Senior Inter Botany Model Questions from Reproduction Chapter

Following are Botany Model questions for Intermediate students. Model questions are provided in the categories of very short answers, short answers and long answer type questions.


1. What is meant by heterospory? Mention the two types of spores developed in an angiospermic plant.
Production of two types of spores by a plant is called heterospory.
Microspores, megaspores.
2. How do liver worts reproduce vegetatively?
By production of Gemmae.
3. Why do we refer to an offspring formed by asexual method of reproduction as clones?
The offsprings produced during asexual reproduction are identical to one another and also exact copies of their parent. Hence they are called as clones.
4. Rearrange the following events of sexual reproduction in the sequence in which they occur in a flowering plant:
Embryogenesis, fertilization, gametogenesis, pollination.
Gametogenesis  Pollination  Fertilization  Embryogenesis.
5. Is there a relationship between the size of an organism and its life span?
6. Which of the following are monoecious and dioecious organisms:
a. date palm b. coconut c. Chara d. Marchantia
Date palm – dioecious
Coconut – monoecious
Chara – monoecious
Marchantia – dioecious
7. What do the following parts of a flower develop into after fertilization?
a. ovary b. stamens c. ovules d. calyx
Ovary – fruit
Stamens – fall off
Ovules – seeds
Calyx – falls off ( In plants like Solanum it is persistant after fertilization)
8. Define vivipary with an example.
Vivipary is the germination of the seeds while still attached to the mother plant. Ex: Rhizophora (mangrove).


1) In haploid organisms that undergo sexual reproduction, name the stage in the lifecycle where meiosis occurs. Give reasons for your answer.

In haploid organisms meiosis occurs in the zygote.
This kind of meiosis is known as zygotic meiosis.
As the organism is in haploid phase throughout the life cycle except the zygote the life cycle is called haplontic life cycle.
In these haploid plants zygote is the only diploid phase and hence meiosis is compulsory to produce haploid spores or thallus in these organisms.
As zygote is the connecting link between two generations haploid organisms which reproduce sexually begin life with this single celled zygote.

2) The number of taxa exhibiting asexual reproduction is drastically reduced in higher plants (angiosperms) when compared to the lower groups of plants. Analyze the possible reasons for this situation.

Higher plants exhibit a low frequency of asexual reproduction compared to lower plants because:
Single celled structure or relatively simple organization is necessary for asexual reproduction. But higher plants are complex in their organization.
Asexual reproduction gives rise to offsprings which are identical to one another and also exact copies of their parents. Hence there is no genetic variation or recombination to produce better characters. Hence higher plants limit asexual reproduction to few species.
Due to asexual or vegetative reproduction the clones produced cannot withstand extremities in environmental conditions.
As higher plants show advancement in sexuality being bisexual, unisexual, monoecious and dioecious conditions there is a better chance of sexual reproduction than in lower plants. Hence there is no need for many of them to exhibit asexual reproduction.

3) “Fertilization is not an obligatory event for fruit production in certain plants.” Explain the statement.

In certain plants fertilization is not compulsory for fruit production because:
Fertilization is a chance process which follows pollination.
If in case pollination fails and the ovary does not receive male gametes fertilization does not occur and fruit formation is affected.
Hence some plants have an alternative mechanism where unfertilized female gamete develops into an embryo directly and the fruit is produced by the ovary without fertilization.
This development of an embryo from an unfertilized female gamete is called parthenogenesis and development of fruit from unfertilized ovary is called parthenocarpy.
Generally parthenocarpic fruits are seed less and hence preferred for food industries.

4) Justify the statement “Vegetative reproduction is also a type of asexual reproduction”.

Vegetative reproduction is a kind of reproduction in which multicellular structures become detached from the parent plant and develop into new individuals that are genetically identical to the parent plant.
In asexual reproduction also the offsprings are genetically identical to the parent.
Like asexual reproduction vegetative reproduction also does not involve formation of gametes and fertilization.


