IOCL Scholarships 2011-12 for Engineering, ITI, MBA, MBBS and 10th Passed Students

Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) is offering 2600 Scholarships for students of 10+ / ITI, Engineering, MBBS and MBA Courses on merit cum means basis. Candidates with parental income of less than Rs. 1 lakh per annum along with other qualifications mentioned below can apply online through Selected 10 + / ITI candidates will get Rs. 1000 per month and all other candidates will receive Rs. 3000 per month as scholarship. Following are details of eligible courses, duration, number of scholarships and application procedure:

1. For 10+/ITI candidates: Duration of the scholarships: 2 years; Number of Scholarships: 2000; Eligibility: 10th class; Scholarship amount: Rs. 1000 per month.
2. For Engineering candidates: Duration of the scholarships: 4 years; Number of Scholarships: 300; Eligibility: 12th class; Scholarship amount: Rs. 3000 per month.
3. For MBBS candidates: Duration of the scholarships: 4 years; Number of Scholarships: 200; Eligibility: 12th clss; Scholarship amount: Rs. 3000 per month.
4. For MBA candidates: Duration of the scholarships: 2 years; Number of Scholarships: 100; Eligibility: Any Graduation; Scholarship amount: Rs. 3000 per month.

Eligibility Requirements: Candidates should be pursuing full time / regular courses in the above streams and they should be studying in Schools/ Colleges/ Institutions/ Universities recognized by regulatory bodies such as MCI/ AICTE/ State Education Boards/ State Govt. / ICSC/ CBSE/Central Govt./AIU are eligible to apply. The student should have got admission in the 1st year of concerned School / College/ Institute/ University in the academic year 2011-12. Applicants age must be between 15 – 30 years as on 25th July 2011.

Students who are pursuing two year full time post graduate courses in Business Administration / Management which are equivalent to MBA degree can apply for the scholarships in the management stream. Students with confirmed admission in the first year of Engineering, MBBS, MBA and also 11th standard as well as those in the 1st year of 2 year ITI course are also eligible to apply. Only full time courses will be considered. All the candidates should submit income certificate of the family for financial year 2010-11. The parental income should not exceed Rs. 1,00,000/- . Selection of the candidates will be based on the marks secured by the students in the qualifying examination and family’s income.

Application Procedure: Candidates studying in 11th standard / First year of Higher Secondary education, 1st year of a 2 year ITI course, 1st year of Engineering degree, MBBS and MBA in the academic year 2011-12 can apply Online through They should take system generated unique Registration Number along with a print-out of the submitted online application. Print out of the application along with other required documents should be sent to ‘ACE Consultants, Post Box No. 9248, Krishna Nagar Head Post Office, Delhi-110051’. For more details, see

Important Dates:

1. Start of online application: 25th July 2011
2. Close of Online application: 15th September 2011.
3. Last date for the receipt of print outs of applications; 15th October 2011.

195 thoughts on “IOCL Scholarships 2011-12 for Engineering, ITI, MBA, MBBS and 10th Passed Students”

  1. sir
    i am studying 3rd year cse branch,so sir i am eligible to this scholorship or not sir plese tell me.
    thanking you sir

  2. This is santhosh. Am studying final year engineering. Whether iam eligible for this scholorship to apply. Please reply positive. Thank u sir.

  3. Sir,
    can i apply for the published scholarship as i have completed my inter education and entering into engineering field?
    plz give me the reply

  4. hiii sir..
    my name is shivam bhardwaj..
    and i am in class 12th..!!!
    am i eligible for this scholarship program..??
    pls rply..

  5. Hell sir,my name is sadhana.i am 12 science passed student. My form for addmission in B.E. For computer eng. is running on ACPC. I got 80.90% in 12 science. my merit number is 7406. I want to addmit in SHRI SWAMI ATMANAND SARASWATI COLLEGE OF ENG. in surat. But it’s fee is 48000 per yer. We are middle class family. My father can not pay this fees.please help me.If i will approve for this scholership plz tell me on this number 9727200644 bcoz my e mail address is not now running.

  6. Dear Sir,
    I am study now M.Sc final.Wheather I applicable for this scholarship?
    Plz give me reply.
    Thank you.

  7. Dear Sir,
    I am study now B.Sc 2nd Yr Physics (hons).
    can I apply for this scholarship?Plz give me reply.
    Thank U.

  8. Good morning sir,
    my name is deepthi,i am pursuing my final year ece.
    wheather i am applcable for this scholorship or not,plz give me a rply with positive.
    thank you sir.

      • dear sir, i am poojitha. i am doing my btech 1st year. i have been applied for iocl 2011-12 scholarship i have already send you my xerox of intermediate marks list, my caste certificate,download application form my original certificates are given at the time of counselling. i request you for your response about which certificates are required . if i done any mistake please forgive me. don’t reject it. i beg you sir. in turn i need to inform that i have turned to annamacharaya institue of technology rajampeta instead of madanpalle institue of technology please reply me soon if corrections. i request you sir

      • dear sir,
        i am poojitha has been applied for scholarship. i have send you my income certificate of original and caste certificate ,marks memo,on dated 03-10-2011. please inform me is it reached or not

    • Dear sir,
      iam k Sankeerthana iam studying inter 2nd year
      please inform me iam eligible or not your scholorship

    • hello sir .. i m nipa..
      i have got admission in One enginnering college , 3rd sem .its fees is 45000 rs. I have passed Diloma Course In IT , so i got admission in 3rd sem (IT) directly . As mentioned in IOCL column first year students can apply for scholarship.
      can i apply for IOCL scholarship ?

      Plz give me reply.
      Thank you !!

    • hello sir .. i m nipa..
      i have got admission in One enginnering college , 3rd sem .its fees is 45000 rs. I have passed Diloma Course In IT , so i got admission in 3rd sem (IT) directly in august,2011 . As mentioned in IOCL column first year students can apply for scholarship.
      can i apply for IOCL scholarship ?

      Plz give me reply.
      Thank you !!

    • Dear sir,

      I am Ganesh Repale. I am studying in 2nd year engineering.
      Please send me reply that wheather I am eligible applicable for iocl
      scholarship. please sir I need your help
      Please sir!


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