10th Class Social Studies Paper 1 – Model Question Paper

SSC Social Studies Paper 1 – Model Paper
MARCH 2013 (English Version) – PARTS A and B

Answer any five of the following choosing at least two from
each group 5 x 2 = 10


1) Write about Red Shirts
2) What are the forms and methods of Imperialism?
3) What was the immediate cause of First world war?
4) Write a note on Marshal plan


5) What steps are to be taken to eradicate communalism?
6) Write the role of political parties in promoting national integration
7) What are the mal practices in elections?
8) Write about panchasheel


Answer any four of the following 4 x 1 = 16
9) What do you mean by Balkan issue?
10) What is ‘Carbonary’?
11) Explain ‘Whiteman’s Burden’
12) Expand the term SAARC
13) What is meant by ‘Veto power’?
14) What are must to the riders of scooters and motor cycles?


Answer any four of the following selecting at least two from
each group GROUP – A 4 x 4 = 16
15) Give an account of Non-Co-Operation Movement Led by Gandhiji.
16) How was Italian Unification achieved under the leadership of
17) Write about characteristic features of Indian History?
18) What were the reasons for the out break of second world war?


19) Write a note on the general elections in India.
20) What are the steps to be taken to realise the objective of Universal primary Education
21) What are the problems of environmental pollution and ecological decay?
22) How do you explain that India is a multi cultural society?

SECTION – IV (1 x 5 = 5)

23) Mark the following on the outline map of the world
Set A: 1) Austria 2) India 3) Nigeria
4) New york 5) R.Nile
Set B: 1) Corsica 2) Red sea 3) Crete
4) Newzealand 5) U.S.A.


I. Choose the correct answer 10 x 1/2 = 5
1) Battle of Waterloo was held in the year [ ]
A) 1800 AD B) 1815 AD
C) 1900 AD D) 1915 AD
2) He was called himself as Sovereign of Congo [ ]
A) Leopold II B) Camaron
C) Livingston D) Louis Blonc
3) The architect of League of Nations [ ]
A) Lenin B) Hitler
C) Roosevelt D) Woodrow wilson
4) Present name of North Rhodesia is [ ]
A) Zambia B) Zimbabwe
C) Congo D) Zaire
5) ‘Warsaw pact’ was organised by [ ]
A) Russia B) America
C) Germany D) Italy
6) Bangladesh was formed in the year [ ]
A) 1951 B) 1961
C) 1971 D) 1981
7) The International Court of Justice is at [ ]
A) Newyork B) San Francisco
C) Moscow D) Hague
8) The first state created on linguistic basis [ ]
A) Kerala B) Andhra pradesh
C) Goa D) Karnataka
9) The Officer in change of polling booth [ ]
A) Collector B) Returning Officer
C) Presiding Officer D) Executive Officer
10) —– Separates state from religious matters [ ]
A) Secularism B) Socialism
C) Social Justice D) Rule of Law

II. Fill in the blanks 10 x 1/2 = 5

11) The 1848 Revolt in France occurred during the reign of —-
12) The words ‘Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism’
were told by ——-
13) The Russian rulers were called as ——-
14) Mussolini organised the journal ——-
15) —— was the commander of Allied powers during the second
world war
16) ——– was the chairman of constitutional Drafting committee
17) The system of government in modern democracies is ——
18) Indian National Congress was established in ——- (year)
19) The full form of C.T.B.T. ———–
20) Traffic management largely depends upon ——–
III. Match the following 10 x 1/2 = 5

21) General Dyer [ ] A) Vandemataram Movement
22) Annie Besant [ ] B) Astronomer and
23) Sisir Kumar Ghosh [ ] C) Stone Chariots
24) Aryabhatta [ ] D) Amrita Bazar
25) Pallava Narasimha Varma [ ] E) Do or Die
F) Iron man of India
G) Jallian walla bagh
H) Home Rule Movement


