SECTION – A 10 $ 2 = 20
Answer all the following questions in two or three sentences
1. Which class of Echinodermata do you find respiratory trees? Name at least one of the larval forms.
2. Distinguish between osteoblasts and osteoclasts.
3. Distinguish between synchronous and metachronous rhythms in Paramecium
4. Distinguish between primary amoebiasis and secondary amoebiasis
5. Distinguish between monoxenous and heteroxenous parasites
6. What is phaeosome? Where is it present in Pheretima?
7. List out any two holometabolous insects you have studied. Write their larvae and pupae.
8. Distinguish between scolopedia and sensilla
9. How are corpora adipose of cockroach functionally similar to the liver of vertebrates?
10. What do you mean by allelopathy?
SECTION – B 6 $ 4 = 24
Answer any six of the following questions.
11. Define species. Explain the characters of a species
12. Mention important general characters of Protozoa
13. Write a short notes on simple epithelia
14. Describe erythrocytic phase of Plasmodium vivax
15. Describe four blood vessels present behind the thirteenth segment in Pheretima.
16. Draw a neat labeled diagram of the T.S. of earthworm passing
through the typhlosole region
17. Describe the structure of trachea of cockroach
18. Describe the different IUCN categories of a species
SECTION – C 2 $ 8 = 16
Answer any two of the following.
19. Explain the process of conjugation in Vorticella
20. Describe the life cycle of Taenia solium
21. What is a food chain? Explain the various types of food chains in a community. Add a note on food web.
AP Inter Model Papers
Senior Inter English Paper – II Model Paper
I. Annotate any two of the following. 2 × 4 = 8
a. “Prefer the concrete to the abstract word. Whenever possible, be definite, call a spade a spade, and avoid euphemisms.”
b. “I myself propose to frequent the clocktower and watch like an FBI agent.”
c. “The blood of beasts is always in man.”
d. “And you too. Are you such a poor creature that you must do every dirty thing she tells you?”
II. Annotate any two of the following. 2 × 4 = 8
a. The dew shall weep thy fall tonight For thou must die.
b. This life is sweetest; in this wood I hear no children cry for food.
c. Not bother with anything else So that for good I know who I am.
d. Glad in the freedom of school let out Came the boys like a flock of sheep.
III. Answer any two questions in about 75 words. 2 × 4 = 8
a. How did the imp initially try to make the poor peasant commit a sin?
b. What are the reasons for wind power becoming the basis of the new energy economy?
c. Most people are interested in the present. Why?
d. How did the gale unite all the passengers?
IV. Answer any two questions in about 75 words. 2 × 4 = 8
a. What kind of life is described as wretched, by the poet?
b. What are the things the speaker has learnt as found in the poem ‘Once upon a Time’?
c. Describe the way the poet is identified in various foreign countries.
d. How is the day described in the poem ‘Virtue’?
V. Answer any one of the following questions in about 150 words. 1 × 8 = 8
a. ‘The Prince and the Pauper’ is a social satire and an attack on the British aristocracy. Comment.
b. Sketch the character of Miles Hendon.
c. How does Edward come to learn about the harsh realities of life in ‘The Prince and the Pauper’?
VI. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. 5 × 1 = 5
The first season my crop was good enough to satisfy me, especially the beans and potatoes. The next year I did better still, for I dug all the land I needed, about a third of an acre, with a spade. I learned from the experience of both years that if one would live simply and eat only the crop which he raised, and raise no more than he ate, then he would need to plant only a small piece of ground.
Ancient poetry and old stories suggest that farming was once a holy art; but people farm today with unholy haste and thoughtlessness.
Our purpose now is merely to have large farms and large crops. Today the farmer is interested only in the wealth he can obtain from the soil. By greed and selfishness, and a habit of regarding the soil as
property, the face of the land is made ugly, farming is lowered in dignity and the farmer leads the meanest of lives.
1. Which crops grew well in the first season?
2. How much land did the narrator dig the following year?
3. What does ancient poetry suggest about farming?
4. How is soil regarded today?
5. Through this passage the author suggests…
a. people are moving from village to towns.
b. people are becoming money-minded and materialistic.
c. people have lost interest in farming.
VII. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. 5 × 1 = 5
Nobles, court-physicians and servants were all sent to Tom’s aid. They escorted the boy to a lavishly decorated room in the palace. At the far end of the room sat the dreaded Henry VIII. Everyone around him had their heads bowed in reverence. His hair and moustache were very grey and his face was wide, with a stern expression, but it softened as Tom approached and he began to speak, “Well now, Edward, my Prince, are you trying to play a joke on your father, the Kind, who loves you very much?”
1. Who were sent to Tom’s aid?
2. Where was Tom moved to?
3. Describe the physical appearance of Kind Henry VIII.
4. Who did the King think Tom was?
5. Pick out the word in the passage that means ‘deep respect’.
VIII. Read the following advertisement and answer the questions that follow. 5 × 1 = 5
When Rajasthan celebrates, the fine line between the live and fairy tales vanishes! Such is the exuberance and enchantment of Rajasthani fairs and festivals, that reveler from every corner of the globe comes to see their fantasies come to life. As of now, two vibrant
celebrations seek your attention – the spectacular Pushkar Fair, arguably the world’s largest cattle fair and the dazzling Chandrabhaga Fair of Jhalawar. Congregations and contests; performances and local cuisines; religion and romance …. a larger-than-life canvas, painted just for you. RAJASTHAN The Greatest Show on Earth Issued by Rajasthan Tourism Department For details, visit
1. Who has issued this advertisement?
2. In which festival are cattle competitions held?
3. Which website can we visit for more details?
4. What are the two spectacular celebrations organized by the fair organizers?
5. From which place are visitors expected to come to the show.
IX. Read the following table and answer the questions that follow. 5 × 1 = 5
Country 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
U.S.A. 4.0 4.8 5.8 6.0 5.5 5.2 5.2
Germany 7.8 7.9 8.7 9.6 9.2 9.5 9.3
France 9.1 8.4 8.9 9.5 9.7 9.8 9.6
Italy 10.6 9.5 9.0 8.7 8.5 8.1 7.8
Spain 13.9 10.6 11.5 11.5 11.0 9.1 8.0
Japan 4.7 5.0 5.4 5.3 4.7 4.3 4.1
U.K. 5.5 5.1 5.2 5.0 4.8 4.7 4.8
Canada 6.9 7.2 7.7 7.6 7.2 6.8 6.7
a. How many countries are compared in the table?
