AP 10th Class Results 2013 – Recounting and Advanced Supplementary Exams Dates 2013

The Andhra Pradesh Board of Secondary Education is all set to release the results of SSC / 10th Class Public Examinations 2013. The results can be made available on the websites at sakshi.com, eenadu.net, schools9.com, results.ap.gov.in, sakshieducation.com, eenadupratibha.net etc. The board will announced the dates of revaluation, advanced supplementary examinations, recounting and re-verification along with the results.

The 10th Class / Tenth Class regular and private candidates results will be available in the form of grades and grade points instead of marks. Candidates can get subject wise grade and marks from AP Online centers and Mee Seva Centers.

10th Class Advanced Supplementary Exams Schedule 2013: Candidates those failed in Andhra Pradesh Board SSC Public Examinations 2013 can appear for Advanced Supplementary Exams 2013. The Advanced Supplementary Exams will be conducted in June 2013.

Students have to pay the supplementary exams fee to the Head Master of the concerned school. The results of Advanced supplementary exams will be released in July 2013. You can also avail the facility of revaluation in the prescribed manner.

AP 10th Class Physical Sciences Model Paper – English Medium

Note: 1. Answer any FIVE questions, choosing at least TWO from each group.
2. Each question carries TWO marks. 5 × 2 = 10

Group – A
1. Define positive zero error and least count of a screw gauge.
2. Write differences between mass and weight.
3. What are the uses of radio isotopes?
4. What is centrifuge? How does it work?

Group – B
5. Mention any two demerits of Bohr’s model of atom.
6. What are functions of proteins?
7. Mention any four industrial uses of oils and fats.
8. Write differences between alkanes and alkenes.

Note: 1. Answer any FOUR questions among the following.
2. Each question carries ONE mark. 4 × 1 = 4

9. What is the maximum height reached by a body, when it is thrown up vertically with an initial velocity of 10 m/ s? (g = 10m/ s2)
10. Write any two uses of infra red rays.
11. State inverse square law of magnetism.
12. State Mendeleev’s periodic law.
13. Why do we add KCl and NaCl2 during Mg extraction?
14. The H+ ion concentration of a solution is 0.0001M. Find its pH.

Note: 1. Answer any FOUR questions, choosing at least TWO from each group.
2. Each question carries FOUR marks. 4 × 4 = 16

Group – A
15. Describe a ripple tank. How does it help in understanding
reflection and refraction of light?
16. Write differences between a progressive wave and a stationary
17. Derive Q = i2Rt/J.
18. Describe the formation of p-type and n-type semiconductors.

Group – B
19. Define acids and bases as per Arrhenius theory and write any two defects of the theory.
20. Explain the formation of co-ordinate covalent bond with an example.
21. 4 gms of NaOH (mol.wt = 40) is dissolved in 34.2 gms of water (mol.wt = 18). Find the mole fractions of NaOH and water.
22. Define drug and mention the requirements that an ideal drug should satisfy.

Note: 1. Answer any ONE of the following questions.
2. This question carries FIVE marks. 1 × 5 = 5

23. Draw a neat diagram of a nuclear reactor and label the parts.
24. Draw a neat diagram to show the extraction of Mg.

Note: 1) Answer all questions
2) Each question carries 1/2 mark
3) Candidates must use the capital letters while answering
the multiple choice questions
4) Marks will not be awarded in case of any overwriting or
rewriting or erased answers.

I. Multiple choice questions:
1. Units of ‘G’ in S.I. system [ ]
A. Nm2Kg-2 B. N/kg
C. kg/Nm2 D. Nm2/kg
2. The velocity of a body when it is dropped from height ‘h’ on
reaching the earth is [ ]
A. u2/2g B. u/g C. 2gh D. √2hg
3. Electromagnetic radiations with shortest wave length are [ ]
A. Infra red rays B. gamma rays
C. ultraviolet rays D. X-rays
4. Lumen is the unit of [ ]
A. luminous flux B. solid angle
C. luminous intensity D. candle power
5. One K.W.H. = [ ]
A. 36×103 watt. sec. B. 36×1010 watt. sec
C. 36×108 watt. sec. D. 36×105 watt. sec.
6. The number of ‘m’ values for l = 3 is [ ]
A. 7 B. 4 C. 2 D. 3
7. Carnalite is [ ]
A. MgCO3, CaCO3 B. MgCl2, KCl, 6H2O
C. CaSO4, 3H2O D. MgCO3, 2H2O
8. If the pH of a solution is 6, its [H+] is [ ]
A. log 10-6 B. 106 C. 10-6 D. 6
9. This is present in Benedict solution [ ]
A. silver nitrate B. copper carbonate
C. copper oxide D. copper sulphate
10. Chromophore [ ]
A. binds the dye to the fibre B. soaks the cloth
C. imparts colour to the dye
D. intensifies the colour of the dye
II. Fill in the blanks.
11. The scale that is market on index line is called —.
12. Centre seeking force is called —.
13. Oscillations that take place under the influence of external
periodic force are called —.
14. The relationship between magnetic flux density (B), and
intensity of magnetic field (H) is —.
15. The camera that contains cathode rays and photocells is
known as —.
16. Sixth period in a periodic table has — elements.
17. Some substances such as sucrose, glucose etc., when dissolved
in water do not decompose into ions. These substances
are called —.
18. The presence of alcoholic functional group is tested by addition
of — metal.
19. — enzyme breaks the glucose molecule.
20. Azimuthal quantum number (I) gives the — of sub-shell or
III. Match the following:
1) Physics
Group – A Group – B
21. Velocity of sound in air [ ] A) W/q
22. Angular momentum (L) [ ] B) v.i.t/J
23. Quantity of heat [ ] C) √ϒ.P/ρ
24. Magnetic field induction [ ] D) m.ω.r2
25. potential difference [ ] E) √P/ ϒρ
F) m.ω2.r
G) μ0.m/4πr2
2) Chemistry
Group-A Group-B
26. pentene [ ] A) C8H16
27. Octane [ ] B) -COOR
28. Butyne [ ] C) -CHO
29. Ester [ ] D) -C5H12
30. Aldehyde [ ] E) C8H18
F) C5H10
G) C4H6

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