EAMCET 2012 Engineering Counseling – First and Second Phases

The Minister for Technical Education, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Damodar Rajanarasimha has announced tentative dates of EAMCET 2012 counseling on 29th July 2012 while releasing EAMCET 2012 marks and ranks. The EAMCET 2012 counseling (first phase) for Engineering stream will be commenced in the third week of July 2012. The second round of counseling will be held in the first week of August 2012. You can check EAMET 2011 cut offs / last ranks of Engineering for estimating the seat chances in reputed colleges.

ABout 3,21,000 Engineering seats are available in the 671 colleges across the state of Andhra Pradesh as on the date. Qualified candidates in the Engineering stream are 2,23,886. It is estimated that about 1.5 lakh seats will remain vacant this year in Engineering as the number of available seats more than the qualified candidates. Following are statistics of EAMCET 2012:

1. Candidates appeared for EAMCET 2012 Engineering stream: 2,83,477
2. Candidates qualified: 2,23,886 (73.18)

13844 candidates were failed in Intermediate but qualified in EAMCET 2012. The EAMCET 2012 authorities have disclosed that the details of 2569 Engineering stream candidates are yet to be confirmed. The official website for EAMCET 2012 counseling is www.apeamcet.org.

EAMCET 2012 Engineering Toppers Marks and Ranks

It was announced by the authorities that 73 percent candidates were qualified in EAMCET 2012 Engineering stream for which marks and ranks were out on 29th June 2012. Following are details of marks and ranks of top ten rankers in Engineering stream. Krishna district is in top place with most of the top ranks in EAMCET 2012 Engineering. Counseling for Engineering will commence from the third week of July 2012. See top rankers details below:

1. Chinta Nitish Chandra: 149 Marks (Rank 1)
2. MVB Manoj Kumar: 148 Marks (Rank 2)
3. Nallamalli Rupesh Venkata Srinivas Kumar: 147 Marks (Rank 3)
4. Kalmekolanu Dheeraj Reddy: 148 Marks (Rank 4)
5. Goparapu Sai Kumar Reddy: 146 Marks (Rank 5)
6. Manda Makarandu: 146 Marks (Rank 6)
7. Prabhakara Varun Teluguntla: 146 Marks (Rank 7)
8. Akula Srinitchit: 144 Marks (Rank 8)
9. D. Aneela Yadav: 144 Marks (Rank 9)
10. Sushma Vankayala: 143 Marks (Rank 10)

See details of hall ticket numbers, addresses and contact info of top 10 rankers of EAMCET 2012 Engineering stream as released by the Government Officials:

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