Jr. Inter Chemistry Model Paper 1 – AP Board

Here is Chemistry Model Question Paper for Intermediate Public Examinations in Andhra Pradesh. This is Chemistry Paper 1 (English Version). Duration of the exam is 3 hours and Maximum marks are 60. Practice model papers more to get good marks in IPE, Andhra Pradesh.

Very short answer type questions. Note: Answer ALL questions. 10 × 2 = 20

1. What are the coordination numbers of Na+ and Cs+ in NaCl and CsCl?
2. Find RMS velocity of CO2 gas at 27 oC.
3. Give reasons for the higher boiling point of H2O than HF?
4. Calculate the Oxidation number of Manganese in the following: (a) KMnO4 and (b) MnSO4
5. A white ancient painting has turned black over the years. What do you do to restore its original colour?
6. What is ‘mortar’? Give its composition and use.
7. How do acid rains occur? Give one effect of it.
8. Name the products A and C in the following reactions.
H2O hot metal tube AlCl3+CH3Cl CaC2 →A →B →C
9. Why is the temperature of the earth increasing?
10. Explain the detection of (a) Nitrogen and (b) Halogens in an organic compound.

Short answer type questions. Note: Answer any SIX questions. 6 × 4 = 24

11. Deduce (a) Boyle’s Law and (b) Graham’s Law from Kinetic gas euqation.
12. Explain Valency Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) theory?
13. An Organic Compound on analysis was found to contain 16.27% Carbon, 0.67% Hydrogen and 72.2% Chlorine. The vapour density of the compound is equal to 73.75. Calculate the empirical formula and molecular formula of the compound.
14. Write any two oxidation and two reduction reactions of Hydrogen Peroxide.
15. Explain the structures of XeO3 and XeO4
16. Amixture of a hydride of boron and ammonia are passed through a hot tube to get a compound A. Give the formula, name and structure of it.
17. Graphite is a good conductor of electricity, while diamond is not. Explain.
18. Write a note on the importance of Mg+2 and Ca+2 ions in biology.

Long answer type questions. Note: Answer any TWO questions 2 × 8 = 16

19. Explain the significance and purpose of four quantum numbers.
20. Define first and second ionization potentials. Why is second ionization potential greater than the first ionization potential? Explain four factors affecting ionization potential values of elements.
21. Describe two methods of preparation of ethylene. Give equation for reactions of ethylene with the following.
a) Ozone, b) Hypo halous acid, c) Cold and dilute alkaline KMnO4 d) Heated with O2 at high pressure.

AP Board Junior Intermediate Civics Model Paper 1

Following is the Civics Model Paper for Junior Intermediate Public Examinations to be held in March. Students appearing for Intermediate Public Examinations can use this question paper for the practice and asses themselves. Duration of the exam is three hours and maximum marks are 100.

Junior Intermediate Public Examinations
Civics Paper 1 (English Version)


Note: I. Answer any THREE of the following questions. 3 × 10 = 30

1. Define political science and explain its scope.
2. Explain the meaning and features of Sovereignty.
3. What are the features of Federation? Estimate its merits and demerits.
4. Explain the basic principles of Gandhism
5. Discuss the functions of the legislature?


II. Answer any EIGHT of the following questions. 8 × 5 = 40

6. Explain the characteristics of Nationality.
7. Explain the differences between State and Government.
8. Mention the kinds of Liberty?
9. Give a critical analysis of Marxism?
10. Explain evaluate the concept of secular state.
11. What are the basic principles of welfare state.
12. Describe civil rights.
13. Evaluate the features of democracy.
14. Explain different kinds of justice.
15. What is Unitary Government? List out its merits and demerits.
16. Explain judiciary and its functions?
17. Explain the meaning and emergence of public opinion.


III. Answer any FIFTEEN of the following questions. 15 x 2 = 30

18. Define political science.
19. What is meant by sociology.
20. Definition of state.
21. Meaning and definition of Nation and Nationality.
22. What is Dejure. De Facto Sovereignty.
23. Give two definitions of Sovereignty.
24. Secular Sate.
25. Define rights.
26. The theory of Surplus Value.
27. Class Struggle.
28. Non-Violence.
29. Explain moral rights with examples.
30. Indirect Democracy.
31. Explain any two features of a rigid constitution.
32. Recall
33. Theory of Separation of Power.
34. Rule of Law
35. What are the organs of government.
36. Pressure groups.
37. Definition of public opinion.

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