SMVDU Jammu Kashmir B.Tech Cut Offs in AIEEE Counseling

Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), Jammu and Kashmir is offering Engineering Programme (B.Tech) in the disciplines of Electronics and Communications (ECE), Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Industrial Biotechnology and Mechanical Engineering. Here we are giving opening and closing ranks of AIEEE 2011 counseling for the benefit of the candidates participating in CCB counseling for 2012.

Industrial Biotechnology is the unique course of the University. The institute is a state university and recognised by UGC. All the professional courses including B.Tech are approved by AICTE. More details of the University can be accessed from . Following are the AIEEE 2011 cut offs / last ranks for Open, OBC, SC and ST categories for B.Tech programmes:

Mata Vaishno Devi University B.Tech Cut Offs

IIIT DM Kanchipuram B.Tech Cut Offs

Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing (IIIT DM) Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu is a premier institute for engineering courses in Design and Manufacturing field. The institute is offering B.Tech courses in Computer Engineering, Electronics Engineering – Design and Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering – Design and Manufacturing. Following are the cut off / last year ranks for various courses in AIEEE 2011 counseling.

IIIT D and M is a center for excellence and established by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. Following opening and closing ranks are indicating that the institute has good reputation among the students. Candidates with below 10000 rank in AIEEE are most likely to secure a seat under Open / General Category. See the cut offs for Open, SC, ST and OBC categories below:

IIIT DM Kanchipuram Cut Offs

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