Improve Vocabulary and English reading

Learning is an indefinite activity. One must be keen on practicing everyday without fail. There are plenty of smart ways to improve your English reading skills and vocabulary. At the same time there are no short cuts as well. Keep reading something regularly. You can read children’s books and simplified readers of Penguin. Reading newspapers, magazines, articles on internet, novels and many more can help you in upgrading your language skills. Following are much more smart tips:

1. Start with reading that interests you. You can learn better when you are having fun with reading.
2. You should learn new words and at the same time should be able to understand what you are reading. If you are trying to looking up at each and every word, the reading will be too difficult.
3. Review each story you read at the end. Ask yourself who, what, where, when, why, for each story. You can apply this for any type of reading. This is very helpful when you have no comprehension questions to answer. You can write, articulate or speak your answer.
4. Creating a scheme that combines all four areas of study can produce best results. Allow one type of study and practice to lead to another activity. For instance, read a story and then converse about it with a family member or friend. Watch a movie and next write about it.

Learn Writing English and Improve Spelling

Writing and Spelling are interconnected skills in any language. You should master both the skills in order to make it sensible and comprehensible to others. Here are some tips to improve your writing and spelling skills. Always keep a diary or journal while practicing writing. You need not pay attention to grammar for each and every word and sentence. Free writing can give good results and will be very useful. You can enjoy it and will have fun while writing. Following are some more useful tips to improve writing and spelling.

1. Always write emails in English only. Keep in touch with teachers or friends or other students through email.
2. Rewriting your local news in English will be very much effective tool. You must do this everyday without fail. Remember that regular practice will produce better results in the long term.
3. Learn essential spelling rules. You would not always have a dictionary or a spell -checker handy, particularly when you are writing an examination. Even native English speakers need to review the spelling rules from time to time. You can also search for online spelling tutorials.
4. Identify and learn commonly miss spelt words. Learning common English errors will improve sentence structure and spelling.

Here are some more tips:

1. Never afraid of grammar. Students get obsessed with grammar most of the times. Students from strict grammar schooling will be more attentive towards grammar. Always remember that you only study grammar in order to converse. Practice with a few drills. Write an essay or also have a conversation and try to use your language skills.

2. Separate your weak points in the process of learning English. Do not misuse time on grammar exercises that you already understand. Pay more attention on grammar that is difficult for you. If you are not able to point out your problems, write a few paragraphs and ask a teacher to identify frequent errors.

3. You can also teach grammar points to a friend who studies at a lower level than you. Teaching will compel you to memorize the rules and to understand them correctly.

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