Cu+2/ Cu  is +0.34V.Calculate the reduction potential at pH=14
for the above couple.   Ksp of Cu(OH)2= 1.0×10-19

Question 156 of 180

157. If mercury is used as cathode in the electrolysis of aqueous NaCl solution, the ions discharged at cathode are

Question 157 of 180

158. When 0.1mole MnO42- is oxidized, the quantity of electricity required in coulombs to completely oxidize MnO42- to MnO4- is

Question 158 of 180

159. Which one of the following oxyacids of chlorine is the least
oxidising in nature

Question 159 of 180

160. Xe has max. EN in:-

Question 160 of 180

161. Which of the following ‘gem’ diols is stable?

Question 161 of 180

162. At Boyles temperature, compressibility factor Z for a real gas is

Question 162 of 180

163. The hybridisation of Beryllium in Beryllate ion formed when Beryllium hydroxide dissolves in excess of alkali?

Question 163 of 180

164. Compound having least heat of hydrogenation:

Question 164 of 180

165. Which of the substances added to soap make it antiseptic?

Question 165 of 180

166. The correct order of EM+2/M values with negative sign for the four successive elements Cr,Mn,Fe and Co is

Question 166 of 180

167. A and B are compounds of sodium. ‘A’ is thermally stable. On passing CO2 through aq. solution
‘A’, ‘B’ is formed. ‘B’ on heating gives ‘A’. Phenolpthalein is added to aqueous solutions of A, B.
The colours are

Question 167 of 180

168. 51. Cyclohexene on ozonolysis followed by reaction with Zn dust and water gives compound ‘E’. Compound ‘E’ on further treatment with aqu.KOH yields compound ‘F’. Compound ‘F’ is

Question 168 of 180


Number of carbon atoms in principal carbon chain


Question 169 of 180

170. The shortest wavelength of He+ ion in Balmer series is x, then longest wavelength in the paschen series of Li2+is

Question 170 of 180

171. An acid-base indicator has a In Kln of 3 ×10-5. The acid form of indicator is red and the basic form is blue.

Question 171 of 180

172. The most volatile alkane is

Question 172 of 180


Incorrect statements about X and Y are

Question 173 of 180

174. The conductivity of saturated solution of BaSO4is 3.06×10-6  mho cm-1and its equivalent conductance is 1.53 mho cm-2 eq-1. Then Ksp for BaSO4 will be

Question 174 of 180

175. Henderson equation pH - pKa = 5 will be applicable to an acidic buffer when:-


Question 175 of 180

176. For decolourization of one mole of KMnO4 the required litre of 30 volume H2O2 in acidified medium is


Question 176 of 180

177. To form osazone, mumber of moles of phenyl hydrazine  required by one mole of glucose is


Question 177 of 180

178. Assertion: Graphite is thermodynamically most stable allotrope of carbon
Reason: ΔHf0 of graphite is taken as zero

Question 178 of 180

179. The vapour pressure of a dilute solution of glucose is 750 mm of Hg at 373K. The mole fraction of solute is

Question 179 of 180

180. What would be the product formed when 1-bromo-3 chloro cyclo butane reacts with two equivalents of metallic sodium in ether

Question 180 of 180


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