Super 30, has expanded its reach and access considering the demand from IIT JEE aspirants. The institute has decided to give admissions for students from Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand and Delhi states also along with Bihar students. In an announcement, Super 30 has informed these changes as follows:
Also Read: Super 30 Selection Process and Exam Pattern
Official Announcement:
In view of growing demand, Super 30, has decided to increase its reach and access. This year, admissions will not be confined to students of Bihar only. Apart from Bihar, it will be open to students from other States. The procedure of admission will, however, remain the same – through test.
Contact Addresses of Branches:
Centre: Ramanujan School of Mathematics, Naya Tola, Kumhrar, Patna-800 020. Application will be available at Ramanujan School of Mathematics, Naya Tola, Kumhrar, Patna-800 020.
Jharkhand – Ranchi:
Applications will be available at the following address:
The Gurukul Practice Center
H/117 Harmu Housing Colony
Near Sahjanand Chowk, Ranchi-Jharkhand.
Phone 9264431946, 9065679004
Also Read: Super 30 Application Form and Syllabus
Jharkhand – Dhanbad:
Application forms will be available at the following address:
Rajkamal Saraswati Vidya Mandir
Ashok Nagar, Dhansar, Dhanbad. Jharkhand.