Ward Planning and Regulation Secretary Old Question Papers – Part B Questions

Following are questions from AP Ward Planning and Regulation Secretary exam 2019. Candidates appearing for this exams in 2020 can go through these questions to have an idea of the questions. Official key / answers are given along with questions. See details below:

The minimum width (in m) of a staircase flight in an educational building above 24m height should be

  1. 1.0
  2. 1.5
  3. 2.0
  4. 2.5
    ANSWER: 3

As per the Census of India 2011, Metropolitan Urban Agglomerationis a contiguous spread of several urban settlements where the minimum population size (in lakh/s) is

  1. 1
  2. 5
  3. 10
  4. 50
    ANSWER: 3

The concept of Dry Garden is associated with

  1. Japanese Garden
  2. Chinese Garden
  3. Mughal Garden
  4. Egyptian Garden
    ANSWER: 1

The grade – separated interchange suitable for 3-legged road intersection is

  1. Trumpet
  2. Full Clover Leaf
  3. Diamond
  4. Partial Clover Leaf
    ANSWER: 1

Finger Plan concept of urban planning was initially adopted in

  1. Canberra
  2. Paris
  3. Copenhagen
  4. Tokyo
    ANSWER: 3

Which one of the characteristic features best represents the ancient city of Mohenjodaro?

  1. Grid Iron street pattern
  2. Forum
  3. Agora
  4. Hanging Garden
    ANSWER: 1
Ward Planning and Regulation Secretary Model Papers

Incentive based voluntary shifting of FAR of a plot to another plot is called

  1. land pooling
  2. land sharing
  3. land reconciliation
  4. transfer of development rights
    ANSWER: 4

Development occuring on vacant or underused lots in otherwise built-up area is known as

  1. infill development
  2. planned unit development
  3. transit oriented development
  4. mixed – use development
    ANSWER: 1

Damage of foundation due to soil liquefaction is related to

  1. Cyclones
  2. Landslides
  3. Floods
  4. Earthquakes
    ANSWER: 4

Bulking of sand is highest in

  1. coarse sand
  2. medium sand
  3. fine sand
  4. sand saturated with water
    ANSWER: 3

The design element provided to ensure safety of a vehicle travelling at a prescribed design speed along the curved segment of a highway is

  1. shoulder
  2. super – elevation
  3. median
  4. footpath
    ANSWER: 2

More – Ward Planning and Regulation Secretary – Previous Questions

The ratio between illumination at a working point indoor to total light available simultaneously outdoor is known as

  1. daylight factor
  2. sky component
  3. internally reflected component
  4. externally reflected component
    ANSWER: 1

The unit of traffic density is

  1. vehicle / km
  2. PCU / hr
  3. cubic meter
  4. no unit
    ANSWER: 1

The information that is not essential to be submitted for sanction of any building plan is

  1. site plan
  2. floor plans
  3. title deed
  4. land cost
    ANSWER: 4

The effective floor area available for use within an apartment is known as

  1. carpet area
  2. built-up area
  3. plingth area
  4. super built up area
    ANSWER: 1

ECBC stands for

  1. Energy conduit in building construction
  2. Energy credit in building construction
  3. Electricity consumption in building conservation
  4. Energy conservation building code
    ANSWER: 4

Maximum acceptable noise level in hospital building is

  1. 25-30 dB
  2. 30-40 dB
  3. 40-50 dB
  4. 50-60 dB
    ANSWER: 3

As per IRC codes and standards, the minimum width of a two lane carriageway is

  1. 5.0 m
  2. 6.0 m
  3. 7.0 m
  4. 8.0 m
    ANSWER: 3

The principle of Eminent Domain is the power to

  1. restrict exercise of rights in land through zoning and environmental laws
  2. control land use
  3. retain land use
  4. acquire and take possession of property in order to promote public interest
    ANSWER: 4

In which of the following models does the private partner own the revenue as well as the risk associated with the project for a limited period of time?

  1. Build, Own, operate
  2. build, own, operate, transfer
  3. design, build, finance, operate
  4. design, bid, build
    ANSWER: 2

Aerial photography is useful to obtain

  1. land use data
  2. land cover data
  3. land contour data
  4. land ownership data
    ANSWER: 2

Housing for BPL families are undertaken through

  2. PURA
  3. NREGA
  4. IAY
    ANSWER: 4

The word mutation is associated with which of the following terms?

