SBI – PO Exam Reasoning Practice Questions

Directions (Q. 1 – 10): In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.
Give answer (a) if only assumption I is implicit
(b) if only assumption II is implicit
(c) if either assumption I or II is implicit
(d) if neither assumption I nor II is implicit; and
(e) if both I and II are implicit.

1. Statement: The boy is too honest not to speak the truth.
Assumptions: I. Very honest boys also tell lies.
II. Dishonest boys also speak the truth.

2. Statement: “X air-conditioner – the largestselling name with the largest range” – an advertisement.
Assumptions : I. X air-conditioner is the only one with wide variations.
II. There is a demand for air-conditioners in the market.

3. Statement: “To buy an X TV, contact Y, the sole agent of X TV.” – an advertisement.
Assumptions: I. People generally prefer to buy TV through sole agent.
II. The TV – producing companies do not sell their products directly.

4. Statement : Opening a library in Rambli will be a wastage.
Assumptions: I. In habitants of Rambli are illiterate.
II. Inhabitants of Rambli are not interested in reading.

5. Statement : It is through participative management policy alone that indiscipline in our industries can be contained and a quality of life ensured to the worker.
Assumptions: I. Quality of life in our industry is better.
II. Indiscipline results in a poor quality of life.

6. Statement: Please consult me before making any decision on exports from the company.
Assumptions: I. You may take a wrong decision if you don’t consult me.
II. It is important to take a right decision.

7. Statement: Warning : Cigarette smoking is injurious to health.
Assumptions: I. Non – smoking promotes health.
II. Really, this warning is not necessary.

8. Statement: Children are influenced more by their teachers nowadays.
Assumptions: I. The children consider teachers as their models.
II. A large amount of children’s time is spent at school.

9. Statement: Apart from the entertainment value of television, its educational value cannot be ignored.
Assumptions: I. People take television to be a means of entertainment
II. The educational value of television is not realised properly.

10. Statement: “If you trouble me, I will slap you.” – A mother warns her child.
Assumptions: I. With the warning, the child may stop troubling her.
II. All children are basically naughty.

Directions (Q. 11 – 15): A statement is given followed by several assumptions. An assumption is something assumed or taken for granted. Read the statement carefully and decide which of the assumptions are implicit in the statement.

11. Statement: “If he does not mend his ways, I will call the police”.
Assumptions: I. He may mend his ways.
II.The police may help me.
III. He has been making hoax calls to me.
a) I and II are implicit
b) II and III are implicit
c) I and III are implicit
d) All are implicit
e) Only II is implicit

12. Statement: “Do not touch stray objects. They may be bombs.” – a notice by the City Police.
Assumptions: I. Stray objects are harmless.
II. Stray objects may be touched by people.
III. People will take notice of the warning.
a) I and II are implicit
b) I and III are implicit
c) II and III are implicit
d) I and either II or III are implicit
e) At least one of the above is implicit

13. Statement: “ I think that she has gone mad. Last night I saw her barking like a dog.” – A tells B about Madhu.
Assumptions : I. Madhu is a friend of A.
II. B knows Madhu.
III. Some people do not bark like dogs.
a) I and II are implicit
b) II and III are implicit
c) I and III are implicit
d) All are implicit
e) Either I or II and III are implicit

14. Statement: “The prices should fall after May. By that time the demand of foodgrains starts dropping.” – an economist
Assumptions : I. Price will not fall before May.
II. The economist is in link with farmers of the country.
III. A drop in demand (of foodgrains) will result in a drop in supply (of foodgrains).
a) Only I is implicit
b) Only II is implicit
c) Only III is implicit
d) II and III are implicit
e) None is implicit

15. Statement: “The Finance Commission must grant more funds to our state. After all, we are the biggest suppliers of ores to the rest of
India.” the CM of a state.
Assumptions : I. The Finance Commission is not in a mood to grant
more funds to the state.
II. More funds should be given to states that supply ores.
III. The Chief Minister has already written to the Finance Commission asking for more funds.
a) I and II are implicit
b) II and III are implicit
c) I and III are implicit
d) Only III is implicit
e) Only II is implicit

1 –d, 2 – b, 3 – a, 4 – d, 5 – d, 6 – e, 7 –d, 8 – a, 9 – e, 10 – a, 11 – a, 12 – c, 13 – b, 14 – a, 15 – e

Answers with Explanations

1 – d, None of them is implicit. The statement only implies that if a boy is very honest it would not be possible for him to speak a lie. But I is just the opposite of it. Assumption II is not implicit because the statement does not talk about ‘dishonest’ boys.

2 – b, X air-conditioner has the largest range. But this does not mean that it is the only brand to have a wide range. So I is not
implicit. But II is. If air-conditioners are being advertised, a demand for them must be existing.

3 – a, “Sole agent” is the highlight of the advertisement. So I is implicit. But II is not.

4 – d, None is implicit. The statement only says that opening a library in Rambli would be a wastage. But it does not say why? I and II are only guesses. Maybe, opening a library in Rambli is a wastage
because there is already a library there.

5 – d, 6 – e, 7 – d,

8 – a, Children must be considering their teachers as role models, otherwise there is no reason why they would be influenced by them. Hence I is implicit. II is not directly stated. It may or may not
be true.

9 – e,

10 – a, When mother gives warning to the child she must be assuming that her warning would be successful. II is not relevant to the statement made by the mother.

11 – a, The word ‘if’ implies that both are equally probable: he may mind his ways and he may not mind his ways. Also, the person is depending upon police, so he must be assuming that the police will help. III is not certain: it is not told as to exactly how he harasses the speaker.

12 – c, I is just the opposite of what the notice intends to say. Of course, the City Police must have assumed – while giving such a notice – that (i) people tend to touch stray objects and that (ii) they would hesitate in doing so after reading the notice.

13 – b, Since A is telling B about Madhu in a matter-of-fact tone, this much may be assumed that both of them know Madhu. But it is not certain whether this acquaintance is to the extent of friendship. Hence I is not implicit while II is. III, of course, is the whole logic on the basis of which A reaches his conclusion.

14 – a, When the economist says that prices should fall after May because then demand starts dropping, it appears as if demand remains heavy till then and, as if, therefore, prices might not drop before May. So, I is implicit. II again may or may not be true. And moreover, it has nothing to do with the statement. Similarly, III has nothing to do with the statement, although it may be true.

15 – e, II is of course the basis on which the CM is demanding more funds. I may or may not be true: enough indications are not given in the CM’s statement. The same is true of III as well.

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