NBHM Scholarships for MA, M.Sc. in Mathematics 2011-12

The National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) is inviting applications for the grant of Scholarships to to those pursuing MA / M.Sc. in Mathematics from the academic year 2011-12. NBHM was established by the Government of India under the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE). Govt. of India. The NHBM also offers financial assistance to research projects and to doctoral and postdoctoral scholars through different advertisements. Following are details of NBHM Scholarships for MA/ M.Sc. in Mathematics:

Eligibility Requirements: Candidates should have completed B. A. / B. Sc. in first class. Those appeared final year exams also can apply. Candidates who studied / appeared final year exams of B.Sc. (honours) degree with at least second class marks also can appear. Those completed three years of an integrated M. Sc. with first class marks also can apply. Students with M.Sc. (Part-I) or in the fifth year of a 5 year integrated M.Sc. course are also eligible to apply for NBHM scholarships. Candidates age should be below 23 years as on 1st January 2011.

The Scholarship amount is Rs. 6,000/- (Rs. six thousand only) per month. Students who are in M.Sc. (Part-I) or in the 5th year of a 5 year Integrated M.Sc. course will get the scholarship for one year. Candidates should enroll in an recognized institute to be eligible to avail these scholarships.

Selection Procedure: Candidates will be selected based on a written test followed by interview of short listed candidates. The written test will be held on 24th September 2011 across the country. The question paper will consist of questions from the areas of Algebra, Analysis and Geometry. Duration of the test is two and half hours and involve questions with short answers. Old / Previous question papers of NBHM are available on http://www.nbhm.dae.gov.in.

How to Apply: Candidates can obtain application format from the above website. Filled in forms should be sent along with a passport size photograph and a self-addressed envelope to the appropriate person for the Zone in which the candidate is going to appear for the written test. Details of Zone addresses are available on the website. Application forms should be super scribed as ‘NBHM M.A. / M. Sc. Scholarships’.

Last date for the receipt of filled in applications is 1st August 2011. For more details, contact at concerned Zonal head address.

46 thoughts on “NBHM Scholarships for MA, M.Sc. in Mathematics 2011-12”

  1. Namstia,Sir i am student of Bsc.3year(t-68%)I had attended the NBHM scholarship exam.So Plz send me previous years question papers of NBHM.

  2. Good afternoon sir, i am nazia. I had applied for scholarship and i had received response letter also . Kindly send some recent question papers of NBHM scholarship exam.


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