Nurse, Lab Technicians, Pharmacists, MNO, FNO Recruitment in AP for Covid Hospitals

Updates on 29 June: DMHO and APVVP have issued recruitment notifications for staff nurse, lab technicians, pharmacists, bio-statisticians, and various other posts in the hospitals in various districts of Andhra Pradesh. Application forms can be downloaded from the district website concerned. All these are contract / outsourcing posts and selection will be based on merit and reservations. See district wise notifications below:

Kurnool District Recruitment Details

Vizianagaram District Recruitment Details

Krishna District Recruitment Details

Prakasam District Recruitment Details

Guntur District Recruitment Details

Nellore District Recruitment Details

Srikakulam District Recruitment Details

Ananthapur District Recruitment Details

Kadapa District Recruitment Details

Updated: Directorate of Medical Education (DME), Government of AP has released special recruitment notification for Covid 19 government hospitals. Posts of Assistant Professors and GDMO will be filled as per the details given below. Selection will be through weightage of marks and experience.

Government of Andhra Pradesh has decided to recruit contract staff for Nurses, MNO, FNO and Sweeper posts in the wake of corona virus. District collectors are entrusted with the recruitment responsibility. These staff will be working for Covid hospitals only and the selected candidates have to submit an affidavit to that effect. The recruitment will be completed in April 2020.

Staff Nurse: B.Sc. Nursing / GNM / Nursing Council Registration. Salary will be Rs.34000 per month.

MNO / FNO / Sweeper: 10th Class pass or equivalent. Salary is Rs. 12000 per month.

Anasthesia Technician: Diploma in Anasthesia / Registration in AP Paramedical Board. Salary is Rs.23100.

Details of Vacancies:

AP Vaidya Vidhana Parishad: Nurses – 298 posts, MNO / FNO: 400 posts, Sweepers: 329 posts.

Public Health and Family Welfare Department: Nurses – 271 posts, MNO / FNO: 307 posts, Sweepers: 102 posts.

Teaching Medical Hospitals: Nurses – 443 posts, MNO / FNO: 363 posts, Sweepers: 270 posts.

Duration of the contract is one year from the date of appointment. The posts are meant for state level requirement and can be posted anywhere in the state depending on the requirement.

Ward Sanitation and Environment Secretary – Part B Previous Paper with Key

Following are the previous questions with official key for Ward Sanitation and Environment Secretary exam 2019 conducted by Government of Andhra Pradesh. The old questions are useful for the understanding of nature and depth of question paper. Same syllabus is prescribed for Ward / Grama Sachivalayam exams 20202. You can also see our mock tests / online exams for all Sachivalayam exams for both Part A and Part B syllabus. See previous questions of sanitation secretary exam.

e-waste is

  1. environmently friendly waste
  2. toxic chemicals
  3. C and D waste
  4. Obsolete electronic equipment
    ANSWER: 4

The least transboundary principle means

  1. import waste
  2. reduce waste
  3. export waste
  4. waste analysis
    ANSWER: 2

See more previous questions: Ward Sanitation Secretary Exam Paper 2019

Which composing method requires large areas?

  1. Manual composting
  2. Mechanical composting
  3. open window composting
  4. trenching
    ANSWER: 1
Sanitation and Environment Secretary Model Papers

What are the three Rs that are used to save the environment?

  1. reduce, reuse, recycle
  2. reserve, reduce, recycle
  3. reuse, reserve, reduce
  4. reserve, reuse, reduce
    ANSWER: 1

Paper, cardboard, textiles, plastics and wood are included in

  1. garbage
  2. non-combustible rubbish
  3. waste
  4. combustible rubbish
    ANSWER: 4

Metals are produced as waste in industries like

  1. skiing
  2. mining
  3. electroplasting
  4. quarrying
    ANSWER: 3

Which of the following improves efficiency of solid waste management?

  1. composting
  2. collection
  3. processing
  4. disposal
    ANSWER: 3

Which part of Integrated Waste Management can be addressed at an individual level?

  1. source reduction
  2. recycling
  3. disposal
  4. burning
    ANSWER: 1
Grama Sachivalayam Previous Question Papers and Free Model Exams

Reticulopodia is also called

  1. lobopodia
  2. folopodia
  3. myxopodia
  4. axopodia
    ANSWER: 3

Name the male frog that carries eggs in its spacious vocal sacs

  1. rhinoderms
  2. rhacophorus
  3. hyla
  4. pipa
    ANSWER: 1

The enzyme that fills the gap in leading and lagging strands during replication of DNA is

  1. helicase
  2. topoisomerase
  3. polymerase
  4. ligase
    ANSWER: 4

The following zooids are also called tasters

  1. gastrozooids
  2. gonzooids
  3. phyllozooids
  4. dactylozooids
    ANSWER: 4

mycorrhian represents a case of

  1. parasitism
  2. symbiosis
  3. competition
  4. anagonism
    ANSWER: 2

How many testicular nephridia are present in leech?

  1. 17 pairs
  2. 6 pairs
  3. 22 pairs
  4. 11 pairs
    ANSWER: 4

The egg of frog is

  1. Alecithal
  2. Micolecithal
  3. Mesolecithal
  4. Macrolecithal
    ANSWER: 3

New species formed from geographically isolated population is called

  1. sympatric speciation
  2. parapatric speciation
  3. peripatric speciation
  4. allopatric speciation
    ANSWER: 4

The myogenic heart of pila has

  1. one auricle and one ventricle
  2. one auricle and two ventricles
  3. two auricles and one ventricle
  4. two auricles and two ventricles
    ANSWER: 1

The pearl osyter pinctada belongs to

  1. gastropoda
  2. monoplacophora
  3. scaphopoda
  4. pelecypoda
    ANSWER: 4

Growth curve for human population is

  1. j shaped
  2. s shaped
  3. bell shaped
  4. inverted bell shaped
    ANSWER: 2

Thalassemia is also called

  1. aplastic anemia
  2. cooley’s anemia
  3. sickle cell anemia
  4. megaloblastic anemia
    ANSWER: 2

The lattice model of plasma membrane was proposed by

  1. singer and nicolson
  2. danielli and davson
  3. wolpers
  4. robertson
    ANSWER: 3

Trypsin sttacks interior peptide bonds on carboxyl end of the following amino acid

  1. tyrosine
  2. tryptophan
  3. arginine
  4. phenylalanine
    ANSWER: 3

Identify the malarial parasite which is highly prevalent in the temparate zone?

