AP Government officials have proposed a salary of Rs.15000 per month for the newly appointed Grama Sachivalayam employees. There will be around 10 types of vacancies in AP Grama Sachivalayams. The recruitment notification for Grama Sachivalayam vacancies will be announced on 15th July 2019.
Mock Tests / Model Papers:
DSC to conduct interviews:
Grama Sachivalayam employees will be recruited based on the performance in personal interviews. These interviews will be conducted by DSC (District Selection Committees). Grama Sachivalayam vacancies will be filled at the district level by the officials at the district level.
Also Read: Grama Sachivalayam Study Material and Model Tests

Number of Grama Sachivalayams:
There are two proposals with the Government to set up Grama Sachivalayams. If the government consider one sevretariat for 2000 people, a total of 18037 Sachivalayams will be set up. If it consider 5000 population as a unit, total Sachivalayams will be around 9480.
For more information: Grama Sachivalayam Recruitment Notification Details
10 Types of Vacancies:
Details of various posts, qualifications, selection procedure for Grama Sachivalayam vacancies in AP will be announced along with GO and recruitment notification by the Government of AP. There will be 10 types of jobs in Grama Sachivalayams. Along with Grama Sachivalayam vacancies, AP Government has recently filled Grama volunteer vacancies also.
Details of grama volunteer vacancies
Selection Method:
Government of AP is yet to make its mind on the selection procedure for Grama Sachivalayam vacancies. The proposed method of recruitment consists of written examination along with personal interviews. There are doubts over the nature of appointment. All the details will be given in the Grama Sachivalayam notification to be released on 15th July 2019. As the Government is keen on starting Grama sachivalayams from 2nd October 2019, the time for written examination is very less and candidates need to work hard to succeed in the exam.
Syllabus for exam:
The syllabus for Grama Sachivalayam exam will consist of the topics of general studies prescribed for Groups exams. Candidates need to focus of welfare schemes, Navaratnalu, rural development and AP specific topics.