IPE Senior Inter Economics Model Paper for AP and TS Boards

Here is the model question paper for Senior Intermediate students of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana boards. Economics is good scoring subject in IPE. The question paper is for 100 marks. Duration of the exam is 3 hours. AP and Telangana State boards are following same syllabus for Economics except for a few chapters. Hence the model paper is useful for the practice for the students of both the states.

Also Read: Senior Inter English Model Papers

I. Answer any Three of the following questions: (3 x 10 = 30 M)

  1. Explain the features of Developing Countries with special reference to India.
  2. What are the causes of poverty in India?
  3. What are the causes for low productivity in Agriculture in India? Suggest some measures to improve it.
  4. Critically Evaluate the 1991 New Industrial Policy Resolution of India.
  5. Explain the causes of regional imbalances in India? What are the measures taken for Balanced regional development.
    II. Answer any Eight of the following questions: (8 x 5 = 40 M)
  6. Explain different types of Unemployment.
  7. Explain the present conditions of Agriculture Labour.
  8. Explain role of education in economic development.
  9. Explain the need for land reforms
  10. Special Economic Zones.
  11. What are the advantages of Roadways?
  12. Enumerate 5 points in justification of privatization.
  13. Explain objectives and functions of WTO
  14. Measures for the Conservation of forests.
  15. Environments protection activities in the state.
  16. Importance of Tourism in AP.
  17. Explain correlation and its importance
    III. Answer any Fifteen of the following questions: (15 x 2 = 30M)
  18. Economic growth
  19. Population Explosion
  20. Primary Sector
  21. Sarva Siksha Abhiyan
  22. Service Sector
  23. Zamindari System
  24. Special Economic Zones
  25. LIC
  26. Rythu Bazar
  27. Micro Finance
  28. Kisan – Credit Card
  29. Globalisation
  30. Bio-diversity
  31. Noise
  32. Swachha Bharat Abhiyan
  33. Project Tiger
  34. Range
  35. Index numbers
  36. Sea ports in A.P.
  37. Occupancy Tenants

Junior Inter Economics Model Paper for IPE Exams

Economics is an important subject for Junior Intermediate students. The subject is highly scoring as like commerce. Students of CEC and MEC groups have Economics as a subject for both Junior and Senior Intermediate. Here is the model paper of Economics for Junior Intermediate students of AP and Telangana states.

I. Answer any Three of the following questions: (3 x 10 = 30 M)

  1. Explain Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility and its limitations
  2. Explain the Law of Variable Proportions.
  3. Explain the classification of Markets
  4. Explain the various methods of calculating National Income.
  5. Discuss the Keynesian theory of Employment.
    II. Answer any Eight of the following questions: (8 x 5 = 40 M)
  6. Explain Jacob viner’s Definition.
  7. Characteristics of Human Wants.
  8. Explain properties of Indifference curves
  9. Why Demand Curve has a Negative Slope.
  10. Explain the point method for measuring Price elasticity of Demand
  11. What are the factors that determine real wages?
  12. What are the factors that determine National Income.
  13. Explain Say’s Law of market and its assumptions.
  14. What are the sources of public revenue.
  15. Explain different kinds of Deposits accepted by Commercial Banks.
  16. Explain Types of Inflation
  17. What is the relationship between Economics and Statistics?
    III. Answer any Fifteen of the following questions: (15 x 2 = 30 M)
  18. Intermediary Good
  19. Wealth
  20. Budget line /Price line
  21. Giffen Paradox
  22. Arc Method
  23. Production Function
  24. Oligopoly
  25. Price Discrimination
  26. Quasi Rent
  27. Transfer earnings
  28. Per-capita Income
  29. Law of Supply
  30. Fiscal Deficit
  31. Liquidity
  32. Currency
  33. Over draft
  34. Near Money
  35. Pie Diagram
  36. Calculate Arthematic mean
    X = 30, 20, 26, 16, 33
  37. What is meant by median
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