  1. plasmodium vivax
  2. plasmodium falciparum
  3. plasmodium ovale
  4. plasmodium malaria
    ANSWER: 1

Tetrad stage is found in

  1. leptotene stage
  2. zygotene stage
  3. pnchytene stage
  4. diplotene stage
    ANSWER: 3

Out of the five enzyme reactions of Urea Cycle, how many reactions take place in the mitchondrion?

  1. one
  2. two
  3. three
  4. four
    ANSWER: 2

Human embryonic stem cells were first isolated by

  1. Thompson
  2. Gordon
  3. Ruddle
  4. Palmiter
    ANSWER: 1

The resting membrane potential of a neuron is

  1. – 70 mV
  2. + 30 mV
  3. + 110 mV
  4. – 40 mV
    ANSWER: 1

With respect to the fungal sexual cycle, choose the correct sequence of events.

  1. Karyogamy, Plasmogamy, and Meiosis
  2. Meiosis, Plasmogamy and Karyogamy
  3. Plasmogamy, Karyogamy and Meiosis
  4. Meiosis, Karyogamy and Plasmogamy
    ANSWER: 3

In which plant does the anomalous secondary growth develop due to the formation of accessory cambium?

  1. Bignonia
  2. Aristolochia
  3. Boerhavia
  4. Dracaena
    ANSWER: 3

The term Meristem was coined by

  1. Hanstein
  2. Nageli
  3. Newman
  4. Schmidt
    ANSWER: 2

Difference between virus and viroid is

  1. absense of protein coat in viroid but present in virus
  2. presence of low molecular weight RNA in virus but absent in viroid
  3. both 1 and 2 are same
  4. Absense of protein coat in virus but present in viroid
    ANSWER: 1

Water potential of pure water at standard temparature is equal to

  1. 10
  2. 20
  3. 0
  4. 5
    ANSWER: 3

Deficiency symptoms of an element tend to appear first in young leaves. It indicates that the element is relatively immobile. Which one of the following elemental deficiency would show such symptoms?

  1. sulphur
  2. magnesium
  3. nitrozen
  4. potassium
    ANSWER: 1

The age of cycads is the

  1. mesozoic era
  2. cenozoic era
  3. palaeozoic era
  4. carboniferous era
    ANSWER: 1

Eutrophication of water bodies resulting in killing of fishes is mainly due to

  1. non availability of food
  2. non availability of light
  3. non availability of oxygen
  4. non availability of essential minerals
    ANSWER: 3

Bradyrhizobium type of Rhizobium refers to

  1. fast growth showing rhizobium
  2. slow growth showing rhizobium
  3. only developed nodules
  4. no participation in nodulation
    ANSWER: 2

In which technique is PCR employed?

  1. RFLP
  2. RAPD
  3. Southern Blotting
  4. Western Blotting
    ANSWER: 2

Which of the following is not true of a eukaryotic cell?

  1. It has 80-S type of ribosomes present in mitochondria
  2. It has 80-S type ribosome present in cytoplasm
  3. Mitochondria contain circular DNA
  4. membrane bound organelles are present
    ANSWER: 1

Sickle cell anemia is an example for

  1. pleiotropy
  2. polygenic inheritance
  3. multiple alleles
  4. multiple inheritance
    ANSWER: 1

Post translational modificatins take place in

  1. nucleus
  2. mitochondria
  3. ribosome
  4. endoplasmic reticulum
    ANSWER: 4

For the formation of one molecule of hexose sugar, how many turns of Calvin Cycle are needed?

  1. 6
  2. 1
  3. 36
  4. 16
    ANSWER: 1

Which of the following molecule can be utilised for establishing early evolutionary process?

  1. mitochondrial DNA
  2. nuclear DNA
  3. chloroplast DNA
  4. ribosomal DNA
    ANSWER: 4

Which range of wavelength (in nm) is called photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)?

  1. 760 – 1000
  2. 390 – 430
  3. 100 – 390
  4. 400 – 700
    ANSWER: 4

The nature of ribozyme is

  1. protein
  2. rRNA
  3. DNA
  4. hnRNA
    ANSWER: 2

The enzyme that is ot found in a c3 plant is

  1. RuBP carboxylase
  2. PEP Carboxylase
  3. NADP reductase
  4. ATP synthase
    ANSWER: 2

Carrageenan is present in

  1. phaeophyceae
  2. cyanobacteria
  3. rhodohyceae
  4. chlorophyceae
    ANSWER: 3

During germination of barley seeds enzymes for mobilisation of reserve material to developing embryo are secreted from

  1. endosperm
  2. embryo
  3. aleurone layer
  4. embryonic leaves
    ANSWER: 3

Which enzyme is an exopeptidase

  1. trypsin
  2. chymotrypsin
  3. pepsin
  4. carboxylpeptidase – A
    ANSWER: 4

The following microorganism regarded as natural genetic engineer.

  1. bacillus thuringiensis
  2. agrobacterium tumefaciens
  3. bacillus amiloliquefaciens
  4. streptomyces viridochromeogenes
    ANSWER: 2
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