AP Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Department has issued notifications for the posts of Grama Volunteers / Village Volunteers in all the districts of Andhra Pradesh. District wise notifications for Kadapa, Kurnool, Chittoor, Nellore, Prakasam, Guntur, Krishna, East Godavari, West Godavari, Anantapur, Visakhapatnam, Srikakulam and Vizianagaram districts have been announced at the district level.
This posts contains the details of GO, eligibility / qualifications / online applications, selection process and other information.
Selection Process: Process for selecting Volunteers is one per around 50 households in the State by 15th August, 2019.
Also Read: Grama Volunteers – District wise vacancies
Number of volunteers / vacancies:
The Number of volunteers shall be arrived by the respective District Collectors.
Eligibility Condition:
The applicant must belong to the village / Gram Panchayat for which she / he is applying. 50 percent vacancies will be reserved for women candidates.

Educational Qualifications:
The applicant must pass Intermediate (or) its equivalent exam in plain areas
whereas 10th Class or its equivalent pass in Agency / Tribal Areas.
Rule of reservation is applicable as per the rules in vogue. 50% of posts within each category may be considered for women. ROR will be applicable considering Mandal as a unit.
Age limit:
The applicant shall have 18 years of age as on 30-06-2019 and shall have not exceeded 35 years.
How to apply:
The candidates shall apply online through Website link http://gramavolunteer.ap.gov.in
Selection Procedure:
All eligible applicants shall be called for interview by the Selection Committee consisting of MPDO / Tasildhar / EO (PR&RD). The letter of engaging the services of selected Village Volunteers will be issued by the Chairman of the Selection Committee, i.e. MPDO.
The selected applicants will be engaged as volunteers by Gram Panchayat on honorarium basis for the services rendered. Each volunteer will be paid
performance based honorarium of Rs.5,000/- per month.
Training and Posting:
Two days induction training will be imparted to all selected volunteers at
Mandal Level. Positioning and Commencement of work by Village Volunteers in the village shall start from 15th August, 2019.
Important Dates:
Notification inviting applications : 23/24-06-2019
Receipt of application : 24-06-2019 to 05-07-2019
Scrutiny of applications : By 10-07-2019
Interviews by Selection Committee : 11-07-2019 to 25-07-2019
Intimation letters to selected Volunteers : 01-08-2019
Induction and training programme : 05-08-2019 to 10-08-2019
Positioning of volunteers : 15-08-2019