10th Class Physical Science – Objective Questions with Answers 2016

1. The scientist who introduced elliptical orbit ……
a) Bohr b) Zeeman c) Sommerfeld d) Schrodinger
2. If l = 1 for an atom, the number of orbitals in its sub-shell is …..
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 0
3. The reciprocal of resistivity is ……
a) conduction b) conductivity c) resistance d) potential difference
4. No two electrons will have all the four quantum numbers same. This is known as ……
a) Aufbau Principle b) Hund’s rule
c) Pauli exclusion principle d) Amper’s rule
5. The relation between wavelength (λ) ….. frequency (υ) …… and speed (c) is ……
a) c = υ λ b) υ = c λ c) λ =cυ d) c = υ+λ
6. The lowest energy state of the electron is known as ……..
a) ground state b) unknown state c) excited state d) all the above
7. ‘d’ orbitals shape is ……….
a) spherical b) dumb bell c) double dumb bell d) cylindrical
8. Electrons are assigned to orbitals in order of increasing value of …………..
a) n b) l c) (n + l) d) nl
9. Which of the following is the most active metal?
a) Lithium b) Sodium c) Potassium d) Rubidium
10. At the time of Robert Boyle number of elements known are ……..
a) 63 b) 115 c) 91 d) 13
11. Eka-Aluminium was later found to be …..
a) Aluminium b) Scandium c) Germanium d) Gallium
12. Modern Periodic table has ……….
a) 7 periods, 18 groups b) 18 periods, 7 groups
c) 8 groups, 8 periods d) 18 periods, 8 groups
13. Both lanthanides and actinides are …….
a) d-block elements b) s-block elements
c) f-block elements d) p-block elements
14. Given R1 = 100 Ω and R2 = 1 Ω the effective resistance when these are connected in parallel ………..
a) 0.99 Ω b) 9.9 Ω c) 0.909 Ω d) 101 Ω
15. Group 14 (IV A) family is called ………..
a) Oxygen family b) Nitrogen Family
c) Carbon Family d) Boron family
16. V-Shaped molecule is ………..
a) PCl3 b) H2O c) PCl5 d) NH3
17. Which of the following elements is electronegative?
a) Sodium b) Oxygen c) Magnesium d) Calcium
18. No electron gain or loss from this atom ….
a) Sulphur b) Hydrogen c) Neon d) Nitrogen
19. The coordination number of Na+ ion in NaCl is ………….
a) 6 b) 8 c) 5 d) 3
20. Unit of specific resistance …….
a) ohm b) meter c) ohm-meter d) ohm/ meter
21. The Octet rule is not valid for the
molecule …….
a) CO2 b) SO2 c) BeCl2 d) O2
22. 18th group elements are …….
a) Metals b) Non-metals c) Metalloids d) Gases
23. Joule / Coulomb is the same as …….
a) 1-watt b) 1-volt c) 1-ampere d) 1-ohm

Answers : 1-c 2-c 3-b 4-c 5-a 6-a 7-c 8-c 9-d 10-d 11-d 12-a 13-c 14-a 15-c 16-b 17-b 18-c 19-a 20-c 21-c 22-d 23-b.

1. Which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy?
a) Motor b) Battery c) Generator d) Switch
2. Scientist who discovered the Laws of electromagnetic induction?
a) Maxwell b) Planck c) Newton d) Faraday
3. 1 Tesla =
a) Weber / meter b) Weber / (meters)2
c) Weber.meter d) Weber.meter2
4. Magnetic field lines are …….
a) Real lines b) Imaginary lines c) Geometric lines d) Induction lines
5. Right hand rule is applicable to …… charge only
a) Positive b) Negative c) Neutral d) None
6. Hydrocarbons that contain -OH group are called
a) Alkanes b) Esters c) Alcohols d) Aldehydes
7. This is used as ‘lead’ in pencil
a) Carbon b) Graphite c) Lampblack d) Coke
8. The magnetic field lines in a solenoid are
a) closed loops b) open loops c) mixed loops d) intersecting loops
9. The most abundant metal in the earth’s crust is ……
a) Silver b) Aluminium c) Zinc d) Iron
10. The oil used in froth flotation process…..
a) Kerosene oil b) Pine oil c) Coconut oil d) Olive oil
11. Thermite reaction is a ……. reaction.
a) Endothermic b) Exothermic c) Reverse d) Physical
12. The hardest material is known as
a) Petroleum coke b) Diamond
c) Wood charcol d) Buck minister fullerene
13. Stainless steel is a mixture of
a) Iron + Nickel + Chromium b) Iron + Carbon
c) Iron + Carbon + Nickel d) Iron + Chromium
14. This is a method of improving the properties of a metal…..
a) Refining b) Reduction c) Alloying d) Roasting
15. 24 Carat gold is very …….
a) hard b) brittle c) soft d) hard and brittle
16. Which of the following solution of acetic acid in water can be used as preservative?
a) 5 -10% b) 10 -15% c) 15 – 20% d) 100%

Answers : 1-c 2-d 3-b 4-b 5-a 6-c 7-b 8-a 9-b 10-b 11-b 12-b 13-a
14-c 15-c 16-a.

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