Andhra IPE Junior Inter Results and Marks 2013

21st April, Hyderabad: Board of Intermediate Education, Govt. of AP has announced Intermediate Public Examinations (IPE 2013) Results of the Junior Intermediate. The exams were held in March 2013. Results of Inter first year Exams 2013 can be obtained from,,,,,,, ,,,,, etc.

Results along with Grade and Marks for various subjects will be released by Minister for Education K. Parthasarathy. Results of Junior Intermediate Vocational Courses also will be released. You can also get results through SMS, IVRS methods. Details of Revaluation and Advanced Supplementary exams schedule also has been released by BIEAP.

Numbers for Results through IVRS : BSNL Landline and Mobile Users – 1255225, Airtel – 543212222, Idea – 5545678, Tata – 129660, Vodafone: 56731, Reliance – 56566, Tata GSM – 54321234, Uninor – 51234, Aircel – 52800, Any other network usrs – 505101096.

The advanced supplementary examinations for the failed candidates will be held in May / June 2013. The detailed schedule will be released soon.

IISER 5 Year BS-MS Dual Degree Admissoins 2012-13

Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISER), premier institutes for basic science training and research in India have announced admission notification 2012 for their prestigious programme BS – MS Dual Degree for the academic year 2012-13. IISERs are known for excellent infrastructure and qualified and experienced faculty. The institutes are located at Bhopal, Kolkata, Mohali, Pune and Thiruvananthapuram and focused on higher level research in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Mathematics, Physics and Inter – disciplinary areas. These are autonomous institutes functioning under the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India. IISER Mohali is also offering Summer Research Programmes for B.Sc. and M.Sc. candidates. Here comes other details such as eligibility and application procedure for BS- MS programme:

Eligibility: BS- MS is a five year integrated dual degree programme to be pursued after 12th standard / Intermediate. There will be course work in first two years of the programme. Third and fourth years will be devoted to specific subject chosen by the candidates. Fifth year is for research project. Candidates should have at least one of the following three criteria to apply for this course:

1) KVPY (Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana) Science Stream : Studetns should have qualified in SA (2012 ) /SX (2011) / SB (2011) / SO (Passed 10+2 in 2011 / 2012).
2) IIT JEE 2012: Candidates should have at least 60 percent marks in Class XII.
3) Central and State Boards: Students those qualified in Class XII in 2011 or 2012 in Science stream with either marks above the cut off percentage for INSPIRE. Relaxations apply. OR they should have eligibility in Scholarship fo Higher Education (SHE) of INSPIRE and must qualify IISER Aptitude Test.

Scholarship and Application Procedure: Scholarship for the selected candidates will be Rs. 500o per month. Interested candidates can submit applications online at . Application fee is Rs. 500 (Rs. 250 for SC and ST candidates).

Important dates for KVPY candidates:

1) Receipt of online applications : 2nd April – 5th May 2012
2) Counseling / Aptitude Test: 30th June 2012
3) Last date for the receipt of admission fee: 11th July 2012

Important dates for IIT JEE candidates:

1) Receipt of online applications : 7th June – 21st June 2012
2) Counseling / Aptitude Test: 30th June 2012
3) Last date for the receipt of admission fee: 11th July 2012

Important dates for Central and State Boards candidates:

1) Receipt of online applications : 15th June – 9th July 2012
2) Counseling / Aptitude Test: 14th July 2012
3) Last date for the receipt of admission fee: 23rd July 2012.

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