Applications are invited by TSPSC for the posts Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspectors (AMVI) in Transport Department in the State of Telangana. Online applications can be submitted through from 12 January 2023 to 1st February 2023. The fee will be accepted till 5:00 P.M on 1st February 2023, that is the last date for submission of online applications.
Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspectors: 113 posts (Multi Zone 1 posts: 54, Multi Zone 2 posts: 59). Age is 21 – 39 years. Scale of pay is Rs. 45,960 – 1,24,150.
Selection Process: There will be a written examination on 23/04/2023. It will be a computer based or offline exam depending on the number of applications. Hall Tickets for the written exam can be downloaded from 7 days prior to the examination date.
Qualifications: Degree in Mechanical Engineering or Automobile Engineering OR Diploma in Automobile Engineering (3 years course) and should have valid Driving License authorized to drive Heavy Motor Vehicles (Transport Vehicles). In cased of women candidates, they must hold a Motor Vehicle Driving License, if they are holders of Light Motor Vehicle Driving License only, they shall acquire the Heavy Transport Vehicle Endorsement within two years of their joining the service as Assistant Motor Vehicles Inspector, failing which their services will be terminated without assigning any reasons.
Exam Pattern:
PAPER-I: General Studies and General Abilities : 150 questions for 150 marks
PAPER-II: Automobile Engineering (Diploma Level) : 150 questions for 300 marks

తెలంగాణ ఉద్యమం, ప్రత్యేక రాష్ట్ర ఏర్పాటు
ఈ మాక్ టెస్ట్ ప్రత్యేకతలు:
* సంబంధిత సబ్జెక్టులో సుదీర్ఘ అనుభవం గల ఫ్యాకల్టీ రూపొందించిన ప్రశ్నలు
* మ్యాచింగ్ టైప్ ప్రశ్నలకు ప్రాధాన్యం
* నెగటివ్ మార్కింగ్ పద్ధతిలో ప్రశ్నలను రూపొందించడం జరిగింది.
* తెలంగాణ తొలి దశ ఉద్యమం నుంచి మలి దశ ఉద్యమం వరకు సిలబస్ మొత్తం కవర్ అవుతుంది.
* మొత్తం ప్రశ్నలు: 1000
* మీడియం: తెలుగు