Sachivalayam Exams – English Previous Questions with Answers

General English is one of the important sections of Grama / Ward Sachivalayam exams in Andhra Pradesh. About 5-10 questions will be asked from General English in all Sachivalayam exams. Following are previous questions asked in Sachivalayam exams 2019. Answers are provided for all the questions.

See more questions in another post.

Village Fisheries Assistant 2019

Choose the correct squence labelled as P, Q, R, S to produce the correct entence.
a short (P) / but interesting (Q) / discussion on liberty (R) / it is (S)

  1. RSPQ
  2. SPQR
  3. PQSR
  4. QSPR
    ANSWER: 2

Choose the part labelled as A, B, C, D that has an error.
can you (A) / explans (B) / why water always (C) / runs downhill? (D)

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
    ANSWER: 2

This house ………….. in 1880.
Choose the correct option to fill in the blank.

  1. was built
  2. was build
  3. was builted
  4. was building
    ANSWER: 1

Asha said ‘I am reading a novel’.
Change it into indirect speech.

  1. Asha said that she was reading a novel.
  2. Asha says that she is reading a novel.
  3. Asha says that she read a novel.
  4. Asha informed that she will read a novel.
    ANSWER: 1

I think she ………. speak English quite well in a few months.
Choose the correct option to fill in the blank.

  1. will be able to
  2. can be able to
  3. able to
  4. does able to
    ANSWER: 1

Horticulture Secretary 2019

I should have …………. harder at school.
Choose the correct option to fill in the blank.

  1. studied
  2. study
  3. studies
  4. studying
    ANSWER: 1

Choose the part labelled as A, B, C, D that has an error.
At 5-00 this morning (A) / I am having (B) / a wonerful dream (C) / but then the alarm went off (D)

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
    ANSWER: 2

Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct.

  1. Who works in that office?
  2. Who does worked in that office?
  3. Who does works in that office?
  4. Who working in that office?
    ANSWER: 1

Choose the correct sequence labelled as PQRS to produce the correct sequence.
and inherent wisdom (P) / the innocence (Q) / of little children (R) / this highlights (S).

  1. SQPR
  2. QRSP
  3. PSQR
  4. RSPQ
    ANSWER: 1
Ward Sachivalayam Hall Tickets Download

The government will open ten new schools next year.
Choose the correct passive voice form of the above sentence.

  1. Ten new schools will open next year by the government.
  2. Ten new schools will be opended by the government next year.
  3. Ten new schools are opened by the government next year.
  4. Ten new schools are being opened by the government next year.
    ANSWER: 2

Choose the part labelled as A, B, C, D that has an error.
I went (A) / to Paris (B) / last year (C) / with a job interview (D).

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
    ANSWER: 4

Choose the correct sequence labelled as PQRS to produce the correct sequence.
their parents (P) / a source of joy to (Q) / are (R) / children (S).

  1. SQPR
  2. QRSP
  3. PSQR
  4. RSPQ
    ANSWER: 3

The students should abide ……… the rules and regulations of the school.
Fill in the blank with suitable prepositions.

  1. with
  2. for
  3. by
  4. to
    ANSWER: 3

My friend said, “I forgot my purse”.
Choose the correct indirect form of the above sentence.

  1. My friend said that he had forgotten his purse.
  2. My friend said that he has forgotten hi purse.
  3. My friend says he has forgotten his purse.
  4. My friend said that he has forgot his purse.
    ANSWER: 1

Each of my friends ……… given a book.
Choose the correct verb form to fill in the blank.

  1. was
  2. were
  3. are
  4. has been
    ANSWER: 1

VRO & Survey Assistant 2019

Men of the iron will can achieve many things.
In the above sentence ‘iron will’ means

  1. strong determination
  2. good work
  3. pleasure
  4. ignorance
    ANSWER: 1

No sooner had I put the phone down than it rang again.
Choose the correct expression or conjunction that can be used to rewrite the sentence above without changing the meaning.

  1. and ……. therefore
  2. scarcely …….. when
  3. Neither …… nor
  4. Either …… or
    ANSWER: 2

Do you think he may know Suma’s telephone number?
This sentence indicates

  1. taking permission
  2. giving permission
  3. expressing possibility
  4. expressing with
    ANSWER: 3

Choose the expression that means ‘sadness’

  1. Take to heart
  2. A heart of stone
  3. Have a heart
  4. Heavy heart
    ANSWER: 4

The puppy looked so ‘puny’.
The meaning of ‘puny’ in the above context is

  1. small and weak
  2. strong and hard
  3. curious and healthy
  4. active and healthy
    ANSWER: 1

ANM / MPHA 2019

I want to …….., but I can’t go now.
Choose the correct option to fill in the blank.

  1. go home
  2. go to home
  3. go on home
  4. go in home
    ANSWER: 1

I think I had the wrong key, because I …….. open the door.
Choose the correct option to fill in the blank.

  1. could
  2. couldn’t
  3. can
  4. will
    ANSWER: 2

‘Hamlet was written by Shakespeare’.
Choose the correct active voice form.

  1. Shakespeare wrote Hamlet
  2. Shakespeare written Hamlet
  3. Shakespeare was writing Hamlet
  4. Shakespeare write Hamlet
    ANSWER: 1

Choose the correct sequence labelled as PQRS to produce the correct sequence.
liberty is (P) / only (Q) / not a personal affair (R) / but a social contract also (S).

  1. PQRS
  2. QPSR
  3. RPQS
  4. RSPQ
    ANSWER: 1

Choose the part labelled as A, B, C, D that has an error.
I am (A) / going to tell her (B) / what I thinking (C) / of her (D).

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
    ANSWER: 3

PS – Digital Assistants 2019

Choose the correct squence labelled as P, Q, R, S to produce the correct sentence.
whom I taught (P) / the student (Q) / a teacher (R) / became (S)

  1. RSPQ
  2. QRSP
  3. SPRQ
  4. QPSR
    ANSWER: 4

I have been living in Hyderabad …………. 20 years.
Choose the best option to fill in the blank.

  1. for
  2. since
  3. from
  4. before
    ANSWER: 1

I am going to stand for …….. next Parliament election.
Choose the correct option to fill in the blank.

  1. the
  2. a
  3. an
  4. No article required
    ANSWER: 1

Choose the part labelled as A, B, C, D that has an error.
The teacher (A) / which inspired me most (B) / at school (C) / was called Ms. Neelima (D)

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
    ANSWER: 2

When ……….. you going to get a new laptop?
Choose the correct option to fill in the blank.

  1. is
  2. are
  3. do
  4. will
    ANSWER: 2

Category 1 Exams – 2019

‘How are you? I don’t see you for ages?’
Choose the option which can replace the underlined sentence.

  1. I haven’t seen you for ages
  2. I saw you for ages
  3. I have saw you for ages
  4. I not seen you for ages
    ANSWER: 1

I do not know very much ………. medieval history.
Choose the best option to fill in the blank.

  1. about
  2. on
  3. in
  4. with
    ANSWER: 1

Choose the correct squence labelled as P, Q, R, S to produce the correct sentence.
had (P) / experiences (Q) / I have (R) / amazing (S)

  1. RPSQ
  2. SPRQ
  3. QPSR
  4. QSPR
    ANSWER: 1

Choose the part labelled as A, B, C, D that has an error.
My father (A) / made me go (B) / and apologise with (C) / my friend (D)

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
    ANSWER: 3

At last I ……….. finished my project!
choose the correct option to fill in the blank.

  1. am
  2. did
  3. has
  4. have
    ANSWER: 4

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