10 Skills Every Student Must Acquire for Good Career

In the globalizing world, nature of jobs and selection methods has been undergoing number of changes. Due to internationalization of corporate companies, Engineering, Management and all other student pursuing professional courses should improve their skill sets in many respects. Following are some of the most important skills every student should inculcate for a good career.

1.    Every student should have computer knowledge in his career.  Keep on learning the basic computer courses throughout the graduation period irrespective of branch.

2.    Keep yourself away from the misconcept about the superiority of a particular branch. Strength and weakness of the student will be counted in the job recruitment. Each branch / subject has its own potential. Reach the higher levels in a particular field and get a superior training.

3.    Priority and motivation should be given to sports and entertainment by forming the clubs to conduct different activities. Leadership qualities should be improved by participating Curricular and co – curricular activities like conducting college functions, participating number of events like technical discussion, paper presentation and quiz

4.    Parents have to monitor the performance of their child in regular intervals. Try to solve the problem faced by your children. There is a scope that the student may get laziness and irregularity in the studies. Because of spy freedom and no physical pressure he may go away from his responsibilities. The parents are advice to be in touch with class staff coordinator and head of the department to know the marks and daily attendance. Motivate your children encourage to participate invention activates and get counseling by suitable experts.

5.    Each student thinks for a bright further and happy life it may be possible with the hard work and proper training in advanced technologies in all the years of your course.

6.    Develop interactive skills, interpersonal skills, mingle ness with others, as a Good communicator, convincing abilities and team sprit.
7.    In any competitive examination like GATE, CAT, GRE aptitude tests are very important. Practice number of problems by collecting more number of books from first year onwards which a lot at the end of course.

8.    Marks plays very important role to mould the career of the students. Many companies are giving importance to first class or distinction graduates. Even for higher studies some of universities giving weight age to marks.

9.    Apart form the education it will be better to have a good character and habits. To achieve this, concentrate on the following points.

A.    Positive thinking and be regular to the classes
B.    Develop time sense.
C.    Make good friend circle and help the other needs.
D.    Participate in social activities like  NSS, NCC
E.    Constant learning and reading
F.    Technical and Literary Clubs – Will help students in honing the managerial skills while allowing them to escape in to creative worlds of learning.
G.    Nature Walks, Meditation and Stress relief classes – Will help in dealing with the mental tantrums and keep the health in fine shape.
H.    Quiz, Drama or Hobbies clubs – Students should invest in hobbies which will allow them time away from academics. These hobbies can be as slow as fishing / bird watching/star gazing to as quickly as quizzing.

10. In conclusion, it is with utmost care and objective implementation that one may get the integration of knowledge. The future is yet to be built with hard work and perseverance.

9 Tips to Overcome Medium Problem

In the present scenario admission to the professional courses like Engineering, MBA etc is much easier because of increase in number of seats and establishment of colleges even in rural areas. Recent estimates indicate that only top 30% to 40% may get jobs in the good sectors. With the increase in competition one should require quality education and additional skills. Not only the knowledge the companies also demands soft skills.  Most of the recruitment sectors observer in the student are  1) Knowledge and intelligence 2) Physical smartness 3) Sharp mind 4) Leadership qualities 5) Fluency in English 6) Communication skills 7) Confidence level 8) Capacity to work in group environment 9) Soft skills 10) Professional ethics 11) Hands on the Experience  in the elevent field.12)  Behavioral skills

One of the major hurdles faced by the rural students is the “medium”.  Even though the teacher may give explanation in regional language some times, for the absorption of the subject in the class room the students are unable to reproduce it properly in the Examinations.  English Communication and lack of subject reproducibility is a usual problem with Telugu medium people.  The indirect effect of this problem is “development of inferiority complex and reduction of leadership quality”.  . If the student is keen to improve their excellence in exams, the following tips may be useful.

1.    Start each day with a greeting in English – Like Good Morning or How do you do. This enhances your confidence levels and adds a feel good factor
2.    Watch as many English News channels as possible. Preferably if you are an Indian, try to watch BBC channels since the pronunciation is in line with ours.
3.    Use sentences to reply to questions rather than a simple YES or NO.
4.    When you are listening to a friend or a speaker, try to rephrase, what you have listened to in English.
5.    Writing questions in English is another effective method of finding answers in English.
6.    Each day practice crosswords/jumbles in English Papers and read English news papers, and science magazines
7.    Start spelling out each word when you write a notes or an article.
8.    Think in English – This is a tip related to MTI, but is not easy to follow. Most of the Language related problems arise due to the inability to think in a particular language. Hence it’s important to think in English.
9.    Now a days most of the Colleges are establishing English Communication skills labs. From first year on wards, utilize communication skills lab seriously and participate in the group discussion with in and outside the college. Involve yourself deeply in seminar paper contest, additional training   classes and competitions conduct by the college, which helps in the campus recruitment and job placement.

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