AP Junior Intermediate Physics Paper 1 – Model Questions

Intermediate Public Examinations – March
Physics Paper 1 – Model Paper (English Version)
Time : 3 Hours – Maximum Marks : 60

SECTION – A Note: a) All questions are of very short answer type. b) Answer all questions. c) Each question carries 2 marks. 10 x 2 = 20

1. “Equations v = u+at and v2 = u2+2as can be derived by method of dimensional analysis”. Is this statement correct or not? why?
2. What is coefficient of restitution? Mention its values under different conditions.
4. What is angle of friction? What is the relation between the angle of friction and the coefficient of friction?
5. What is radius of gyration? On what factors it depends?
6. What is schwarzchild radius? Write an expression for it and mention the factors in the equation.
7. A drop of mercury at 20°C has radius 3mm. Surface tension of mercury at that temperature is 4.65×10-1Nm-1. What is the excess
pressure inside the mercury drop?
8. Can you find any substance that contracts upon heating? Give an example.
9. Certain mass of ice is converting into water form. Is this process Isothermal? or Adiabatic? Why?
10. Top of the ceilings of houses are generally painted white in summer. Why?


Note: a) All questions are of short answer type. b) Answer any six questions. c) Each question carries 4 Marks. 6 x 4 = 24

11. Write the law of parallelogram law of forces. Derive expressions for the magnitude of the resultant and the direction.
12. Show that the path of a projectile is a parabola.
13. Explain why it is easier to pull the lawn roller than to push it.
14. Write the principle of conservation of angular momentum and mention two applications.
15. Derive an expression for the variation of ‘g’ with altitude (h).
”It is erroneous to conclude that at h = R/2, g = 0; R is the radius of the earth”. Explain why this statement is correct?
16. Describe the behaviour of a wire under gradually increasing load.
17. State Bernoulli’s theorem and using the equation of the theorem explain why a man standing nearly a fast moving train feels as if the
train is pulling him toward it.
18. 5 moles of hydrogen when heated through 20K expands by an amount of 8.3 ×10-3m3 under a constant pressure of 105 N/m2. If
Cv = 20J/mole.K find Cp.


Note: a) All questions are of long answer type. b) Answer any two questions. c) Each question carries 8 marks. 2 x 8 = 16

19. State the law of conservation of energy and prove it in the case of a body projected vertically upwards. If the power of a water motor
is 3kw find how much water it can lift into a tank placed at a height 10m in 1 minute.
20. Define simple harmonic motion. Show that the motion of a simple pendulum is simple harmonic; hence derive an expression for time
period of the simple pendulum. An object executing SHM has an acceleration of 0.2ms-2 at a distance of 0.05m from the mean position. Calculate the period of SHM.
21. Describe the specific gravity bottle method along with theory, to determine the coefficient of apparent expansion of a liquid.
The mass of an empty specific gravity bottle is 20g. When it is filled with a liquid at 30°C, the mass of the bottle is 60g. When it is heated to 80°C, 2.2g of liquid is expelled. Find the apparent expansion of the liquid.

Junior Intermediate English Paper 1 – Model Paper of AP Board

Intermediate Public Examinations – March
English Paper 1 – Model Paper
Time: 3 Hours, Maximum Marks: 100


I. Annotate any two of the following. 2 × 4 = 8
a. “To give up one’s life is easy; to live one’s life worthily is a harder task.”
b. “Thus I got into my bones the essential structure of the ordinary British sentence—which is a noble thing.”
c. “The relationship we have with it will change in almost unimaginable ways.”
d. “That living word awakened my soul; gave it light, hope, joy; set it free!”

Also Read:  

IPE Model Papers for English – Junior and Senior Intermediate

II. Annotate any two of the following. 2 × 4 = 8

a. “Saw a poodle in a jacket fastened with a pin
Saw a door opened, and a cat let in;”
b. “In me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman
Rises toward her day after day Like a terrible fish.”
c. “Quiet consummation have;
And renowned be thy grave!”
d. “See the white river that flashes and scintillates
Curved like a tusk from the mouth of the city-gates.”

III. Answer any two questions in about 75 words. 2 × 4 = 8

a. Describe how Mr. Somervell taught English grammar.
b. According to R.K. Narayan, why should we have our own variety of English?
c. What lesson does Helen Keller’s life teach us?
d. Explain how Jerry’s positive thinking helped him to survive.

IV. Answer any two questions in about 75 words. 2 × 4 = 8

a. What is the poet’s justification for bankers living in marble halls?
b. Describe the muezzin’s call.
c. What are the different things one need not fear when dead?
d. How does the mirror describe itself?

Also Read: IPE Commerce Model Papers

V. Answer any one of the following questions in about 150 words. 1 × 8 = 8

a. How does Ruskin Bond convey the message that ‘life goes on…’ at the end of the story?
b. Narrate the important events in the story ‘The Red Room’ authored by H.G.Wells.
c. The story ‘The Cherry Trees’ deals with preservation of Nature and early marriage of girls. Discuss.


VI. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. 5 × 1 = 5

We sometimes think that it would be very nice if we had no work to do. How we envy rich people who do not have to work for their
living but can do just what they please all the year round. Yet when we think so, we make a mistake. Sometimes rich people are not
as happy as we think, because they are tired of being idle. Most of us are happy, when we have regular work to do for our living, especially
if the work is what we like doing. The first thing work gives us is happiness. It gives us self-respect. The idler, however rich he
is, lives on the work of others. But the honest worker, who earns his living by useful toil, can hold up his head and respect himself.
Last, not the least, regular work helps to build up character. It teaches us such good habits as punctuality, carefulness, thoroughness
and faithfulness in work.