26) Indo-pak war [ ] A) Article 21
27) Formation of [ ] B) Article 17
Andhra State
28) Right to Live [ ] C) 1933
29) Minorities [ ] D) 1948
30) Children’s Act [ ] E) Article 24
F) 1953
G) 1956
H) Article 29

10th Social Studies Model Questions with Answers – EM

Following are questions from the lesson – Cultural Heritage of India – Indian Freedom Movement for 10th Class Social Studies subject.
2 Marks Questions
Q. What is meant by Safety Valve Theory?
A. Safety Valve Theory:
 During the end of 19th Century the British Official A.O. Hume thought of evolving a safety device to growing discontentment
among Indian National Leaders. He encouraged the Indian leaders to start a National Level Organization to convey the grievances to the government.  It was shaped in the form of Indian National Congress.
Hume aimed at prevent the mass agitation in future with the smaller agitation led by congress. In this connection Gopalakrishna Gokhale
pointed out “If Hume wanted to use congress as safety valve, the early congress leaders hoped to use him as a lightening conductor.”

Q. Write a short note on South Indian Temples.
A. South Indian Temples:
South India is famous for many historical temples.
The Pallavas, Cholas, Chalukyas, Vijayanagara rulers, Hoyasalas etc built beautiful temples and gopuras at different places.
Pallava Narasimhavarman I built the Mahabalipuram rock cut temples and Pancha Pandava rathas.
The most glorious, the Brihadeeswara temple at Tanjore was built by Raja Raja Chola.
 Hoyasaleswara Temple at Halebid was the contribution of
Hoyasalas. Rajendra Chola built Gangaikonda Cholapuram.
 The magnificent temples at Hampi- Vijayanagara namely
Hazara Ramaswamy and Vittala Swamy, Virupaksha and Krishna Swamy temples were the contributions of Sri Krishna Deva Raya.

Objective Type Questions:

I. Fill in the blanks.
1) ______ was the builder of Buland Darwaja (Akbar)
2) ______ was the great astronomer of Gupta times (Varahamihira)
3) ______ was the founder of Moghal Empire (Babur)
4) Taj Mahal was built by _____ (Shah Jahan)
5) Rama Krishna Mission was founded by _______ (Swamy Vivekananda).
6) The 1857 Revolt began at ______ (Meerut)
7) Ajanta caves are of ______ period (Guptas’)
8) The Battle of Plassey took place in ______ ad (1757)
9) ______ was the great master of Indian Medicine (Charaka)
10) The British Governor ______ was successful in abolishing the
social evil Sati (Lord William Bentinck)
11) Muslim League was founded in ______ (1906 AD)
12) ______ was the leader of Indian National Army (Subhash Chandra Bose)
13) Gandhiji conducted the Salt Satyagraha at ______ (Dandi)
14) The Home Rule MOvement was started by ______ (Annie Besant)
15) ______ was the leader of Moderates (Gopala Krishna Gokhale)

II. Chose the correct answer

1. The First President of Indian National Congress
A) A.O. Hume B) Dadabhai Naoroji
C) Surendranath Benerjee D) W.C. Benerjee
2. Annie Besant belonged to
A) England B) U.S.A.
C) U.S.S.R. D) Ireland
3. Sisir Kumar Ghosh was the Editor of
A) Amrita Bazar B) The Hindu
C) The Herald D) Maratha
4. Indian National Congress was founded in
A) 1919 B) 1909 C) 1865 D) 1885
5. The sculpture that existed in Kanishka times
A) Madhura Art B) Gandhara Art
C) Amaravati Art D) Hoyasala Art
6. Minto Morle Reforms were made in the year
A) 1909 B) 1919 C) 1929 D) 1935
7. Indian Constitution was adopted in the year
A) 1948 B) 1949 C) 1950 D) 1956

ANSWERS: 1)D 2)D 3)A 4)D 5)B 6)A 7)B.

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