b. To which years do these unemployment rates belong to?
c. Which of the countries has the least unemployment rate in 2005?
d. Which country shows a decrease of nearly 6% in unemployment rates between 2000 and 2006?
e. What does the table show?
X. Write a letter to your friend asking him to learn computer skills pursuing a computer course. Hints: computeracy – must for everyone –
life is linked with knowledge of computers – can’t lead life easily without computer skills nowadays – electronic age and modern times interest can achieve everything – logic based machine– make money and
fame – job work – store house of information – internet facility – world is a global village. or
Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner about the insanitary conditions in your locality.
Hints: roads full of potholes—stock gathered in drainage – widespread of mosquitoes – hell at nights without street lights –
dustbins kept are not regularly emptied – tap water on roads – nobody to care for what happens in the locality – action to be
XI. Write a short paragraph of about 50 words describing briefly the process of ‘Binding a Book’. or 1 × 4 = 4
Write a short paragraph of about 50 words describing the process of ‘Preparing Filter Coffee’.
XII. Write a report on the following in about 75 words.
i. On the ‘Food Festival’ held in your college on the occasion of ‘College Day’. or 1 × 5 = 5
ii. On the need to treat poor children with kindness.
XIII. Read the following hints and prepare Curriculum Vitae. 1 × 4 = 4
Hints: Apparel Designer – Degree or Diploma in Fashion Garment Making – knowledge of market specific fashion trends – garment styles – sketching – detailed design – knowledge of photoshop – apply to Arihant Apparels, Pallavan Street, Visakhapatnam.
XIV. You are Ms.Rachana. Your friend Ms. Monisha has asked you to deposit Rs.500 in her post office savings account at Head Post office, Hanamkonda. Her A/c No. is 100101. Fill in the details required in the following Post Office Savings Account Form. 1 × 4 = 4
103/ SB – 103
POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK …… 1 …… P.O. Account No. …….…2……. Date ………………3 Paid into the credit of ….……………………………… 4
Rupees ……………………5 6 Rs. By cash / cheque No. ………… Date …….. By …… 7 (Particulars of the cheque) Balance after Transaction ……………………………….. Date Stamp 8 SB Assistant Signature of the Depositor or his/her messenger
XV. Complete the dialogue given below suitably. 1 × 3 = 3
News Reporter: Hello, Good morning.
How do you do sir?
Minister : …………………………
News Reporter : ……………………..….
Minister : Yes. We have it. You can see the names of beneficiaries
of the policy.
News Reporter : Good sir. Your office is known for transparent
Minister : …………………………
News Reporter : Thank you very much sir. See you again.
Minister : It’s O.K. Write what you see and not what you listen.
XVI. Read the following passage and make notes. 1 × 5 = 5
Consumer activism has not been confined to litigation. In the last decade or so, consumers have been effectively using dharnas, road blockades and spontaneous protest demonstrations to register their dissatisfaction with poor services. More recently consumers have even begun to use boycott as a weapon, something unheard of earlier. And they are using the latest means of communication such as -mails, and Short Message Services to consolidate such protests. Last year, consumers in Bangalore boycotted petrol pumps for a day to express their anger over frequent petrol price hikes and they used SMSes to spread the word. In 2003 and 2006 there were consumer boycotts of
colas in response to the reports of the Centre for Science and Environment on pesticide residues in those drinks. Prior to 1986, consumers would hesitate to take on large corporations and multinationals. But Consumer Law changed all that. For example, a consumer filed a case against a telephone company for its failure to
shift his telephone from Chandigarh to Kurukshetra. Public sector undertakings, too, came under fire for deficient services and high handed behaviour. A senior citizen, for example, took the biggest public sector undertaking to the consumer court, protesting harassment by a Railway employee. The consumer court awarded exemplary damages to the tune of Rs.25,000. Farmers too made use of the law to file suits against seed companies that sold substandard seeds, resulting in poor yields.
XVII. Match the words in Column A with their meanings / definitions in Column B. 5 × 1 = 5
Column A Column B
1. discovery ( ) a. an official examination of the facts about a
2. adventure ( ) b. to produce a design that has not existed before
3. exploration ( ) c. a scientific test
4. invention ( ) d. to invest money in a bank
5. investigation ( ) e. an exciting or dangerous journey ( ) f. the act of traveling through a place looking for something g. find something for the first time h. a pleasant experience
XVIII. Pick any five of the following words and say if they are mono, di or tri syllabic words. 5 × 1/2 = 21/2
1. ideal 2. electric 3. facility 4. fragrance 5. silly 6. demand 7. annual 8. doctor 9. commercial 10. infatuation
XIX. Mark the stress for any five of the following words. 5 × 1/2 = 21/2
1. seasick 2. artistic 3. inhabit 4. probation 5. education 6. peanut
7. exposure 8. December 9. application 10. variation.