10th Class Social Studies- Civics Practice and Model Questions

Civics is an important part of Social Studies in 10th Class / SSC Public Examinations in Andhra Pradesh. Here are some model questions useful for 4 marks and 2 marks categories. Students can practice these model questions to score good marks in Tenth Public Examinations.

4 Marks Questions (Civics):

1. Suggest some measures for the improvement of Schedule Castes and Schedule Tribes.
A: The discrimination on SCs and STs has to be checked on priority basis. Their condition has to be improved with the combined
efforts of public and the governments.
Steps for the improvement of SCs and STs:
– Meaningful revenue reforms and tenancy laws must be enacted and effectively implemented.
– Education for SCs and STs must be given the highest priority and welfare programmes for their improvement have to be taken up.
– Reservation facilities in education, employment etc., have to be implemented properly.
– States must ensure that the tribal lands are not allocated to the others.
– The rights of tribals in the hilly areas have to recognised.
– The people of SCs and STs have to be made partners of development and not the victims.
– Representation in optimum number of jobs and positions at higher levels should be made effectively.
– Severe punishment must be given to those commit crimes against SCs and STs.
– Different economic schemes for their self employment have to be taken up.
– Interest free loans have to be provided to them.
– Hostel facilities, scholarships, free books supply, fees concessions etc., have to extended to them.

2. Give the assumptions that underlie the successful functioning of the democratic government.
A: Assumptions – Democratic Government:
i) Limited Government: The democratic governments are always limited. The Constitution limits the powers of government which is regarded as fundamental.
ii) Rule of Law: In the system of democracy, all the citizens are equal. The law does not recognise any special privilege based on
the wealth or birth.
iii) Importance of dissent: Unless the dissent (difference of opinion with the government) the democracy can’t function successfully. The dissent should be taken into consideration while passing any Act. We can’t expect a good governance unless the right of dissent is accepted.
iv) Need for vigilant public: People should be alert in democratic form of government. Successful functioning of democracy requires vigilant public.
v) Public Opinion: Public Opinion has a key place in democracy. Forming organisations, organising rallies, Processions
and submitting memorandums are some of the ways to express public opinion.
vi) Nature of leadership: Democracy needs a wise, responsible and tolerant leadership. In democracy the role of leaders is more significant. So people shall carefully elect proper righteous, honest leaders who can lead others in righteous path.
vii) Socio economic equality: If the gap between the rich and the poor is wide the democracy can’t be truly successful. The equality should be achieved on priority basis. If it is done, all the people enjoy the rights and their position will be improved.

2 Marks Questions (Civics):

1. Distinguish between General Elections and Mid Term Polls.
A: General Elections: Elections held at regular intervals (e.g.: India-5 Years) for electing the representatives all over the
country or states in almost all the constituencies are called ‘General Elections’.
Mid Term Elections: If the Lok Sabha or any other State Assembly is dissolved before the expiry of the full term, new elections are held to form a new House. Such elections are termed as ‘Mid Term Elections’.

10th Social Studies Paper 1 – Model Question Paper

Here is SSC / 10th Class Social Studies Model Paper 1 for the practice. Students appearing for SSC Public Examinations can use this paper to get good score in Social Studies. Following are some model questions. You can see the complete question paper below these questions.


Note: 1) Answer any FIVE questions, choosing at least two from each group.
2) Each question carries two marks. 5 × 2 = 10


1. What were the resources of Indonesian Islands that attracted Europeans?
2. Describe the results of First World War.
3. Write a note on ‘Red Shirts’.
4. What was ‘Marshal Plan’? Write about it.


5. What are the objectives of U.N.O.?
6. Differentiate the General Elections and Mid Term Polls.
7. What are the languages recognised by the Indian Constitution?
8. Give an account on the role of woman in the political sphere.


Note: 1) Answer any FOUR of the following six questions.
2) Each question carries one mark. 4 × 1 = 4

9. What is meant by Fascism? Write the origin of the term ‘Fascism’
10. Who were the important Bhakti saints?
11. Expand the term ‘SWAPO’.
12. What is corruption? What is ‘SCAM’?
13. What is meant by ‘National Integration’?
14. Differentiate Direct and Indirect Elections.

10th Social Studies Model Paper

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