Advantages of joining B.Sc. over Engineering

Joining B.Sc is the better and excellent option though it is bitter for some of the crazy parents and students who are not aware of the long term benefits of science in India. Pure sciences like Zoology, Botany, Physics, Maths, Chemistry are ever green subjects and roots of the present Biotechnology. Various options at B.Sc level are available. For eg BZC (Botany, Zoology and Chemistry), Microbiology + Biotechnology + Chemistry., Microbiology+ Genetics+ chemistry etc., Apart from this various combinations are available with the subjects like Food Science and Nutrition, Molecular Biology, Horticulture and Home science.

Once student complete the undergraduate course he can opt for MSc through JAM which is the ultimate target of a brilliant student. The objective of JAM is to provide admissions to various M.Sc., Joint M.Sc.-Ph.D., M.Sc.-Ph.D. Dual Degree and other post-bachelor degree programmes at the IITs. JAM is also expected to become a benchmark for normalizing undergraduate level science education in the country. IITs offer high quality education in their respective disciplines, comparable to the best in the world.

After completion of PhD one can go for Post Doc research in abroad return to India to take up either faculty position or research as their career. Presently many IITs are looking for qualitative doctoral students as faculty which is humble, lucrative and highly secure job that gives lot of job satisfaction. Regarding Science Indian R&D organizations of CSIR, DBT, DRDO ICAR are looking for good talented scientists for whom sky is the limit. In the society Scientist will respected and he/her can take up many grand challenging problems as their task in the science.

Stage from plus 12 standard we also need to improve and also intensive participation of the private sector as the ratio spend on research is 1 percent GDP and we have only 20 scientists for 1 lack where developed nation spend 3 percent and have 200 scientist per lakh. Students who could not secure good rank in competitive examinations can join in B.Sc. to take up faculty or scientist as career which are the better than engineering profession.

Importance of practicals in B.Sc. Courses

Either for Biology or Maths students, practicals are the foundation for future research. All the practicals start with aim and objective, principal, methodology, results, conclusion and summary. The similar methodology will be followed in PG, Doctoral and post doc. That is why Practicals are foundation stones for future scientists/technologists. Unfortunately present education is giving least importance to the practical due to non availability of tech staff, raw material, space etc., which is in healthy condition

A better practical training prepares the candidate better for a bright future and strengthens his/her understanding for a specific subject.

So as much training and hands on session is possible the student should attend it. In Graduation student should not be choosy, rather they should train themselves with whatever relevant training they can. It will be definitely useful at different stages of future career.

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