1. Describe the post-fertilization changes in a flower.
The changes that occur after fertilization in a flower are called post-fertilization changes.
These changes include formation of zygote, embryogenesis, seed and fruit formation.
In a flower zygote is formed after fertilization of a male gamete with the egg cell or female gamete inside the embryo sac of the ovule.
Zygote is the connecting link between organisms of two different generations.
The zygote undergoes mitotic cell division and cell differentiation to form an embryo.
The process of development of an embryo from the zygote is referred as Embryogenesis.
During this process sepals, petals and stamens of the flower wither and fall off.
Pistil may remain with the plant.
As the zygote develops into embryo, the ovule develops into a seed.
The ovary develops into a fruit. The fruit develops a thick fruit wall called pericarp which is protective in function.
After the seeds and fruit mature the whole fruit or the seeds are dispersed and the seeds germinate under favourable conditions to produce new plants.
Post fertilization changes in a flower may be summed up as:
zygote embryo
PEN (Primary endosperm Nucleus) endosperm
synergids and antipodals degenerate
ovules seeds
integuments seed coat (testa and tegmen)
nucellus used up or sometimes persists as perisperm
ovary fruit
petals, sepals, stamens fall off (sometimes calyx are persistant)

Senior Inter Economics Model Questions and Answers for Unit 3

Following are model questions and answers for Senior Inter Economics Unit 3 (Population and Human Resource Development). The Intermediate Second Year students from Andhra Pradesh can practice these model / practice questions to get good marks in the final IPE examinations.

1. Explain the theory of demographic transition.

Ans: Development of any country depends on the quantity and quality of human resources i.e. population. There are two important theories on population. They are demographic transition theory and optimum theory of population.


The theory of demographic transition explains the relationship between birth rates, death rates and economic development. It was explained by T.R. Malthus.

According to this theory, every country passes through three stages of demographic transition. They are:

First Stage: This stage is characterized by high birth rates and death rates. Poor diet, absence of medical facilities, social beliefs etc. are the reasons for it. Hence the population is more or less stable. This stage was prevailed in India before 1921.

Second Stage: This stage is characterized by high birth rates and low death rates, hence there is a rapid growth of population. Improvement in the standard of living, diet condition, medical facilities etc reduce death rates and low level education, social backwardness etc. results in high birth rates. This stage was prevailing in India since 1921.

Third Stage: In this stage the death and birth rates were controlled due to the development of economy. Hence the population is optimum level. Many developed countries are in this stage.

2. What are the reasons for population explosion in India? List out measures.

Ans: Population of India

As on 2011, November 1 total population of India is 121 crores. It is 17 per cent of world population with 2.4 per cent share of land area of the world. According to 2011 census, the sex ratio is 940 : 1000 and density of population is 382 persons per square km in India. India’s population growth rate was rapidly increased after 1921. So 1921 is known as great dividing year of population.

Population Explosion in India

When birth rates exceeds death rates during a particular period of time is called population explosion. Now India is suffering with population explosion. High birth rates and low death rates are the reason for it.

Causes for Low Death Rates:

Eradication of famines: After independence, government of India controlled famines and droughts through various policies and minimised mortality rate.

Control of epidemics: The epidemics such as Malaria, Cholera, Small fox etc. were controlled and reduced the death rates.

Other Factors: Improvement in standard of living, safe drinking water, education, expanded medical facilities etc. reduced the mortality rate.

Causes for High Birth Rates:

Predominance of agriculture: In an agrarian economy, even every child of the family considered as labour, they wish to have more children.

Slow Urbanisation: The process of urbanisation in slow in India and it has failed to generate social forces which control birth rates and promote small families.

Universality of marriage: Marriage is both a religious and social necessity in India. It leads to high birth rates.

Early marriage: Women in India are getting marriage at quite young age. It prolongs the child bearing period.

Religious and social beliefs: Most of Indians desire to have more children as a social and religious belief even they do not have economic power. They treat every child as a god gift.

Joint family system: In a joint family system, the total economic burden carried by earning members only and not by young couples. They get children even they have no financial capacity.

Measures to control population explosion:

1. Expansion of industrial sector
2. Removal of poverty
3. Development of education
4. Improving women status
5. Raising minimum age of marriage
6. Family planning programmes
7. Incentives and disincentives
8. Establishment of family planning centres etc

3. Elucidate the new population policy – 2000 of India.

Ans: Population Policy – 2000

To control population growth, the govt. of India has announced a policy on population in the year 2000 to stabilize the population by 2045.

