Top B- Schools in the West on Innovation Mode

Management education has come off age. With the globalization of economy, companies are expecting aspiring managers to be more effective in dealing with business challenges. B- Schools across the world also getting prepared to deliver skills that suits the requirements of companies. We can trace number of changes in existing specializations, launch of new specializations, growing industry – academia interaction at the curriculum, teaching and practice levels. International Business Schools are in the forefront of catching up the situation. Here are some latest updates from world renowned Business Schools of Western countries and USA. Let us hope that Indian Business Schools take the inspiration from these Schools in modernizing the curriculum.

1. Harvard Business School is planning to add case studies on the sudden demise of the banking system in United States of America.

2. All the big B- Schools are responding to the Financial Crisis facing by USA and offering solutions. Booth School of Business has introduced a course in the analytics of financial crisis. This school is under the purview of University of Chicago.

3. Some B- Schools are getting prepared to make leaders who can face any business crisis effectively. Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth, US has begun a course in this direction with emphasis on core leadership.

4. Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, US, has restructured its MBA course and included topics on ethics in business. It also introduced a special module that covers investing in a turbulent stock and financial markets. Advancing more in these lines, Darden School has introduced modules on Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology to enable future managers take better and more humane decisions.

5. Did you listen a course titled “Understanding the Marketplace”. US based Villanova School of Business has introduced this course with participation from local business managers. The main purpose of this course is to show how the crisis affected businesses.

6. With emphasis on the past and present of crisis, Mc Donough School of Business, a part of Georgetown University (USA) has started a new course called “Financial Crisis, Then and Now”.

Some prestigious B- Schools in India like Symbiosis, Narsee Monjee, IBS, XLRI, IRMA also updating their curriculum and introducing new specializations to meet the requirements of modern sectors like Telecom, Healthcare and Pharma. But the overall standards and quality needs to be improved a lot in hundreds of Business Schools and Colleges.

Key Skills for English Learners

Learning English could be fun and easy if you are seriously paying attention in it and enthusiastic to learn irrespective of your age, qualifications and position. There are attractive career opportunities for candidates with good accent and pronunciation of English. Applicants with excellent communication skills will get priority over others in most of the recruitment processes.

There are four important key skills for learners. These are Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Many of the students like to speak better in English. If this is one of your most important goals, it is vital to understand equilibrium of the four major skills. Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing are the 4 important skills you must require to communicate in English. Being exceptionally good at only one among any of these skills will not help you to accomplish your goal. For instance, you should be able to read well before you can write fine English. Students also need to be able to listen before they can speak better language.

Some students or learners would like to know which skills are the most important. In fact, all these four skills are not independent. They all are interconnected and they are all important skills. We use some skills more often than others depending up on the nature of communication. For instance, we simply listen for about 40 percent of the time that we spend on communicating. We may speak for about 35 percent of the time in the entire communication. And 16 percent of communication comes from reading, and approximately about 9 percent comes from writing. These are estimated statistics for an average communicator in English. These percentages and numbers may be different according to the situation.

If we categorize all the above four skills as Macro Skills, each of these have micro or sub – skills within them. For instance, pronunciation is a kind of skill (speaking) that must be practiced in order to get better in communication. Spelling, Grammar and Vocabulary are other sub skills. Micro dose not indicate they are insignificant.

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