10th Class English – Conversation Model Questions for Public Exams

Following are conversation practice questions from the lesson The Brave Potter of SSC / 10th Class for public exams of Andhra Pradesh Board. Students can practice these to score good marks in public exams.

Read the following lines. (2 × 1= 2 M)


‘You horrible beast!’ a voice screamed angrily. ‘How dare you run away? How dare you make me walk about in the middle of the night trying to find you! Be careful, one of these days I’ll kill you! Now, go home!’ (The Brave Potter)

Now, answer the following questions:
1. Who talked to whom in the passage?
2. What was the mood of the speaker?

1. A potter talked to the tiger (beast)
2. Angry mood


On the afternoon of that day, a potter had arrived home after a hard day’s work. He was tired and thirsty. He had asked his wife for some palm-wine. (The Brave Potter)
Now, answer the following questions:
1. Who was tired and thirsty?
2. What did he ask his wife?

1. The potter 2. Some palm-wine

Also Read: How to Score Good Marks / Grade in 10th English – Tips and Tricks

Read the following carefully. (5 Marks)

‘I want to join IIT.’
His father stopped reading the newspaper.
He lifted his head, looked at the boy and said with a heavy voice …….

Now, write a possible conversation between Murthy and his father.


Father : See Murthy, I am very happy you qualified the entrance test.
Murthy : Thank you dad.
Father : I’m definitely proud of you my boy but I’m sure you know our financial position.
Murthy : But father, I’ve got a very good rank. It is a much better rank compared to my friend.
Father : I know but, I have a big family to take care of. You are not the only child I
Murthy : Father, why can’t we take an education loan?
Father : Well my boy it is not that easy. We don’t have any security to produce.
Murthy : I’ll repay it later, once I get a job.
Father : That’s anyway going to cost a lot my boy. You are a sensible child and I expect you to understand our constraints.

Also Read: AP 10th Class Model Papers and Blue Prints for Public Exams

Example – 2
Write a conversation between two friends regarding dignity of labour.

Raju : I know that look. You are in some sort of trouble.
Ravi : Yes. I want somebody to carry my luggage. But now there is nobody here.
Raju : Why can’t you carry your luggage?
Ravi : You know, I shun physical labour.

Raju : Why?

Ravi : I am educated. I am a government employee.
Raju : So what?
Ravi : If I carry luggage, the world will laugh at me.
Raju : Self-help is the best help.
Ravi : I will be belittled. I will lose my dignity.
Raju : It is a false prestige. Realise the importance of dignity of labour
Ravi : Thank you for your suggestion.

10 thoughts on “10th Class English – Conversation Model Questions for Public Exams”

  1. In the lesson, ” What is my name ? the housewife sarada, felt very happy when she came to know achievements from her friend. She felt proud of her achievements before her marriage. She wanted her husband to identify her as an intelligent, independent women rather than only as a house wife. She tells her husband to call her by her name only and shows him her certificates and medals.

    Now write a possible CONVERSATION between sarada and her husband in the above context.


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