How to Search Shodhganga for Ph.D Theses

Shodhganga project of UGC is immensely helpful for the research scholars across the globe. The thesis and research resources on the website (called as reservoir of Indian theses) will provide good material and research ideas to the aspiring scholars. Here is the procedure to search thesis on Shodhganga:

1) First log on to OR click on .

2) The above link will take you to the Research Theses title category. Here you will find the title of theses, research scholar and guide / supervisor name of latest submissions. You can find some universities participating in Shodhganga project and uploaded Ph.D. thesis on the website.

3) You can browse the catalog through entering a few words related to your subject / research topic to get related thesis or proposals or research abstracts.

4) OR you can sort the entire website based on the title, submission date or in alphabetical order. this makes your search more easier and saves time.

5) After getting the title of the thesis you desired, you can click on the title. You will be directed to the brief description page which contains complete details of the research thesis with title, university, abstract and also links to chapters.

6) You can click on the chapters to get the copy of the research thesis. You may also download the chapters on to your hard disk or pen drive or desktop.

Use the resources for great work and produce good findings. Keep away from plagiarism.

110 thoughts on “How to Search Shodhganga for Ph.D Theses”

  1. Dear sir,
    I want to Ph.D work on the alloleopathic effect of poisonus weed plants on the crop. Plz. send the refrerences and privious work on same topic.
    With regards.

  2. Dear sir,
    kindly send me related thesis for “Rhetorical approach to effective communication in industries” . Chapters Motivation, conflict resolution, problem analysis, Negotiation, marketing


  3. Please send the Phd Thesis in related to the Marketing and Management.I think your approach is very nice. I am working in poor country i.e Ethiopia. Which is located in East Africa. I am helping to Ethiopian students for research. In this connection please send above said subjects. Thank you very much.
    Dr.B.V.Prasada rao
    Associate Professor, Dept of Mgt studies, Wollega University. Ethiopia.

    • Hello Vara Prasada Rao garu,
      It is very easy to search for the theses in Sodhganga website. You can simply follow the steps mentioned in the post above to get the required theses.


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