IPE Exams – Physics Model Paper for Senior Inter

Following is the Senior Intermediate Model Paper for IPE examinations in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana States. Both the states have same syllabus and the pattern of exam also same. This model paper is for Physics (Paper – 2). Candidates can practice this paper for good marks in the exam. All the best.

Time : 3 Hours Max Marks : 60
Section A
I. VSAQ: Answer all the following questions. 10 x 2= 20 M

  1. What is Myopia? How can it be corrected?
  2. What are the units of magnetic moments and magnetic induction?
  3. Define magnetic inclination or angle of dip?
  4. Magnetic lines form continuous closed loops. Why?
  5. A transformer converts 200V AC into 2000 V AC. Calculate the number of turns in the secondary if the primary has 10 turns.
  6. What aret he uses of microwaves?
  7. What is “work function”?
  8. State Heisenberg’s Uncertainity Principle.
  9. What is a p – type semiconductor? What are the majority and minority charge carriers in it.
  10. Define Modulation. Why is it necessary?
    II. SAQ: Answer any SIX of the following questions. 6 x 4 = 24 M
  11. With a neat labeled diagram, expalin the formation of image in a simple microscope.
  12. How do you determine the resolving power of your eye?
  13. Derive an expression for the intensity of the electric field at a point on the axial line of an electric dipole.
  14. Derive an expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor.
  15. State and explain Biot – Savart’s law.
  16. Describe the ways in which eddy currents are used to advantage.
  17. What are the limitations of Bohr’s theory of hydrogen atom?
  18. Describe how a semiconductor diode is used as a half-wave rectifier.
    III. LAQ: Answer any TWO of the following questions. 2 x 8 = 16 M
  19. Explain the formation of stationary waves in an air column enclosed in open pipe. Derive the equations for the frequencies of the harmonics produced. A open organ pipe 85 cm long is sounded. If the velocity of sound is 340 m/s, what is the fundamental frequency of vibration of the air column?
  20. State the working principle of potentiometer. Explain with help of circuit diagram how the emf of two primary cells are compared by using potentiometer. A potentiometer wire is 5m long and a potential difference of 6V is maintained between its ends. Find the emf of a cell
    which balances against a length of 180 cm of the potentiometer wire.
  21. What is radioactivity? State the law of radioactive decay. Show that radioactive decay is exponential in nature. The half life of radium is 1600 years. How much time does 1g of radium take to reduce to 0.125g?

Junior Intermediate Botany Model Paper for IPE Exams for AP and Telangana


Following is the Junior Intermediate Model Paper – Botany Paper – I for the Andhra Pradesh and Telangana state boards. The model paper is as per the new syllabus and useful for the IPE exams of both the states. The question paper is for 60 marks and duration of the exam is 3 hours.

Section – A
I. i) Very short answer type questions.
ii) Answer ALL the questions.
iii) Each question carries TWO marks. 10 × 2 = 20

1. What is meant by manuals and monographs?
2. What is slime mould? Explain what is meant by plasmodium with reference to slime moulds.
3. Name the books written by Parasara and mention the important aspects discussed in those books.
4. What is the morphology of cup like structure in cyathium? In
which family it is found?
5. What is meant by parthenocarpic fruit? How is it useful?
6. What is meant by scutellum? In which type of seeds it is pre-
7. Write the floral formula of Solanum plant.
8. What are microbodies? What do they contain?
9. Select an appropriate chemical bond among ester bond, glycosidic bond, peptide bond and hydrogen bond and write against each of the following.
a) Polysaccharide b) Protein
c) Fat d) Steps of DNA
10. Define communities. Who classified plant communities into hydrophytes, mesophytes and xerophytes?


II. i) Short answer type questions.
ii) Answer any SIX questions.
iii) Each question carries FOUR marks. 6 × 4 = 24
11. Give a brief account of Dinoflagellates.
12. Differentiate between liverworts and mosses?
13. Distinguish between asexual and sexual reproduction. Why is vegetative reproduction also consider as a type of asexual reproduction?
14. What is apomixis? Give an example. What is its importance?
15. Give economic importance of plants belonging to Fabaceae.
16. What are nucleosomes? What are they made of?
17. In which phase of meiosis are the following formed?
a) Synaptonemal complex b) Recombination nodules
c) Action of Recombinase d) Terminalisation
e) Interkinesis f) Dyad of cells
g) X-shaped structures h) Synapsis
18.Define plant succession. Differentiate primary and secondary


III. i) Long answer type questions.
ii) Answer any TWO questions.
iii) Each question carries EIGHT marks. 2 × 8 = 16
19. Define root / stem modifications. Explain how root / stem is
modified to perform different functions. (Write any 6 modifications).
20. Draw the diagram of a microsporangium and label its wall layers. Write briefly about the wall layers.
21. Describe the T.S. of monocot stem.

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