  1. ownership
  2. building regulation
  3. transpiration
  4. transportation
    ANSWER: 1

In annual housing demand a city, which of the following is not considered for demand estimation?

  1. new entrants to city
  2. dilapidated houses
  3. part of backlog
  4. relocated slum dwellers
    ANSWER: 4

The correct sequence in the four stagemodel used for transportation planning is

  1. trip generation > trip distribution > model split > trip assignment
  2. trip generation > trip assignment > model split > trip distribution
  3. trip distribution > model split > trip assignment > trip generation
  4. trip generation > trip distribution > trip assignment > model split
    ANSWER: 1

Under which category does the percentage of land use decrease with increase in city size?

  1. residential
  2. commercial
  3. institutional
  4. recreational
    ANSWER: 1

One ton of air conditioning is equal to

  1. 12 BTU/h
  2. 120 BTU/h
  3. 1200 BTU/h
  4. 12000 BTU/h
    ANSWER: 4

The study of urban form of human settlement is known as

  1. urban regeneration
  2. urban retrofit
  3. urban renewal
  4. urban morphology
    ANSWER: 4

Traditional Indian settlement pattern based on orthogonal grid is represented by

  1. Kurmaka
  2. Dandaka
  3. Mandala
  4. Chaturmukha
    ANSWER: 1

Plans of Mohenjodaro and medieval Jaipur are based on

  1. radial pattern and grid allocation of zoning
  2. clustered pattern and grid allocation of zoning
  3. centralised pattern and composite allocation of zoning
  4. grid pattern and sectoral allocation of zoning
    ANSWER: 4

In the context of city planning, smart growth means

  1. mix land use
  2. compact building design
  3. range of housing opportunities and choices
  4. all of the above
    ANSWER: 4

The dimensionless value of sky value factor (SVF) ranges between

  1. 0-1
  2. 1-2
  3. 5-10
  4. 10-15
    ANSWER: 1

When annual rainfall is deficient by 20% of normal or more, such a situation is recognised by IMD as

  1. agricultural drought
  2. seasonal drought
  3. drought year
  4. severe drought year
    ANSWER: 3
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Which of the following traffic intersections converts all crossing into merging and diverging sequences?

  1. rotary
  2. manual signalling
  3. automatic signalling
  4. grade signalling
    ANSWER: 1

In mass transportation, LRTS stands for

  1. light rail transportation system
  2. light rail transit system
  3. linear rail transit system
  4. linear rail transportation system
    ANSWER: 2

The housing stock of a town is 9090 dwelling units. Present population is 45450. Assuming the average household size to be 4.5, the present housing shortage percentage is

  1. 15%
  2. 20%
  3. 10%
  4. 05%
    ANSWER: 3

As per the Urban and Regional Development plans formulation and implementation (URDPFI) guidelines, the plan period considered in a Perspective Plan is

  1. 1-10 years
  2. 11-15 years
  3. 20-30 years
  4. 35-45 years
    ANSWER: 3

How is road density measures?

  1. area of road divided by area of region
  2. length of road divided by area of region
  3. length of particular road divided by length of total roads
  4. number of vehicles passing per km of road
    ANSWER: 2

In India, the term Town Planning Scheme refers to

  1. land renewal
  2. land reclamation
  3. land readjustment
  4. land rejuvenation
    ANSWER: 3

A plotted housing scheme on a site of 12 hectares has 60% saleable area. The average unit cost of land development is INR 300 million per hectare. If the pofit margin is 20%, then the selling price of land per hectare is ……… million INR.

  1. 600
  2. 500
  3. 400
  4. 300
    ANSWER: 1

Area – Based development and Pan – City Development are part of

  1. smart city mission
  2. swachh bharat mission
  3. digital India mission
  4. Atal Innovation Mission
    ANSWER: 1

Integrated Cluster Action Plan is a planning document related to which of the following government schemes?

  1. NULM
  2. PMAY
  3. National Rurban Mission (NRuM)
  4. AMRUT
    ANSWER: 3

Gentrification refers to

  1. Gradual replacement of green spaces with built up structures
  2. gradual replacement of lower income population with higher income population in a settlement
  3. Gradual replacement of non-motorised transport with motorised transport
  4. gradual replacement of ground water usage with surface water usage in a settlement
    ANSWER: 2

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