1. Why do we sometimes envy rich people?
2. What brings happiness to us?
3. Who develops the best character?
4. How does regular work help us?
5. What type of people feels ashamed of themselves?

VII. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. 5 × 1 = 5

The misfortunes of human beings may be divided into two classes: First, those inflicted by the non-human environment, and, second,
those inflicted by the other people. As mankind has progressed in the knowledge and technique, the second class has become
a continually increasing percentage of the total.
In old times, famine, for example, was due to natural causes, and, although people did their best to combat it, large number of them
died of starvation. At the present moment, large parts of the world are faced with the threats of famine. Although natural causes have
contributed to the situation, the principal causes are human. The evils that men inflict on each other have their main source in evil passions
rather than in ideas or beliefs.
1. According to the author, what are the misfortunes divided into?
2. What is the main cause of the misfortune of mankind at present?
3. What is the main reason for men exposing one another to evil?
4. How did the progress of mankind result in?
5. Identify the part of speech of the word ‘principal’ found in the passage.


Note: Answers to questions in this section should be written at one place in the answer book separately.

VIII. Fill in the blanks with ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ suitably. 6 × 1/2 = 3
1. He is ……… heir to a vast property.
2. He made ……… noise.
3. Dasgupta is ……… historian.
4. ……… lunch was held at Dolphin Hotel yesterday.
5. Rice is ……… favourite food of the Bengalis.
6. She is ……… hostler.

IX. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. 6 × 1/2 = 3

1. I found him standing ………….the crowd last night.
2. The dog sprang …………the table yesterday.
3. Don’t feel …………your dignity to talk to the poor.
4. Radha is …………the quilt.
5. He went to Shiridi ……………..train last week.
6. We entered ………….an agreement at last.

X. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given in brackets. 5 × 1 = 5

1. I …………….. (understand) what you say.
2. Namratha…………… (attend) the classes very regularly these days.
3. Work hard lest you ………… (fail).
4. He talks as if he ……….. (be) mad.
5. ………..you…….. (take) tea, I would have also taken.

XI. Rewrite the following sentences as directed. 5 × 1 = 5

1. My performance surprised her. (Rewrite the sentence beginning with She….)
2. She said to me, “Good morning.” (Change into Indirect Speech.)
3. Go to the market please. (Add the right question tag.)
4. We eat to live. (Change into Complex Sentence.)
5. Fame is the best of all perfumes in the world.( Change the adjective into positive degree.)

XII. Rewrite the following sentences correcting the underlined part. 4 × 1 = 4

1. We should always be true to our words.
2. He doesn’t know even alphabets of English.
3. The wages of sin are death.
4. My uncle’s friend’s son is a doctor.

XIII. Supply the missing letters in the following words. 6 × 1/2 = 3

1. c _ _ l i n g 2. m o s q _ _
3. g _ _ g e 4. g _ _ r a n t e e
5. s t i _ _ 6. c _ _ g h

XIV. Identify the silent letters in the following words. 6 × 1/2 = 3

1. first 2. christmas 3. knave
4. isle 5. debt 6. wrong

XV. Identify the parts of speech of the underlined words. 6 × 1/2 = 3

1. We are half pleased and half sorry.
2. I stood far apart from him.
3. It is all over with me.
4. Since he is my father, I respect him.
5. Point the spot of accident please.
6. He is not a politician.

XVI. Match the words in Column A with their meanings/definitions in Column B. 6 × 1/2 = 3

Column A Column B
1. tussle ( ) a. subdue
2. grunt ( ) b. throw
3. chuck ( ) c. stretch
4. encounter ( ) d. obscure
5. absurd ( ) e. nonsensical
6. quell ( ) f. meet
g. struggle
h. a low, rough sound

XVII. Convert the following information into a tree diagram.

There are two methods of creating a piece of sculpture. They are carving and modeling.
Carving is usually done on hard materials such as stone, marble, or wood. In
modeling, soft materials such as clay, plaster of paris, and wax are used to build different
or 1 × 3 = 3

Convert the following diagram into an informative paragraph.

XVIII. Convert any five of the following transcriptions into their corresponding English words.
1. b t rfl j 2. tren 3. mun
4. s n m 5. pr nt 6. b rd
Lamp doesn’t work

No →
Yes →

burned out?
plugged in?
Buy new lamp
Plug in lamp
Replace bulb
7. frut 8. b t l 9. b k 10. hotεl
or 5 × 1 = 5
Find the word that is different from the other two words in the group with regard to the sound of the underlined letters.
Answer any five of the following.
1. cut curse cell
2. kettle kit knack
3. wool stood cool
4. touch chocolate machine
5. culture torture tunnel
6. health this path
7. bread credit ceat
8. pour touch sour
9. prix box phoenix
10. book took shook

XIX. Arrange the following jumbled exchanges into a meaningful dialogue. 1 × 5 = 5

Akkayya: I think this is a social evil.
Ammulu: There was a ghastly incident of dowry death in Uttar Pradesh.
Ammulu: We see such reports almost everyday. I don’t know how the people kill innocent girls for the sake of dowry.
Ammulu: Akkayya, Have you seen today’s newspaper?
Akkayya: Why? Is there anything interesting?
Akkayya: I’m tired of reading such pieces of news.
Ammulu: You are correct.

XX. Write a dialogue to suit any one of the following situations. 1 × 5 = 5

a. Between two students about the fast approaching Intermediate Public Exams.
b. Introducing yourself at an old student meet in the school, where you last studied.

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