10th Social Study Material

Objective Questions
I. Choose the Correct Answer
1) Napoleon Bonaparte was influenced by [ ]
A) Rousseau B) Socrates C) Matternich D) Voltaire
2) Das Capital was written by [ ]
A) Lenin B) Karl Marx C) Mussolini D) Plato
3) The policy of Bismark was known as — policy [ ]
A) Non-violence B) Peace and Love C) Resolution through negotiation
D) Blood and Iron
4) ‘Red Shirts’ was the creation of – [ ]
A) Cavour B) Mazzini C) Garibaldi D) Napoleon
5) The principle of ‘Right to work’ was proposed by [ ]
A) Karl Marx B) Stalin C) Louis Blanc D) Lenin
6) National Literacy Mission was established in the year [ ]
A) 1988 B) 1955 C) 1977 D) 1966
7) — said that untouchability is a sin [ ]
A) Nehru B) Gandhi C) Ambedkar D) Gokhale
8) The ‘Andhra’ state was formed in [ ]
A) 1953 B) 1956 C) 1950 D) 1947
9) The Right of Religious Freedom is a — right [ ]
A) Economic right B) Civil right C) Fundamental right D) Political right
10) The literacy rate of Andhra Pradesh (2001)
A) 31% B) 41% C) 51% D) 61%
II. Fill in the Blanks
11) Congro was discovered by —
12) Opium wars were ended with — treaty
13) The European country — gained final control over Indonesia
14) — was the king of Germany at the time of First World War
15) Versailes Treaty was signed in the year —
16) Russian Parliament is called —
17) ‘New Deal Policy’ was introduced by —
18) Robert Mugabe became the first President of — in 1980.
19) Hitler was influenced by the teachings of —
20) Full form of N.A.T.O. is —
21) Palestine problem was an issue between Arabs and –
22) The parcelling of China was termed as –
23) The famous Brihadeeswaralayam is in —
24) English education in India was introduced by-
25) The excavation of Indus Valley were first taken up by —
26) As per census the people under the age of — years are termed as ‘Children’
27) Telugu ranks — among the major world languages.
28) The Chairman of Indian Constituent Assembly was —
29) The National Integration in India is reflected in the slogan —
30) — conducts the election in a constituency.
31) The members of Rajyasabha are elected through — election
32) The present Chief Election Commissioner of India is —
33) The word ‘Democracy’ was derived from — language
34) The bicycle riders should never compete with or overtake — vehicles
III. Match the Following
Set – A
35. A.O.Hume [ ] A) Swarajya Fund
36. Mahatma Gandhi [ ] B) Iron Man of India
37. Sardar Patel [ ] C) Panchasheel
38. B.G.Tilak [ ] D) Azad Hind Fauz
39. Subhash Chandra Bose [ ] E) Kesari, Maratha F) Indian National Congress G) Muslim League H) Do or Die
Set – B
40. Foundation of U.N.O. [ ] A) 1947
41. Bandung Conference [ ] B) 1962
42. Indo-China war [ ] C) 1974
43. Suez Canal crisis [ ] D) 1975
44. Indian Nuclear Test [ ] E) 1955 F) 1956 G) 1957 H) 1945
1)A 2)B 3)D 4)C 5)C 6)A 7)B 8)A 9)C 10)D
11) Cameron 12) Tientsin 13) Holland (Dutch) 14) Kaiser William II. 15) 1919, 16) Duma, 17) F.D.Roosevelt, 18) Zimbabwe, 19) Nietzche, 20) North Atlantic Treaty organisation 21) Jews 22) Cutting of Chinese Melon, 23) Tanjore, 24) Lord William Bentinck 25) Sir John
Marshall, 26) 14 Years, 27) 16th, 28) Dr. Rajendra Prasad, 29) Unity in Diversity 30) Returning Officer 31) indirect, 32) Naveen Chavla 33) Greek 34) Power driven.
35) F 36) H 37) B 38) E 39) D 40) H 41) E 42) B 43) F 44) C

Tenth Social Important Questions and Answers

Q. Write a short note on Sukarno
A. Sukarno:  Sukarno was a great statesman of Indonesia.  He was the founder of Indonesian National Party.  Sukarno led the National struggle in Indonesia against the Dutch in 1927. The Dutch Government imprisoned Sukarno for this. Sukarno was the head of collobaration government when Japan invaded Indonesia in 1941.  Sukarno established the Republic in Indonesia on 17 August 1945. Later he became the president of Indonesia in 1950. 1 MARK QUESTIONS
Q. What is the full form of U.N.E.S.C.O.
A. United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation.
Q. What is the full form of N.A.T.O.
A. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
Q. What is meant by ‘Apartheid’?
A. Apartheid was a policy of racial segregation followed by south African white Government. Mr Nelson Mandela was successful in the abolition of Apartheid in South Africa.
Q. What the full form of P.L.O.
A. Palestine Liberation Organisation.
1) NATO was signed on — in washington
2) The Aswan High Dam was constructed by —
3) The supreme Allied commander during the second world war was —-
4) New Deal programme was introduced by —
5) Congo became independent an —-
6) —- conducted the historic Long March in 1934
7) Present name of South Rhodesia is —-
8) Panchasheel was concluded between India and —-
9) —- was the communist leader and president of North Vietnam
10) Cuban crisis took place in —-
ANSWERS: 1) 4th April 1949, 2) Abdel Nasser of Egypt, 3) Dwight D.Eisenhower, 4) F.D. Roosevelt, 5) 30th June 1960, 6) Mao Tse tung
7) Zimbabwe, 8) China, 9) Ho- Chi- Minh, 10) 22nd October 1962

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