Panchayat Secretary Grade 6 – Digital Assistants Previous Paper

AP Grama Sachivalayam / Ward Sachivalayam new notification is out in January 2020 for more than 16000 vacancies in various categories. Panchayat Secretary Grade 6 – Digital Assistants vacancies are there in all districts of AP. Following are questions appeared in Digital Assistants exam 2019. Candidates those appearing for this exam in 2020 can check the questions and answers given below.

A full binary tree with 2n+1 nodes contains

In series circuits, the expression for quality factor is

  1. fr
  2. Band width (BW)
  3. fr / BW
  4. BW / fr
    ANSWER: 3

Zenor diode is used as

  1. Rectifier
  2. Amplifier
  3. Regulator
  4. Oscillator
    ANSWER: 3

The cross over distortion is due to

  1. power supply fluctuation
  2. cut-in voltage of transistor
  3. bias voltage
  4. input signal
    ANSWER: 2

A ………. process generates I/C requests infrequently using more of its time doing computations.

  1. I/O bound
  2. Swapped
  3. Mixed
  4. CPU-bound
    ANSWER: 4

Paging involves breaking logical memory into blocks of same size called as

  1. pages
  2. segments
  3. fragments
  4. frames
    ANSWER: 1

The desirable criteria for CPU scheduling algorithm is

  1. maximise CPU utilisation and minimise response time
  2. maximise CPU utilisation and maximise response time
  3. minimise CPU utilisation and minimise response time
  4. minimise CPU utilisation and maximise response time
    ANSWER: 1

Round Robin Scheduling

  1. allows interactive tasks quicker access to the processor
  2. is quire complex to implement
  3. gives each task the same chance at the processor
  4. allows processor – bound tasks more time in the processor
    ANSWER: 3
Grama Sachivalayam Previous Question Papers and Free Model Exams

……….. approach structures the operating system by removing all non-essential components from the kernel and implementing them as system and user – level programs.

  1. monolithic kernel
  2. micro kernel
  3. macro kernel
  4. mini kernel
    ANSWER: 2

Which of the following Gates are used as basic building blocks?

  1. AND, OR and NOT
  2. NAND and NOR
  3. X-OR and X-NOR
  4. AND and NAND
    ANSWER: 1

Convert binary to hexadecimal (111111110010)2

  1. (EE 2)16
  2. (FF 2)16
  3. (EF2)16
  4. (FD 2)16
    ANSWER: 2

How many AND gates and OR gates are required to realise Y = CD + EF +G?

  1. 3 OR gates, 2 AND gates
  2. 2 OR gates, 2 AND gates
  3. 3 OR gates, 3 AND gates
  4. 1 AND gate, 3 OR gates
    ANSWER: 2

The number of bits in operation code required for a computer with 64 distinct operation is

  1. 64
  2. 06
  3. 32
  4. 05
    ANSWER: 2

The operation performed in each clock pulse is called

  1. micro operation
  2. micro instruction
  3. micro program
  4. macro instruction
    ANSWER: 1

………… converts the programs written in assembly language into machine language

  1. compiler
  2. interpreter
  3. linker
  4. assembler
    ANSWER: 4

The address of operand’s address is available in instruction. This address mode is called as

  1. direct addressing mode
  2. register addressing mode
  3. register indirect addressing mode
  4. indirect addressing mode
    ANSWER: 4

Reverse Polish notation is often called

  1. Postfix
  2. prefix
  3. infix
  4. none of the above
    ANSWER: 1

Prefix of A-B / C*D $ E is

  1. – / * $ A C B D E
  2. / – A B C D * $ D E
  3. – A * / B C $ D E
  4. – A / B C * $ D E
    ANSWER: 3

main ( ) {
int i = 5;
print f “%d”, i = + + i = = 6);
The output is

  1. 1
  2. 5
  3. 6
  4. 0
    ANSWER: 1

By default any real number in C is treated as

  1. a float
  2. a double
  3. a long double
  4. a real
    ANSWER: 2

Which of the following operators can not be overloaded?

  1. [ ]
    1. – >
  2. ? :
  3. *
    ANSWER: 3

A full binary tree with 2n+1 nodes contains

  1. n leaf nodes
  2. n non-leaf nodes
  3. n-1 leaf nodes
  4. n-1n non – leaf nodes
    ANSWER: 1

The total number of different trees that are possible with six nodes is

  1. 64
  2. 4
  3. 58
  4. 12
    ANSWER: 3

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