AP Senior Inter Botany Model Question Paper 2

Intermediate students require good practice of model papers before they get ready for IPE 2013. Here is Botany Model Question Paper 2 for Senior Intermediate students. Students can practice these papers for the practice and assess themselves. Maximum marks for the paper 2 is 60 and duration of the exam is 3 hours.

Sr. Intermediate Botany Model Paper – Botany Paper − II (English Version)


I. Answer all the questions in sequence 10 × 2 = 20
1. Define homothallism. In which species of Rhizopus it is seen?
2. Name the organism from which streptomycin is obtained. Who first time isolated it?
3. Define botulism. Name the bacterium responsible for botulism.
4. Define virulent phage. Give an example.
5. Cell A and B are in direct contact. Cell Ahas osmotic potential of − 0.6 Mpa and pressure potential of 0.4 Mpa. Cell B has osmotic potential of − 0.9 Mpa and pressure potential of 0.6 Mpa. Which way water moves?
6. What are non-competitive enzyme inhibitors? Give one example.
7. Which substance is termed as “energy currency of a cell”? How many kilo calories are produced on its hydrolysis?
8. Name any two artificially restructured/ modified plasmids.
9. What is bagging? Mention the role of bagging in hybridization.
10. Give the scientific names of Torula yeast and Baker’s yeast.

II. Answer any six of the following questions. 6 × 4 = 24

11. Describe the cell structure of Spirogyra.
12. Differentiate between protonema and gametophore of Funaria.
13. How are bacteria classified on the basis of number and distribution of flagella?
14. Write about the importance of eco-friendly type of fertilizers.
15. Describe briefly the mechanism of stomatal opening and closing.
16. Write the physiological effects of cytokinins.
17. Tabulate any eight differences between C3 and C4 pathways/ plants.
18. Draw a well labelled diagram of L.S. of gill of Agaricus.

III. Answer any two questions. 2 × 8 = 16

19. Describe the internal structure of rhizome of Pteris.
20. Describe the nitrogen cycle in detail giving examples.
21. Explain briefly the steps involved in tissue culture.

AP Senior Intermediate Physics Model Paper 2

Following is the Senior Intermediate Physics Model Paper 2 for the benefit of Inter students of Andhra Pradesh. The question paper is in English Version. Duration is 3 hours and maximum marks are 60.

SECTION – A 10 × 2 = 20M
Note: i) Answer all the questions.
ii) Every correct answer carries 2 marks.
iii) All are very short answer type questions.

1. The head lights of a distant car do not produce interference pattern. Why?
2. How does the spacing between fringes in Young’s double slit experiment change if (a) the slit separation is increased and b) the colour of light is changed from red to blue.
3. Two magnetic poles of strength 40 Am and 10 Am are separated by a distance of 20 cm in air. Find the force between them.
4. Define Electron Volt and name the physical quantity for which it is a unit.
5. What is shunt resistance? Mention its use.
6. What type of transformer is used in a bed lamp? What is the phenomenon involved in the working of a transformer?
7. What is Mosley’s Law? What is its importance?
8. A radio active sample contains ‘n’ atoms. Find the number of atoms undecayed after five half lives.
9. State two uses of Radio Isotopes.
10. Define modulation. Why is it necessary?

SECTION – B (6 × 4 = 24 M)
Note: i) Answer any six of the following questions.
ii) Each question carries 4 marks. iii) All are short answer type questions.

11. Describe the construction and working of an Optical Fibre. State its two uses.
12. Derive an expression for the couple acting on a bar magnet placed in a uniform magnetic induction field.
13. Define intensity of electric field →E and potential difference V. Derive the relationship between them.
14. Describe an experiment for the determination of unknown resistance of a wire with meter bridge.
15. Applying the Kirchhoff’s laws to Wheatstones Bridge and derive the condition of a Wheatstone Bridge.
16. Write a short notes on the working of a theremopile.
17. State the laws of Photoelectric effect.
18. Distinguish between Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion.

SECTION – C (2 X 8 =16 M)
Note: i) Answer any two of the following questions.
ii) Every question carries 8 marks.
iii) All are long answer type questions.

19. Explain the formation of stationary waves in stretched strings and hence deduce the laws of transverse waves in stretched strings. A wire length of 1 m and mass 20 g is stretched with a force of 800 N. Find its fundamental frequency.
20. Describe a tangent galvanometer with its necessary theory. Compare it with a moving coil galvanometer.
21. What is rectification? Explain the working of a full wave rectifier with a neat diagram. How it is advantageous over a half-wave rectifier?

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