Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IITM) is inviting applications for Summer Fellowship Programme 2011. The duration of the programmes is two months and IIT Madras shall give a stipend of Rs. 6500 per month for the selected candidates. IIT Madras offers high quality research opportunity for young Engineering, Management, Sciences and Humanities students. Candidates with excellent academic record can apply. Interested candidates can download applications from IIT Madras website IIT Madras has announced notification for Summer Fellowship Programme for 2012-13. Following are details of eligibility and application procedure:
Following departments and schools are participating in IIT Madras Summer Fellowship Programme 2011:
1. Engineering Departments (Aerospace Engineering / Applied Mechanics/ Bio Technology / Chemical Engineering / Civil Engineering / Computer Science and Engineering / Engineering Design/ Electrical Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Metallurgical and Materials Engineering / Ocean Engineering.
2. Science Departments: Physics / Chemistry/ Mathematics
3. Humanities and Social Sciences
4. Management Studies
Eligibility Requirements: Applicants should be pursuing third year of B.E./ B.Tech./ B.Sc. (Engineering) / Integrated M.E./ M.Tech. programme OR first year of ME/ M.Tech/ M.Sc./ M.A, MBA. They should have outstanding academic record. Academic background shall include high ranks / marks in academics, papers presented
at seminars, projects executed, design contests participated, score / rank in Mathematics Olympiad and any other achievements / awards / distinctions obtained.
The period for the project will be two months normally during 16th May 2011 – 15th July 2011. You can visit for any other information and download application. Address: Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, Chennai – 600 036.
Last date for receipt of filled in applications: 18-02-2011