FIITJEE Online Admission Test for Scholarships

FIITJEE has announced Home Based Online Admission Test and Financial Assistance Eligibility Test 2020 for students of various classes seeking admission into different programs of FIITJEE for the academic year 2020-21. The tests for various classes are scheduled as mentioned below:

11th, 12th and 18th April 2020: For students presently studying class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

25th and 26th April 2020: For students presently in 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 12 appeared.

2nd and 3rd May 2020: For students presently in Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 appeared.

FIITJEE Curate: For Class 11 and JEE 2022 aspirants.

Scholarhips Admissions:

FIITJEE will award scholarships for meritorious students in various ways and means.

A. On the basis of Performance in Admission Test
B. On the basis of X Board Performance : Scholarships are awarded to Students qualifying admission test for
(a) Two Year Classroom Program for JEE Advanced, 2022
(b) PINNACLE – Two Year Integrated School Program for JEE Advanced, 2022
(c) One Year Classroom Program for JEE Advanced, 2021

Scholarships are given for students based on their performance in Board exams. Candidates should get a minimum of 90 percent and above to be eligible for any kind of scholarship. Scholarship amount will be from a minimum of 25 percent to 100 percent on tuition fee.

AP Ward Sanitation and Environment Secretary Previous Paper with Key

Government of Andhra Pradesh has conducted Ward Sanitation and Environment Secretary exam in 2019. The new notification in 2020 also mentioned same syllabus and exam pattern. Following are questions from previous paper of 2019. You can also see details of online exams / mock tests for Sanitation and Environment Secretary posts and all other exams here-under.

Cataracts are formed due to accumulation of

  1. Ribitol in renal glycosuria
  2. Mannitol in galactosemia
  3. Xylitol in essential pentosuria
  4. Galactitol (dulcitol) in galactosemia
    ANSWER: 4

If a protien has 400 amino acids, what is its approximate molecular weight

  1. 11000 Daltons
  2. 20000 Daltons
  3. 44000 Daltons
  4. 88000 Daltons
    ANSWER: 3

Coconut milk contains

  1. Gibberellin
  2. Auxin
  3. ABA
  4. Cytokinin
    ANSWER: 4
Sanitation and Environment Secretary Model Papers

Alfa – Fetoprotein level in serum is increased due to

  1. Nephritis
  2. Lung cancer
  3. Prostate Cancer
  4. Hepatoma
    ANSWER: 4

The term pH was introduced by

  1. Bronsted
  2. Lewis
  3. Sorensen
  4. Linus Pauling
    ANSWER: 4

Homogentisic acid is excreted in urine in

  1. Tyrosinosis
  2. Phenylketonuria
  3. Alkaptonuria
  4. Maple Syrup Urine Disease
    ANSWER: 3

Nacin is

  1. Pyridine-1 carboxylic acid
  2. pyridine-2 carboxylic acid
  3. pyridine-3 carboxylic acid
  4. pyridine-4 carboxylic acid
    ANSWER: 3

Nucleic acid synthesis would be reduced most directly by the deficiency of

  1. Thiamine
  2. Folic acid
  3. Potassium
  4. Biotin
    ANSWER: 2

The genetic material present in polio virus is

  1. dsDNA
  2. dsRNA
  3. ssDNA
  4. ssRNA
    ANSWER: 4

Botulinum toxin acts as

  1. Hemotoxin
  2. Nephrotoxin
  3. Neurotoxin
  4. Enterotoxin
    ANSWER: 3

An example of exotoxin producing organism is

  1. corynebacterium diphtheriao
  2. Salmonella tyhi
  3. M. tuberculosis
  4. E.Coli
    ANSWER: 1

Psedomonas denitrificans is

  1. Heterotrophic Anaerobe
  2. Heterotrophic aerobe
  3. Photoautotroph
  4. Chemoautotroph
    ANSWER: 2

The method used for enumeration of Bacteriophage

  1. Cytopathic assay
  2. Pock assay
  3. Plaque assay
  4. Lawn culture assay
    ANSWER: 3

The spontaneous generation concept was disproved with experimental approach by

  1. Robert Koch
  2. Louis Pasteur
  3. John Needham
  4. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
    ANSWER: 2

The metabolic activity of bacterial endospore is

  1. Low
  2. High
  3. Nil
  4. Hyperactive
    ANSWER: 3

Presence of more organic matter content in polluted water is indicated by

  1. More BOD
  2. Less BOD
  3. Less DO
  4. More COD
    ANSWER: 1
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Disappearance of blue colour takes more time in MBRT of milk which indicates

  1. good quality of milk
  2. poor quality of milk
  3. MBRT is not related to milk quality
  4. good quality of cheese
    ANSWER: 1

Gluconic acid is not a product of

  1. Acetobacter
  2. Lactobacillus
  3. Gluconobacter
  4. Aspergillus niger
    ANSWER: 2

Actinomycetes are

  1. Gram – negative, non – filamentous aerobic
  2. Gram – positive, filamentous, anarobic
  3. Gram – positive, filamentous, aerobic
  4. Gram – negativ, filamentous, aerobic
    ANSWER: 2

Microorganisms capable of growing on molecular carbon dioxide as sole carbon source are

