AP 10th Class Biology – Bit Bank 2016

Objective Type Questions:
1. The end product of dark reaction is
a) PGA b) C6H12O6 c) Carbon dioxide d) Ribulose biphosphate
2. Which of the following is correct?
a) Tthe diaphragm contracts-volume of chest cavity increased.
b) The diaphragm contracts-volume of chest cavity decreased.
c) The diaphragm expands-volume of chest cavity increased.
d) The diaphragm expands- volume of chest cavity decreased.
3. Cardiac is a word that refers to a specific organ and its function. Can you name the organ?
a) lungs b) kidney c) heart d) brain
4. After having lunch or dinner, one can feel to pass urine. Can you tell the reason behind this?
a) stomach gives pressure on bladder
b) solids become liquids
c) water content in food material
d) spincter relaxation
5. A person was found laughing without any reason. He started to cry within few minutes. And then, he was angry. He lost control of emotions. What part of his brain might have stopped functioning?
a) cerebrum b) diencephalon c) mid brain d) cerebellum
6. Which part of the male reproductive system produces (human) the sperm cells?
a) vasdiference b) Epididymis c) Bladder d) Scrotum
7. What causes peristalsis?
a) Contraction of longitudinal muscles.
b) Contraction of circular muscles.
c) Under control of autonomous nervous system
d) digestive secretions
8. Natural selection means
a) nature selects desirable characters
b) nature rejects undesirable characters
c) nature reacts with an organism
d) a, b
9. Pyramid of number shows the ….. of organisms at each trophic level in the food chain.
a) food b) population c) food web d) energy
10. Huge amount of toxic chemicals leak into the surrounding eco system because of
a) industries b) mining c) pesticides d) modern technology
11. What is the digestive juice that does not contain enzyme?
a) Bile b) Gastric juice c) Pancreatic juice d) Saliva
12. Respiration is a catabolic process because of
a) breakdown of complex food molecules
b) conversion of light energy
c) synthesis of chemical energy
d) energy storage
13. Which of the following opinion is correct?
a) Ravi said, xylem and phloem cells are arranged one upon the other to form a tube like structure
b) John said, xylem and phloem cells are not separate tube like structures.
c) Salma said, xylem and phloem cells connect together to form a tube like structure.
d) Hari said, because of its shape they are said to be tube like structures.
14. Sequence of urine formation in nephron is
a) Glomerular filtration, Tubular reabsorption, Tubular secretion
b) Tubular reabsorption, Tubular secretion, Glomerular filtration
c) Tubular secretion, Glomerular filtration, Tubular reabsorption
d) Tubular reabsorption, Glomerular filtration, Tubular secretion
15. Leaf movement in mimosa helps to
a) reduce photosynthesis
b) protect from grazers
c) releasing phyto hormones
d) regulate it’s growth
16. How does the sperm break through the egg cell membrane? Choose the option you think is right.
a) tears a hole in the membrane
b) dissolves the membrane with chemicals
c) bites through the membrane with teeth
d) squeezes through gaps in the membrane.
17. The region in brain portion that controls hunger signals
a) medulla b) diencephalon c) cerebrum d) mid brain
18. According to Mendel alleles have the following of a character
a) pair of genes
b) responsible for character
c) production of gametes
d) recessive factors
19. Ban all pesticides, this means that
a) control on usage of pesticides
b) prevention of pesticides
c) promote eco friendly agricultural practices
d) stop bio chemical factories.
20. Sustainable development means
a) prevention of wastage
b) stable growth
c) development without damaging
d) high yielding in less time
21. Which of the fossil fuel reserves decrease more rapidly in India?
a) natural gas b) coal c) petroleum d) all
22. What does a food chain always start with?
a) the herbivore b) the carnivore c) the producer d) none of them
23. Paleontologists deal with
a) embryological evidences b) fossil evidences
c) vestigial organ evidences d) all
24. Sphincter that helps in opening of stomach into duodenum
a) cardiac b) pyloric c) anal d) gastric

Answers : 1-b 2-a 3-c 4-c 5-b 6-d 7-c 8-d 9-b 10-a 11-a 12-a 13-c
14-a 15-b 16-b 17-b 18-c 19-c 20-c 21-d 22-c 23-b 24-b

Fill in the blanks:
1. The food synthesized by the plant is stored as …………
2. Rubber is produced from ……… of Heavea braziliensis
3. A point of contact between two neurons is ….
4. 3:2:1:2 is the ratio of our dentition. Here, 1 represents …………..
5. The population grows in ……….. progression where as food sources grow in ……… progression.
6. The finger like projections which increases the surface area in small intestine is called …..
7. Lenticels are the respiratory organs existing in ….. part of plant.
8. ICRISAT is in ………
9. The organisms that are in the top tropic level of the food chain are ……
10. Number of pairs of chromosomes in human beings are …….
11. Indole acetic acid is ………
12. The storage capacity of urinary bladder is ….
13. Number of heart beats per minute in man……
14. The largest artery is …………
15. Method of respiration in Amoeba is …..
16. An example for natural calamity ……..
17. The vitamin required for coagulation of blood is ………
18. Bamboo is actually a type of ……….
19. The most poisonous of all waste products of metabolism is ………..

Answers : 1. carbohydrates 2. latex 3. synapse 4. canines 5. geometric, arithmetic 6. villi 7. woody 8. Hyderabad 9. tertiary consumers 10. 23 11. Auxin 12. 300-800 ml 13. 72 times 14. aorta
15. diffusion 16. Tsunami 17. vitamin K 18. grass 19. ammonia

Match the following:
Group- A Group-B
1. Jatropa seeds ( ) a) Japan, 1956
2. Minamata disease ( ) b) closing of
stomata, seed dormancy
3. Nocturnal animals ( ) c) 5800 ml
4. Abscisic acid ( ) d) bio-fuel
5. Total lung capacity ( ) e) active during
of human being nights

Answers : 1-d 2-a 3-e 4-b 5-c

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