AP Senior Inter Civics Model Paper – Paper 2

Note: I. Answer any Three of the following questions. 3 × 10 = 30
1. Explain the basic features of the Indian Constitution?
2. Explain the Fundamental Rights of Indian Citizen?
3. Explain the Directive Principles of State Policy as provided in the Indian Constitution.
4. Explain the powers of the President of India.
5. Explain the powers and functions of the Indian Parliament.

Section – B
II. Answer any Eight of the following questions. 8 $ 5 = 40
6. Explain the administrative reforms introduced by the Government of India Act. 1935.
7. How is the Vice-President elected? What are his powers?
8. Mention any eight powers of the Speaker of the Lok Sabha.
9. Explain any five powers and functions of the Supreme Court.
10. What is the position of the Chief Minister in the State Politics?
11. Point out the differences between a State and a Union Territory?
12. Explain the legislative relations between Union and States.
13. Explain the reasons for the growth of regional parties in India.
14. Explain the powers and functions of the Election Commission of India.
15. Write about the functions of the Union Public Service Commission.
16. What are the basic-features of India’s Foreign Policy?
17. Discuss the achievements of the United Nations Organisation.

Section – C
III. Answer any Fifteen of the following questions. 15 $ 2 = 30
18. Explain about Dandi March.
19. Write briefly on Chauri-Chaura incident.
20. Why is the Right to Property considered as an Ordinary Right at present.
21. Article 19.
22. Identify the directive principles relating to women’s welfare.
23. Electoral college.
24. Article 356.
25. How is the Speaker of the Lok Sabha elected?
26. What are the qualifications of judges of the Supreme Court?
27. How is the State Governor appointed?
28. What is a Union territory? Name of them?
29. Residuary powers.
30. Concurrent list.
31. Gram Sarpanch.
32. Shiva Sena.
33. Election Commission.
34.Composition of the National Commission on review of the Constitution.
35. What is Panchasheel?
36. M.P.D.O.
37. What is Veto power?

AP Junior Inter Civics Model Paper – Paper 1

Intermediate Public Examinations – Andhra Pradesh
Civics Model Paper – Paper 1 (TIME: 3 HOURS MAX MARKS: 100)

Note: I. Answer any Three of the following questions. 3 × 10 = 30
1. Define Political science and explain its scope.
2. Define Liberty and explain its safeguards.
3. What are the important features of parliamentary government?
4. Explain the basic principles of Marxism.
5. What are the main functions of an executive?

II. Answer any Eight of the following questions. 8 × 5 = 40
6. Discuss the any two elements of a state?
7. Explain the differences between State and Society.
8. Define Equality and explain its different kinds.
9. Explain evaluate the concept of secular state.
10, Evaluate the growth and principles of welfare state.
11. Explain the concepts of Satyagraha.
12. Write an essay on political rights.
13.Define democracy, examine requisites of Democracy.
14. Explain different kinds of justice.
15. Discuss the written and unwritten constitutions.
16. Explain judicial review?
17. What are the agencies of public opinion? Discuss?

III. Answer any Fifteen of the following questions. 15 × 2 = 30
18. Define Political science.
19. What is meant by ethics.
20. Meaning and definition of Nation and Nationality?
21. Definition of State.
22. What is De Jure, De Facto Sovereignty.
23. Give the meaning of Liberty?
24. Welfare state.
25. Classify the rights?
26. The theory of Surplus value.
27. Satyagraha.
28. Non-violence.
29. Give two examples of duties.
30. Indirect Democracy.
31. Recall.
32. Explain four features of a Unitary Government.
33. What is meant by Parliamentary Govt.?
34. Rule of Law.
35. What are the organs of government? Its functions?
36. Meaning of pressure groups.
37. Definition of Public Opinion.

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