Mumbai has the highest number of Marine training institutes in India. There are number of private colleges that offer different courses in Marine Engineering, Maritime studies, Apprentice Training etc. Some institutes also offering research in Marines related specializations. Navi Mumbai is the big center for Marine training institutes.
One big advantage for those joined in Mumbai based colleges is the presence of relevant industries. Meritorious candidates can easily find a job opportunity after finishing their course. Most of the colleges also offer campus placement as they are affiliated to some industries. But students must be cautious of choosing colleges considering the DGCI guidelines. Following is the list of some of the colleges offering Marine related courses in Mumbai, Pune etc:
1. Mumbai Maritime Training Institute-Mumbai.
2. Cadet Academy, The Great Eastern Shipping Co. Ltd,-Mumbai, Maharashtra.
3. Don Bosco Normar Maritime Academy-Mumbai.
4. Naval Maritime Academy West- Mumbai.
5. Indian Register of Shipping- Mumbai.
6. TS Chanakya, Karaus, New Bombay -400706, Maharashtra.
7. Mazagon Dock Limited- Mumbai
8. Samudra Institute of Maritime Studies- Mumbai.
9. Institute of Marine Engineers (India)- Mumbai, Maharashtra.
10. Marine Medical Clinic- Mumbai.
11. International Marine Academy -Mumbai.
12. LBS College of Advanced Maritime Studies- Mumbai, Maharashtra.
13. Bonzer Academy of Maritime Studies- Mumbai.
14. Marine Engineering & Research Institute -Mumbai.
15. St. John Ambulance Association- Mumbai, Maharashtra.
16. Marine Training Academy -Mumbai.
17. CME’s Apprentice Training Centre, Mumbai Port Trust- Mumbai.
18. Arya Marine Academy- Mumbai.
19. Columbus Maritime Training Institute-Thane.
20. Maritime Training Institute-Mumbai, Maharashtra.
21. OERC Academy- Mumbai.
22. Anglo Eastern Maritime Training Centre- Mumbai, Maharashtra.
23. C.V. Raman College of Engineering- Bhubaneswar.
24. SCMS Maritime Training Institute-Mumbai.
25. Ministry of Surface Transport, (Govt. of India), Directorate General of Shipping, “Jahaz Bhavan”, Ballard Estate, Mumbai, Maharashtra.
26. St. Xavier’s Technical Institute-Mumbai, Maharashtra.
27. Yak Educational Trust- Navi Mumbai.
28. Suraksha Marine- Mumbai, Maharashtra.
29. International Maritime Training Centre- Mumbai, Maharashtra.
30. Tolani Maritime Institute-Pune, Maharashtra.
31. T S Rahaman-Mumbai, Maharashtra.
32. Varun Maritime School-Mumbai.
33. School of Synergic Studies -Mumbai, Maharashtra.
34. Vasantdada Patil Prathisthan’s College of Engineering.-Mumbai.
35. Mariner’s Academy – Thane.
36. BP Marine Academy-Navi Mumbai.
37. MASSA Maritime Academy- Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra.
38. Sagar Gayan Academy- Navi Mumbai.
39. SNS Maritime Training Institute- Navi Mumbai.
40. United Marine Academy- Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra.
41. Yak Management & Marine Education Centre-Navi Mumbai.
42. Marine Engineering & Research Institute (MERI), Hay Bunder Road, Mumbai-400033, Maharashtra.
43. ABS Industrial Verification (India) Private Limited– Navi Mumbai.