  1. Heterotrophs
  2. Diazotrophs
  3. Lithotrophs
  4. Chemotrophs
    ANSWER: 3

Bacillus Thuringiensis is used as

  1. biofertilizer
  2. protein
  3. biopesticide
  4. medicine
    ANSWER: 3

Sulphuric acid is produced from mine tailings by

  1. acidithiobacillus
  2. pseudomonas
  3. bacteroides
  4. Aeromonas
    ANSWER: 1

Peptidoglycan is present in the cell wall of

  1. fungus
  2. bacteria
  3. algae
  4. viruses
    ANSWER: 2

The microorganism that grow at pH 8.0 to pH 10-5 are called

  1. Neutrophiles
  2. Acidophiles
  3. Obligate anaerobes
  4. Alkaliphiles
    ANSWER: 4

The most common airborne epidemic disease is

  1. Influenza
  2. Malaria
  3. Typhoid
  4. Encephalitis
    ANSWER: 1

The following is used as vector in the production of transgenic plants

  1. Agrobacterium
  2. E.coli
  3. Yeast
  4. Chlorella
    ANSWER: 1

A disease outbreak that affects many members of a population in a short time is called

  1. Endemic
  2. Pandemic
  3. Epidemic
  4. Sporadic
    ANSWER: 3

Air stripping is very efficient removal of

  1. odour
  2. organic matter
  3. volatile organic compounds
  4. both 1 and 2
    ANSWER: 3

The process which causes stable dispersion of colloidal particles is

  1. stabilization
  2. peptization
  3. semimentation
  4. flocculation
    ANSWER: 2

The process of extracting mineral from an underground mine with an open space left is

  1. extraction
  2. stull stoping
  3. stoping
  4. retreat
    ANSWER: 3

The taste produced by microorganisms can be removed effectively by

  1. potassium permanganate
  2. chlorination
  3. silver
  4. 1, 2 and 3 are not correct
    ANSWER: 1

Which of the following is called Fewler’s solution?

  1. potassium arsenite
  2. sodium azide
  3. sodium propionate
  4. propylene glycol
    ANSWER: 1

Light interacting with ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere is

  1. rainbow
  2. dew
  3. sun halo
  4. nimbus
    ANSWER: 3

Imhoff tanks reduce suspended solids to

  1. 20 – 30 %
  2. 50 – 70 %
  3. 1 – 2 %
  4. 80 – 90 %
    ANSWER: 2

A comprehensive study of organisms and relation with surrounding is

  1. bionomics
  2. paedology
  3. kinesiology
  4. geomorphology
    ANSWER: 1

Study of natural and man-made lakes is

  1. hydrogeology
  2. hydrology
  3. limnology
  4. both 2 and 3
    ANSWER: 3

Lifting of moist air over mountain results in

  1. orographic rainfall
  2. relief rainfall
  3. frontal rainfall
  4. convectional rainifall
    ANSWER: 1

For the survival of fish in a river stream, the minimum dissolved sxygen is prescribed at

  1. 5 ppm
  2. 3 ppm
  3. 4 ppm
  4. 10 ppm
    ANSWER: 3

A sewer that receives discharge from two or more main sewers is known as

  1. a trunk sewer
  2. an outfall sewer
  3. a main sewer
  4. an intercepting sewer
    ANSWER: 1

Itai – Itai disease is caused by the presence of …….. metal in water.

  1. Hg
  2. Pb
  3. Cr
  4. Cd
    ANSWER: 4

Biochemical oxygen demand measures

  1. industrial pollution
  2. air pollution
  3. inorganic pollution
  4. dissolved O 2 needed by microbes to decomposes organic waste
    ANSWER: 4

If 2-5% solution of a sewage sample is incubated for 5 days at 20 degree C and depltion of oxygen was found to be 5 ppm. BOD of the sewage is

  1. 250 ppm
  2. 200 ppm
  3. 225 ppm
  4. 275 ppm
    ANSWER: 2

Which of the following ISO series deals with environmental management?

  1. ISO 19000
  2. ISO 14000
  3. ISO 22000
  4. ISO 9000
    ANSWER: 2

Methemoglobinemia is caused by the presence of

  1. excess mercury in water
  2. excess sulphates in water
  3. excess chlarides in water
  4. excess nitrates in water
    ANSWER: 4

Mention the standard BOD 3 value for treated effluent of common effluent treatment plant to dispose into inland surface water.

  1. 30 mg / l
  2. 100 mg / l
  3. 50 mg / l
  4. 90 mg / l
    ANSWER: 1

Cause for Algal blooms in water causes

  1. presence of large amount of chlorides in water
  2. presence of large amount of COD in water
  3. presence of large amount of nutrients in water
  4. presence of large amount of BOD in water
    ANSWER: 3

The National Green Tribunal Act was enacted by the Indian Parliament in the year

  1. 2010
  2. 1986
  3. 2002
  4. 2006
    ANSWER: 1

In general, the term Municipal Solid Waste(MSW) is used to describe

  1. wastes from industrial processes, construction and demolition debris
  2. wastes from households, commercial establishments and insitutions
  3. mining wastes
  4. agricultural wastes
    ANSWER: 2

Bio-Medical Waste (BMW) Management Rules, 2016 has c lassified the bio-medical waste into …….. categories.

  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 2
    ANSWER: 2
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