Main features:

1. Reduce MMR to below 100 per 1 lakh live births
2. Reduce IMR to below 30 per 1 thousand live births
3. Universal immunisation against all preventable diseases
4. To achieve 100 percent safe deliveries in hospitals
5. Access to information regarding AIDS, prevention and control of communicable diseases.
6. Incentives to adopt two-child small family norms
7. Strict enforcement of child marriage restraint act
8. Raising the age of marriage for girls not earlier than 18 years and for boys 20 years
9. Special reward for women who marry after 21 years and apted birth control methods after 2 children
10. Health insurance coverage for BPL families who undergo sterilization after having 2 children

4. Explain the Occupational Distribution of population in India.

Ans: It refers to the number or ratio of workforce participation among various occupations in the country. Occupations are classified into three categories. They are

Primary Sector / Occupations:

Agriculture, forestry, fishing, animal husbandary, poultry, plantation etc. are collectively known as primary occupations. At present 56.7 per cent in India and 64.6 per cent of labour force is engaged in A.P. in this occupations.

Secondary Occupations:

Activities related to manufacturing industries including small scale, cottage, medium and large scale industries are collectively known as secondary occupations. 17.6 per cent in India and 13 per cent of labour force engaged in A.P. in this occupations.

Tertiary Occupations:

Trade, transport, communication, banking, education, health and other services are collectively known as tertiary occupations. 25.7 percent in India and 22.4 per cent of labour force engaged in A.P. in this occupations.

5. Explain the various Health Indicators.

Ans: Health indicators play an important role in the development of human resources. There are three indicators.

Life expectancy: It refers to the number of years an average a person can live. It is 63.9 years for males and 66.9 years for females in India.

Maternal Mortality Rate: It refers to number of delivery deaths among 1 lakh women in a year. It is 301 per 10,000 live births in India.

Infant Mortality Rate: It refers to the ratio of the number of deaths among the 1000 born child in a year. It is 63 per 1000 in India.

6. Explain about NRHM.

Ans: National Rural Health Mission (NRHM):

This programme was introduced in 2005 to increase access and utilization of quality health by strengthening health infrastructure.


1. To provide over 5 lakh ASHA workers per 1000 population by 2008.
2. To make it function nearly 1.75 lakh sub centres 2 ANMs by 2010.
3. To provide 24 hours services in all PHCs with 3 trained staff nurses in all days by 2010.
4. To establish 6500 Community Health Centres with 7 specialists and 9 staff nurses by 2012.
5. To establish 1800 Taluk hospitals and 600 district hospitals by 2012.
6. Provide Mobile Medical Units for each district by 2009.

National Urban Health Mission (NUHM): It was introduced in 2005 to meet the health needs of urban poor making available primary health care services to them. It will cover all cities with a population of 1 lakh.

Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY): It was launched in 2005. Its main objective was to encourage pregnant women for safe institutional delivery, which reduce MMR and IMR. It was 100 percent centrally sponsored programme, focussing on both maternal and child health.

7. What are the health programmes implementing in A.P.

Ans: Health Programmes in A.P.

1. The family planning programme was started in 1951 focusing on women and child health.
2. The child survival and safe motherhood programmed introduced in 1992-93.
3. Launched NRHM in 2005 to increase quality of health.
4. The 24 hours mother and child health programme was started in 1997-98.
5. Family Planning Insurance Scheme introduced in 2000 to provide insurance.
6. Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) was started during 2005-06.
7. Rogi Kalyan Samithi was introduced in 2006 to improve, upgrade and modernise hospitals.
8. Rural Emergency Transport Scheme (108) started to ensure easy access to hospital for rural people.
9. Govt. of A.P. has been implementing ‘Arogya Sree’ scheme from 2007.

8. Explain the role of education in economic development.

Ans: Role of education in economic development:

Education is an instrument to convert a man into complete man. According to Todaro and Smith, education contributes more to economic growth in all countries.

– Education promotes economic growth and development.
– Education reduces the income inequalities.
– Education plays important role in rural development.
– Education helps in modernizing and revolutionizing way of thinking and promotes family planning.
– Provide required skilled man power to the economy.
– Promotes health conditions.
– Promotes political stability and competent leadership.

Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (SSA): It was introduced during 2001-02 with an aim to provide universal elementary education for all children in the age group of 6 to 14 years by 2010. It intends to fill up social, regional and gender gaps. It has been renamed as ‘RAJIV VIDYA MISSION’ in Andhra Pradesh.

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