Police Recruitment Board – 16,614 Constables and SI Posts Notification

The first notification for the recruitment of job vacancies has been released. The Police Recruitment Board on Monday issued a notification for the recruitment of 16,614 posts in the Home Department. Of these, 16,027 were constables and 587 were SI posts. Has issued four separate notifications to recruit these. The Finance Ministry has announced that vacancies in the Police, Special Protection Force, Prisons and Fire Departments will be filled. Applications for the respective posts will be accepted online from May 2. Closing date for online application is May 20.

The details of vacancies by districts and zones are posted by the Recruitment Board on the website www.tslprb.in. According to the new zonal policy .. Constable Civil, AR, Fireman posts at the district level; Post of TSSP Constable in Multi Zonal; Prison warden, zonal SI posts; SPF constable posts will be filled at the state level. Key changes have been made this time around in the recruitment process for police posts.

In the past, candidates were given fitness tests such as running 100, 800 meters as well as long jump, high jump and shot put. Male candidates must have qualified for the 800 meters. In the 100 meters, long jump, high jump and shot put, it was enough to qualify in any three. Recently, 100, 800 meters, high jump‌ tests were discontinued. Male candidates will run the 1,600m instead of the 800m. It should be completed in 7.15 minutes. Male candidates must qualify in the 1,600 meters, long jump and shot put. Previously the 100m run was mandatory for women candidates. It has now been raised to 800 meters. They have to complete it in 5.20 minutes.

Also, changes were made in the long jump and shot put tests. The long jump was 3.80 meters in the past but has now been increased to 4 meters. The shot put (7.26 kg) was 5.60 m in the past and has now been increased to 6 m. Candidates’ runs will be recorded using radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, the Police Recruitment Board said. It also said that once the candidates qualify for the fitness test, it will be valid for up to three months.

Women candidates were given 33% reservation in civil posts and 10% reservation in AR. The age limit for candidates has been fixed as July 1 this year. Eligible age for constable posts is 18 to 22 years; SI posts are valid for 21 to 25 years. The notification said the three-year relaxation recently given by the government to uniform posts would apply. In addition to this five years for government employees, SC, ST, BC; Ex-servicemen, NCC candidates will have a three-year relaxation. That is, candidates in the open category for constable posts up to 25 years; Government employees, SC, ST, BC candidates can compete up to 30 years.

Eligibility is 30% in Preliminary!

Police posts are filled in three stages. Candidates who qualify in the first preliminary written test will be given a fitness test. After that there will be a final written test. In the past, 40 marks for both OCs, 35 marks for BCs, 30 marks for SCs, STs and ex-servicemen were considered eligible for subsequent examinations (Kata F). However, the latest announcement has reduced the percentage of marks required for the preliminary written test qualification.

It was decided that 30 per cent would be eligible for all categories. However, there is no change in the final test cutoff. Also, changes have been made to the negative‌ marking‌ policy in the latest announcement. While one wrong question in the preliminary and final exam had a negative marking of 25, it has now been reduced to 20 per cent. Also, constable candidates will have a weightage of three marks if they have a driving license. Meanwhile, competition for police posts is likely to increase. In the past, up to 6 lakh applications were received for 18 thousand posts. The Police Recruitment Board estimates that this time it could be up to Rs 7 lakh.

Removal of interview marks for Group – 1 and Group – 2 Exams

The state government, which has suspended interviews in government job placements, hopes to reduce the marks in exams as well. So far, all the papers have the maximum marks combined with the interview marks. Earlier, only the total marks of the written test will be the maximum marks. In this order the Group‌ – 1 exam will be for a total of 900 marks and the Group‌ – 2 exam will be for a total of 600 marks. To this extent the recruitment agencies have almost brought the process of examination process to a halt.

Written test basis
Interviews for Group-1, Group-2 scales, Medical Officer in Medical Institutions, and direct appointments at the post level, and Demo Round for teaching posts in Gurukul Educational Institutions have so far been crucial. The government has decided to cancel these appointments on the basis of written tests to avoid delays in appointments and to avoid any room for manipulation. Recruitment agencies are focusing on changes in the examination system for the respective jobs. They suggested that it would be better to cancel the interviews as well as remove the marks related to them. A final decision on this is yet to be made.

Decreasing marks
► Previously the Group‌ – 1 examination was conducted for a total of 1000 marks. There were various written tests for 900 marks and 100 marks for the interview. The Group‌ – 2 exam was conducted for 675 marks. 75 marks were for interviews. Now if the marks of the interviews are removed .. Group‌ – 1 examination can be conducted for 900 marks and Group‌ – 2 examination for 600 marks.
► Currently there is a demo (direct teaching test) along with written tests for PGT, Junior Lecturer, Degree Lecturer appointments in Gurukul educational institutions. Officials hope the demo policy will be scrapped as the government removes interviews for groups‌ exams.
► Candidates for some posts in the medical department have so far been selected only through interviews. This time the board is working on a special operation for the appointments of the respective posts.

There are no changes in the syllabus!
Changes in the examination procedure were inevitable with the cancellation of interviews in job placements. Recruitment agencies, however, feel that changes in the examination syllabus are not necessary. However as the interviews have been deleted .. there is also a proposal to include items related to the respective abilities in the written test.

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