Following is the Biology study material in Telugu medium for VRO and VRA written examinations. Candidates can download the study material from the link given below:
1) First vaccine to be given to just born children?
2) Medicines founded by Dr. Yallapragada Subba Rao:
A: Tetracycline, Folic Acid, Di Ethyle
3) Head quarters of CSIR is at ….
A: New Delhi
4) The word ‘Biology’ is derived from…?
A: Greek
5) The Father of Biology is :
A: Aristotle
6) Microbiology is the study of…?
A: Microbes
7) Triple Antigen Vaccine..?
8) ORS means….
A: Oral Rehydration Solution
9) Center for Cellulat and Molecular Biology is located at…
A: Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh)
10) Central Rice Research Institute (CRRI) is located in…
A: Cuttuck