Indian School of Mines (ISM), Dhanbad is a prestigious institute in the country or specialised training in various basic science disciplines like Physics, Geology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computing. ISM was declared as Deemed University and also granted an autonomous institution status by Govt. of India. The institute is located in Jharkhand. ISM issued notification for admission to M.Sc. and M.Sc. Tech. Courses for the academic year 2011-12 in the following subjects:
1. M.Sc. Degree: This is two years course. Subjects offered are Applied Physics (27seats), Chemistry (44 seats), Mathematics and Computing (44 seats). Candidates should have studied B.Sc. with concerned subject as honors/ major / main along with two other subjects as prescribed in the notification.
2. M.Sc. Tech. : This is 3 years course. Subjects on offer are Applied Geology (44 seats) and Applied Geophysics (62 seats). Eligibility: Applicants should have studied concerned subject (Geology / Geophysics) at B.Sc. Degree level along with two other subjects from Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Statistics and Computer Science.
Admission to these courses will be done through All India Entrance Examination conducted by ISM. Exam Centers are located in Hyderabad, New Delhi, Dhanbad, Varanasi, Kolkata, Bhubaneswar, Chennai and Guwahati. Interested candidates can download application forms from ISM website and should be sent along with DD drawn in favour of ‘Registrar, I.S.M., Dhanbad’ for Rs. 600 for SC/ ST/ PD candidates and Rs. 1200 for all other candidates. Filled in applications should reach ‘Assistant Registrar (Academic), Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad – 826004 Jharkhand’ on or before 09th March 2011.
Important Dates:
1. Start and close of issue of application forms: 03-01-2011 to 04-03-2011.
2. Last date for receipt of filled in forms: 09th March 2011.
3. Date of Entrance Examination: 15th May 2011.
Apart from these, ISM also offers B.Tech. Programmes in all the major disciplines, 5 Year Dual Degree Programmes, 5 Year Integrated Courses, MBA and M.Tech. and M.Phil. Programmes. B.Tech. Admissions will be conducted through IIT JEE and CAT scores will be considered for MBA admissions. Complete details of these programmes are available on the website mentioned above.