10th Class Bit Bank – Social Studies for AP and Telangana

1. Which of the following is not a peninsular river
A) Krishna B) Godavari C) Tungabhadra D) Brahmaputra

2. Which one of the following is not tributary of the Indus?
A) Yamuna B) Chenab C) Ravi D) Beyas

3. Choose the correct one.
A) Kharif -Basra B) Rabi – Jowar
C) Zayad – Vegetables D) All the above

4. The river which flows westward.
A) Mahanadi B) Tapathi C) Sabarmati D) Yamuna

5. Precipitation includes
A) Snow B) Rainfall C) Hail D) Above all

6. Which is correct statement?
(1) Ground water flow is very difficult to estimate.
(2) Usage of ground water should be restricted.
A) (1) is correct B) (2) is correct
C) (1), (2) are correct D) None

7. Which of the following is the largest peninsular river?
A) Krishna B) Kaveri C) Godavari D) Mahanadi

8. “Kudremukh” is a famous for which of these minerals?
A) Iron B) Gold C) Coal D) Mica

9. Control over ground water linked to …………… rights.
A) Water B) Human C) Land D) Above all

10. The turning of water into water vapour is called
A) Precipitation B) Evaporation
C) Condensation D) Above all

11. These are the states share the Tungabhadra.
A) Maharashtra and A.P. B) Maharashtra and Karnataka
C) A.P. and Tamilnadu D) Karnataka and A.P.

12. Alakanand and Bhagirathi join at ……………
A) Deva Prayaga B) Rudra Prayaga
C) Vishnu Prayaga D) Devi Prayaga

13. The Brahmaputra enters our country through this state.
A) Assom B) Arunachal Pradesh
C) Sikkim D) Nagaland

14. It is very difficult to estimate …………… water flow.
A) River B) Reservoir C) Ground D) Canal

15. The Dibang is the tributary of ……………
A) Brahmaputra B) Indus C) Ganga D) None

16. “Nasik” is in this state ……………
A) West Bengal B) Andhra Pradesh
C) Arunachal Pradesh D) Maharashtra

17. Conflicts between Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh are generally linked to ……………
A) Land B) Water C) Territory D) Above all

18. Perumatty is in …………… state.
A) Kerala B) Tamilnadu C) Karnataka D) A.P.

19. Hiware Bazar is in …………… state.
A) Karnataka B) Maharashtra 3) Kerala 4) Assom

20. Indus is …………… river.
A) Tributary B) Peninsular C) Perennial D) None

21. These crops needed large amount of water.
A) Paddy and Bajra B) Paddy and Sugarcane
C) Sugarcane and Jower D) Above All


1-D; 2-A; 3-D; 4-B; 5-D; 6-C; 7-C; 8-A; 9-C; 10-B; 11-D; 12-A; 13-B; 14-C; 15-A; 16-D; 17-B; 18-A; 19-B; 20-C; 21-B.

10th Social Studies Important Questions and Answers – Rivers Chapter

Question: Read the para given below and answer the following question.
(Read the para (given), Understanding and Interpretation)
Answer: Water is a common source to all. Rivers are one of the water resources. Rivers are one of the main economic contributor to the GDP in India. The rivers are useful many ways to the mankind. These are used for agricultural purpose,
domestic purpose, for industrial usage and for fishing etc.

Question: What role do the rivers play in our economy?

Answer: Rivers are important for the country’s economy, because of the following reasons. Agriculture is the main occupation to the Indians. The rivers are one of the water sources to agriculture.
1) For domestic usage, rivers are useful well.
2) Rivers carry the silt and sediment which make the floods. Plains, fertile and provide the most productive agriculture lands in the country.
3) Most of the industries are depend on rivers. Because rivers are generating power and as means of transport.
4) Recreation, tourist promotion and fishing are also being developed along the water flows.

Question: What are the four bandis of Hiware Bazar?
Answers: The four bandis were made famous by the Ralegan Siddhi experience. The bandis are
1) Kurhad bandi (means ban on falling trees)
2) Charai bandi (ban of tree grazing)
3) Nas bandi (family planning)
4) Nasha bandi (ban on liquor)

Question: How the dairy industry developed in Hiware Bazar?
Answer: In Hiware bazar dairy was developed
1) Loans have been given to small farmers.
2) As a result, the number of milk animals in the village has increased.
3) Fodder availability has been increased due to better productivity.
4) Hence the milk production has witnessed a more than 20 fold increase from 140 to 3000 litres per day.

Question: What are the water sources of your village/ town?
Answer: The main water sources of my village/ town are
1) Borewells
2) Public taps (purified water through pipelines) through Panchayat or Municipality.
3) Water tanks (mostly in rainy season) for agriculture purpose and animal usage.
4) Through under the government schemes 20 litres per Rs.2 only.

Question: What are the Himalayan rivers?
Answer: The three major river system arise from the Himalays. They are 1) The Ganga river system
2) The Brahmaputra river system and The Indus river system

Question: What are the features of perennial rivers?
1) These are seasonal.
2) They flow through the shallow valleys.
3) They always flow straight and linear courses.

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