B.Tech Computers and IT Programming Important Questions

Following are important questions for Viva Voce examination of B.Tech Computer Science, IT and other branches which have a paper on Programming and related topics. The questions are useful for JNTU students and other Universities which follow similar syllabus. Unit Wise important questions are given below:


1) What is the purpose of the scheduling algorithms?
2) What are FCFS, SJF, and Priority?
3) What is difference between preemptive and non-preemptive?
4) Advantages of FCFS, SJF, Priority, Round robin?
5) Disadvantages of FCFS, SJF, Priority, Round robin?
6) What is arrival time, burst time, turnaround time, waiting time, finish time and starting time?
7) Explain the technique followed by the different scheduling algorithms?
8) Which is more advantageous?
9) Formulas to calculate waiting time, turnaround time and finish time?
10) Different states a process undergoes?


1) What is a file?
2) What is the structure of a file?
3) What is a block?
4) What is directory?
5) What are the various file operations?
6) What is FAT?
7) What is free-space management?


1) Explain the purpose of page replacement?
2) Explain FIFO?
3) Explain LRU?
4) Explain Opt?
5) Advantages of FIFO, LRU, OPT?
6) Disadvantages of FIFO. LRU, OPT?
7) Which replacement algorithm is more beneficial?
8) What is page success?
9) What is page fault?
10) How do we calculate the page fault?
11) What is virtual memory?
12) What is the difference between logical and physical address?
13) What is the importance of MMU?
14) What is memory?
15) Purpose of memory?
16) Different types of memory?
17) What is memory management?
18) Different techniques used in the memory management algorithm?
19) What is memory hierarchy?
20) What is base and index address?
21) What is segmentation and paging?
22) What is fragmentation?


1) What is a deadlock?
2) Reasons for deadlock occurrence?
3) How to prevent deadlock?
4) How can we avoid deadlock?
5) What are the necessary conditions for the occurrence of deadlock?
6) What is critical section?
7) What is semaphore and monitor?
8) Explain message passing?
9) Types of semaphores?
10) What is banker’s algorithm?
11) How does it try to avoid the deadlock?
12) What is a deadlock?
13) How to prevent deadlock?
14) How to avoid deadlock?
15) What is race condition?
16) Explain solution for critical section?


1) What is a directory?
2) Explain the directory structure?
3) Explain different functions used for files and directories?
4) What are the various directory operations?
5) What is paging technique?
6) What is page table?
7) What is frame list?
8) What is simple paging?
9) What are the functions involved in this technique?

1) Return Values of fork()
2) What is OS ? Define.
3) What is the function call to create a pipe. ANS: read fn.call and write fn.call
4) function call to change environmental variables.
5) Why do we use execvp();
6) Why we use fork()
7) How to check status of file
8) How many copies of a process are present in address space when fork is executed.
9) How to get the id of parent and current process. ANS: getppid() for parent, getpid() for current process.
10) How to get the id of child process of current process. ANS: fork() returns it.
11) What is a Semaphore?
12) What is a system call ?
13) Difference between pipe and message queue
14) What is pipe? What is message queue
15) Difference between system call, Procedure call,Function call.
16) What is environment variable?
17) In pipe what is the argument of pipe()function.
18) 0666–> What does this mean. Why do we only use 6 here. ANS: 666 are the access rights i.e read and write permissions are given to the User ,Group and Owner .
19) How do we create a message queue?
20) what is mtype in msgrcv sys.call?
21) What are arguements of stat()
22) How does processes interact in message queue and pipes.
23) What are disadvantages of pipe. Mention atleast 3.
24) Difference b/w fork() and exec? why do we go for exec?
25) what is execvp()
26) How to create message queue?
27) What does 0 mean in 0666
28) 0666 – Why do we use 3 6’s in this.?
29) What is difference b/w write and read sys call in pipe.
30) Difference between fork() & execvp()
31) How many process can we use in pipe

B.Tech Operating Systems Viva Important Questions

Following are important questions for Viva – Voce examination of B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering and IT branch students. The questions are useful for the paper on Operating Systems:

Important questions:

1. Discuss about os objectives and functions
2. Explain about os structures with neat figures
3. Briefly discuss about os services
4. What are different schedulers? Explain about scheduling criteria
5. Explain round robin and priority scheduling algorithms with any example
6. Discuss about critical section problem and provide Petersons solution semaphores.
7. What is the differncebetween binary and counting semaphores and how they provide solution for critical section?
8. Explain about readers writers problem with code
9. What is dining philosopher’s problem and how can we provide solution without getting deadlock.
10. Clearly explain bankers algorithm for deadlock avoidance
11. What are conditions for occurring deadlocks how can we prevent them
12. Explain about Disk scheduling algorithms with an example
13. Discuss various allocation methods on files
14. Draw hardisk structure and discuss various parts
15. Differentiate between internal and external fragmentation problem with figures
16. What are fixed and variable partitioning schemes
17. Implement LRU and optimal page replacement algorithms with any example
18. Explain about Direct memory access with a neat figure
19. What is blocking I/O and non blocking I/O
20. Discuss about various security attacks and threats
21. What are different viruses and how can we protect our system from viruses
22. Discuss about FCFS and SJF scheduling algorithms with an example
23. Explain about paging concept with a neat figure
24. how address translation is done from logical memory to physical memory in segmentation

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