AP SSC Biology Model Paper

Note: 1) Answer any four questions from the following.
2) Each question carries one mark. 4 x 1 = 4
1. What are the factors necessary for Photosynthesis
2. What are Nissil granules? Where do you find them?
3. What is milt?
4. What is the chemical name of Niacin? Why is it required by the body?
5. What are the disadvantages of consuming excess cholesterol?
6. Why should we use bio-fertilisers?
Note: 1) Answer any five questions, choosing at least two from
each group ‘A & B’.
2) Each question carries two marks. 5 x 2 = 10
7. Write the differences between external and internal respiration.
8. What is a double circuit system?
9. What is the role of Gibberellins in plant growth and development?
10. What is Diabetis mellitus?
11. Write the differences between Asexual and Sexual reproduction.
12. How can we get a haploid Plant through tissue culture?
13. What first-aid will you render for fractures?
14. What is watershed? What are its uses?
Note: 1) Answer any four questions. Choosing at least two from
each Group ‘A & B’.
2) Each question carries Four marks. 4 x 4 = 16
15. What are the differences between photosynthesis and respiration?
16. What is hypertension? How is it caused? Mention the preventive
steps to be taken.
17. What are auxins? How do they affect plant growth?
18. Explain how you withdraw your hand immediately and suddenly
without your knowledge when it touches a hot object.
19. What are the differences between a spermatozoan and an ovum?
20. Why life skills are necessary for every one to face the challenges of life especially in the context of HIV… AIDS? Which life skills would your practice?
21. What are the differences between Kwashiorkor and marasmus
22. What are the functions of health care system?
NOTE: 1) Answer any one question.
2) The question carries five marks. 1 x 5 = 5
23. Draw a neat, labelled diagram of transverse section of leaf.
24. Draw a neat, labelled diagram of male reproductive system of frog.
NOTE: 1) Answer all the questions.
2) Each question carries 1/2 mark.
3) Candidates must use the capital letters while answering the multiple choice questions.
4) Marks will not be awarded in case of any over-writing or re-writing or erased answers.
I. Write the ‘CAPITAL LETTER’ (A, B, C, D) choosing the correct
answer in the bracket provided against each question. 10 x 1/2 = 5
1. Grave-yard of red blood cells is- ( )
A. Spleen B. Liver C. Lymph D. Kidney
2. In plants, maximum rate of respiration takes place at- ( )
A. 0oC B. 45oC C. 100oC D. 60oC
3. Which cells are destroyed in AIDS? ( )
A. Monocytes B. Neutrophils C. Lymphocytes D. R.B.C.
4. Animal without red blood cells- ( )
A. Frog B. Cockroach C. Snake D. Peacock
5. In diseases like polio, the cells that get destroyed by virus
are- ( )
A. Monocytes B. Erythrocytes C. Motor neurons D. Sensory neurons
6. Cerebro spinal fluid protects ( )
A. Heart B. Brain C. Liver D. Kidney
7. In earthworm, fertilization occurs in ( )
A. Testes B. Ovaries C. Seminal vessels D. Cocoon
8. Biologically complete proteins are proteins from ( )
A. Potato, Onion, Carrot B. Apple, Egg, Wheat
C. Rice, Meat, Butter D. Meat, Milk, Egg.
9. Vitamin-C help in the absorption and storage of ( )
A. Iodine B. Iron C. Sulpher D. Sodium
10. Person who used the word Biotechnology for the first time
is ( )
A. Bhor B. Karl Ericke C. C.V.Raman D. Rutherford
II. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 10 x 1/2 = 5
11. give an example for electron acceptor —-
12. The important role of mitochondria is —
13. The life span of R.B.C. is — days.
14. Blood pressure (B.P) is measured by an instrument called—
15. —- is the largest part of the brain.
16. Buds in Bryophyllum are known as — buds.
17. The part of the flower which is still useful after fertilization
is —-
18. Milt of frog consists of —-
19. Malaria is caused by —- mosquito.
20. —- is the instrument by which rainfall is measured.
III. Match the following:
(i) Group-A Group-B 5 x 1/2 = 2 1/2
21. Grana ( ) A. Yeast
22. Human Heart ( ) B. Reflex actions
23. Budding ( ) C. Hunger
24. Totipotency ( ) D. 4 Chambers
25. Spinal Cord ( ) E. a new plant from a cell F. Thylakoid membranes
G. anther
(ii) Group-A Group-B 5 x 1/2 = 2 1/2
26. Gestation period ( ) A. Ukararia
27. Filaria ( ) B. Calcium Carbonate
28. Communicated Fracture ( ) C. 40 weeks
29. Corals ( ) D. Anaemia
30. Soil Pollution ( ) E. Beri-Beri F. Bone is broken at several
places G. Loss of fertility

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