EDCET Previous and Model Papers Download – GK and Teaching Aptitude

General Knowledge and Teaching Aptitude are common for all the candidates in EDCET Examination. There will be some tricky questions in Teaching Aptitude. Candidates have to apply common sense and intelligence to answer questions from this section. Here we are giving previous question papers of 2009 and 2011 for General Knowledge and Teaching Aptitude Sections. Apart from these, General English is also a common section for all the candidates. These solved papers will be useful for the candidates to practice before they go to appear for the real examinations. Candidates can download these previous and model question papers. We are giving some model questions here and you can get the answers for these from the previous papers given below:

1) The meaning of ‘Learning to learn’ is
1) effectively learning what one chooses to learn
2) learning how to learn
3) learning by one’s mistakes
4) learning by observing the mistakes of others

2) School readiness means
1) Getting ready to go to school
2) making a child ready to go to school
3) having necessary abilities to profit from schooling
4) The school is ready to accept a child

3) Which of the following is the best way of learning for children?
1) By watching how others learn
2) by listening to radio
3) by regularly attending school
4) by working with other children of the class

EDCET GK, Teaching Aptitude and English Previous Question Paper – 2011

EDCET Previous Papers Part B-GK and Aptitude

EDCET Previous Question Papers Download – General English

General English is an important section in EDCET Examination. Here we are giving Previous Edcet Question Papers (General English Sections) of the years 2009 and 2011 for the use of EDCET appearing candidates. EDCET Solved Question Papers are provided for two years. The Key is provided by the officials of Edcet in respective years. Other common sections are GK and Teaching Aptitude. Following are some model questions from the General English Section of previous papers. Candidates can download Previous Papers from the links given at the end of these model questions.

1) Identify the correct propositions for the blanks in the sentence:
You have fallen —— love ——- her.
1) in, with 2) into, for 3) into, with 4) in for

2) Identify the pair of homonyms
1) too: to 2) bun:fun 3) sun : shun 4) pair : pear

3) Identify the synonym of the word given in quotes in the sentence:
My friend ‘commends’ me for my activities
1) scolds 2) praises 3) hates 4) loves

4) Identify the antonym of the word given in quotes in the sentence:
I do not ‘lend’ anything to anyone.
1) give 2) return 3) extend 4) borrow

5) Although he is poor, he is contended.
The above sentence can be written as:
1) He is contented in spite of he is poor
2) He is poor, so he is contented also
3) He is poor, but he is contented
4) he is contented for he is poor

For answers to these questions and previous papers of General English, see below links:

EDCET Previous Papers – General English 2009 Part-A

Edcet General English, GK and Teaching Aptitude 2011

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